Sunday, August 25, 2024

Cidar Press

 We had a good market yesterday.

I brought some zucchini and yellow squash.
I only sold a few of each of those.
Most people either have it growing in their garden
or their neighbor has been sharing with them.

But I also brought some freeze dried apples.
And those were a hit.
I didn't sell out, but sold $56 worth.
(At $3 a bag...)
The little jars are samples.

I also brought a big jar of freeze dried
ice cream sandwich bites for people to taste.
EVERY single person LOVED them.
(Except one. There's always one.)
So I promised to bring some to sell next week.
I originally was only giving them to the vendors.
I always bring something to share with them,
and I guess they mentioned them to their
customers because people came over and asked
for a taste...

We had the largest group of vendors we've ever had.
I got there a few minutes late (I was on the phone with
Rod and the UHaul guy getting the truck paid for...)
so when I got there, a young lady was selling 
flavored lemonade in my spot.
Guess I'll need to be on time from now on..... lol.

Next to me was a food truck selling fancy drinks.
And next to them was the snow cone family.

We had a good turnout of folks buying as well.
Young families, older residents, even a few college students.

After it was over, Dave invited me to his home
to watch him and his wife, Mary, press the honeycrisp
apples they just picked from their tree.
So about 2:00 I headed over there.

It's a good old fashioned hand cranked press.

She cut the apples into halves and cut out all the
bad spots. (They only press the damaged ones...)

Then he ground them down and then put a wood
block on them and screwed it down with a giant screw.
The juice came running out the bottom into a bucket
and then we poured that into jugs.

They invited me into their basement.
(I haven't been in a basement in FOREVER!)
where they had buckets of the good, undamaged apples.
I had mentioned last week I would love to buy some.

So he offered me a bucket. 
They are reluctant to sell them because she uses 
them for all sorts of things... but they got a bumper
crop this year. Their tree was so loaded the branches
were laying on the ground.
I bought a 7 gallon bucket for $30.
(She asked $25, but that was a LOT of apples...)

I'll be processing apples for a bit, I guess!
They are SO delicious though. We will keep some
for just fresh eating.
Honeycrisp is one of our favorites.

She also handed me a tray of tomatoes as I was leaving.
She didn't see them when she was packing up for
the market and had already processed the ones
that didn't sell, and then turned around and found
this extra tray. And their garden is full of MORE.

Time to learn what to do with them I guess.

All in all, it was a good, busy day.

Meanwhile, the guys got the truck nearly loaded.
They worked HARD all day.
They will finish up today and hit the road Monday.

Again, please keep them in your prayers.
I'll update as I can, but I expect to see them
on Wednesday!!!!!!

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