Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Treats, Tuesday and... other stuff

 Our FedEx guy came by to deliver the
check for the sale of the AZ property.

He's been here before.
Usually he just leaves stuff on the porch,
but if it's an envelope he knocks.

Last time, Beau freaked out.
(As dogs do when someone comes to the door...)

This time he knocked.
I came to the door while holding
Beau's collar.

He reached down to Beau with a big
ol' dog treat!!!
Smart man!

Beau has never had a milk bone type treat.
He wasn't sure how he felt about it,
but was busy thinking about IT instead
of biting the guy at the door.

He got it figured out though.
And was SOLD.

Yesterday it was 103 degrees.
And about that in the house.

I filled a tub with cold water for him to sit in.
(And another one for MY feet!)

Once he was all nice and wet and cooled off,
he climbed into his bed for a snooze.
Rinse and repeat over and over and over all day.
(And then his bed was wet, so it was also
kind of cool to the touch....)

That worked until I had to teach.
And then I turned on the window unit in my office.
It's LOUD and sitting in my office chair all day
isn't a ton of fun, so I wait until I HAVE to go
in there to turn it on.

Meanwhile, Kyle stopped by Home Depot after
spending the day at the farm and picked up
a portable swamp cooler.
(Because all the portable AC units were sold out...)
He could have ordered one and had it delivered
later this week, but he was hot NOW.
And today the high is only 88.
And then in the 70s for the rest of the week.
And he will be able to use the cooler in
HIS house in the future.
(And, probably most important, it was $99 and
 the AC unit was over $400...)

We decided to hold off on getting the AC fixed
until Rod gets here so we don't have the
"take advantage of the old lady" thing going on.
We'll be fine.
We've got this figured out!


Anonymous said...

Our AC died this week, too! Tom's getting it replaced tomorrow, so that's the good news. And Doc let Sabrina borrow a portable one they don't use. It's doing it's best, but it mostly does the living room. - J

P.s.- The storm wasn't too bad. I was out cleaning pools with Robby all day in it. We didn't die. Also. Sabrina says hi.

Anonymous said...

Hi!!! You're getting Amazon tomorrow!! ❤️