Thursday, August 1, 2024

Fantastic News!

 We accepted an offer this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a full price offer.
They are pre-approved for their loan.
They don't need to sell another house first.
(That has been the biggest hurdle. LOTS of people
loved the house and really really want it, just as
soon as they sell theirs.....)
We turned down an offer this morning of
$10k over asking, but they have to sell their
million dollar beachside house.
Who KNOWS how long that could take.
So, no, thanks.

The "Under Contract" picture is coming soon.
Our realtor is on a motorcycle vacation in
South Dakota this week.
As soon as she gets back in town she will
change the sign.

We are both so excited!

It's been 8 weeks since we've seen each other.
Longer, even, than when he was driving a truck.

However, the logistics of my getting there for
an in-person closing is just not something we
can do, since Kyle also has to be there to
finish packing up and drive all the final stuff
(garage - tools, etc...) so we will have to do
a virtual closing. 

Our close date is August 30!

Thank you, everybody, for all the prayers
on our behalf.
We are beyond grateful.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

That is SUCH wonderful news!! Congratulations!!