Friday, August 30, 2024


 The guys made it!
They got here late Wednesday night.
I had finished teaching and was standing
outside waiting for them when they pulled up.

It was a LONG two days.
The dogs were anxious to get out of their crates.
And then we put their crates in the garage
and stuck them right back in again for the night.
Poor girls.

Yesterday after a breakfast of bacon and eggs
and a walk around the blocks for the dogs,
we headed up to Hill City to unload the truck
into the storage unit.

Well darn.
I thought I took some pictures.
Guess not.

It's STUFFED to the gills.
We got a little sprinkle of rain a couple of times,
but nothing big.
It was POURING at the farm though.
(Hill City is only 10 minutes from the farm,
so we could see it raining over that way.)

We finally got all finished about 4:00
and headed to Pizza Hut.

Little mid-west towns.
They all have a Dollar General and a Pizza Hut.
(And that's about it.)

It was delicious, and since it wasn't really
a standard meal time, we had the place to ourselves.
Just us and the manager. He said all his people
called out sick.

While we were there, the storms finally caught
up with us and it rained pretty good.
So we made the decision NOT to take the U-Haul
out to the farm. The roads are kind of slick
going up and down the hills when it is raining.
They dry quickly, but while it's raining its
a little bit of a challenge if you are driving
something big and heavy.
(or small and light)
There are often tire marks in the road where
somebody was trying to get somewhere...

We headed back to the house.
It was still raining, so we came in and settled
into the living room for some TV and rest.
I made some muffins for a late evening snack.
(We were all still full from Pizza Hut.)
Rod headed off to bed about 9.
(That's 10 Florida time, it will take him a 
bit to adjust to the change...)

Kyle and I were off by 11.

This morning Rod has been unpacking his truck.
This is a SMALL house - so now there are things
tucked under all the beds and in all the 
closets and cupboards.
I'm trying NOT to have stuff cluttered in piles.
That raises my anxiety levels to an uncomfortable
point and life's too short to be stressed all the time.

We just had breakfast and now we are going to
go take the dogs out for a walk.

Mom and Dad sent Rod a marble checkers set
for his birthday.
Can't wait to play it on nice dark, cold evenings.

Thank you guys!
It's beautiful!

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