Thursday, August 8, 2019


There was a rock launch scheduled for 5:44
this morning. I slept through it.
When I woke at 6, I turned on the TV to the news
(because that usually puts me back to sleep)
and they said the launch was pushed back a bit
because of a minor glitch but should go off soon.
They went on to other stories.
And then they said... we're going live to the launch
and I heard 5...4...3... as I dashed down the hall
from my bedroom to the back door.

"Live" means it's already in the air.
They don't go live anymore.
Learned their lesson with the Challenger.

By the time I got to the yard it was up over the trees
and I got to watch it streak up into the sky,
hit the rising sunlight and the humidity.
Those are the most beautiful launches.

When it was done I ran back inside to grab
my phone to catch a couple of pictures.

I like the smoke trail almost as much as the rocket.
It's almost a rainbow with the sun hitting it.

Beautiful, isn't it?
Reminds me of the cover art of one of 
Mom's old books I used to look at in the basement.

This is NOT my photo, but beautiful.
I wish I could figure out how to share the
video from Tampa on here.
Amazing how clearly they saw it, all the way
over on the other side of the state!
(We call it the West Coast - not to be confused
with California... lol)


Speaking of humidity.
And rain.

I turned the horses out into the front yard.
I always do on Thursdays.
That's the day all the city people come next
door to pick up their groceries.
And I don't want them messing with my horses.
(Sometimes they try to feed them stuff
over the fence... no thanks!)


This is what I saw on my fence!

They are probably poison.

But they are fun to look at.

And they'll be gone soon.
But they were fun to see.

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