I feel like maybe I'm on the upside now?
Ok, just random stuff....
1. I taught the class again last night. Had 14 students. Told them,
"I'm sick... and so is the only other instructor... so I'm going
to do the best I can. If my camera suddenly goes black,
it's because I'm having a coughing fit... I'll be back. Probably.
And if it gets too bad, I'm going to cancel class."
I had to go dark several times, but made it through.
2. This morning I am feeling a little better, but I'm going
to dig into my "stash" and pull out some "pony paste"
Ivermectin and take a slug of it this morning.
3. I ordered some dried mullien (a weed, basically)
and it should arrive today or tomorrow. I'll make a tea
with it - reports are it is REALLY good for your lungs.
Lots of people swear by it for when their asthma flares up
(SABRINA!!!) so I'll give it a try and report back.
4. Mom sent me a darling little packet yesterday full
of FUN earrings, etc!
Aren't they cure!
EGADS, my mouse pad is DISGUSTING!
It's about 25 years old.
Rod made it for me.
(The filthy corner isn't stuck down anymore
and while I'm teaching I fiddle with it... gross!)
Ok, I'm sick.
I haven't put on any make up.
But the earrings are adorable!
And match my grey hair!
5. I saw something hilarious online the other day.
What's the difference between GRAY and GREY?
Gray is a color.
Grey is a colour.
(Love Canadian humor)
6. I just got this month's power bill.
After a month of "winter" weather and
running the furnace (admittedly, only at 72
during the day and 68 at night...)
my power bill went DOWN by $30!
I guess gas is WAAAY cheaper than electricity.
So I walked into the living room and cranked
that baby up to 75. (This house heats up
quickly so we'll make adjustments as needed...)
(Yes, I'm CHEAP!)
I'm also returning the large space heater
I bought for the living room. It was $72
and doesn't work that great.
7. I made the MOST DELICOUS
Old Fashioned Molasses Cookies
the other day. I upped the ginger a smidge
and they tasted just like Mom's ginger cookies
I remember from my childhood!
I have been buying gingersnaps for years
searching for that memory.
And this was IT!!!
However, I had to cream the butter and sugar
with my Danish Wisk because I couldn't
find the little hand mixer I brought with me.
8. When your house is only 71 degrees,
butter does NOT cream easily when you are
doing it by hand with a Danish Wisk!
I was on the phone with Soni and remembered she
gave me an immersion blender (which I use ALL THE TIME)
but it came with a wisk attachment... I could use that?
So when I pulled out the drawer to find the attachment...
there was the hand mixer!!!
Cute, eh?
It's tiny, but surprisingly strong.
COOKIES coming!!
(We only have crumbs left from the last batch...)
10. Speaking of the cookies, I made them for our
ward Linger Longer last week after church.
They had the Ward Christmas Party on Saturday night
and then had a Linger Longer the next day and
served all the leftovers!
(I didn't send the cookies... sick... sent freeze dried
Christmas marshmallows, Rod said they were a hit...)
11. On the subject of being sick...
I'm taking lots of Oregano and D3.
Also keeping a Chime ginger candy in my mouth
most of the time... seems to help with the coughing.
I found a variety pack on Amazon and have them on
subscribe and save - I get a bag every month.
Thanks Nancy for turning me on to them!
They help!
And they are DELICIOUS!
12. I asked Kyle to get me a picture of the oil
rig for Dad - he said we had a cold snap and the
guys put up scaffolding and tarps all around the site
so now it just looks like a big tent.
You can't see ANYTHING.
Sorry Dad! No updates.....
OK, an even dozen should be good for today.
Love it!!!
Let me know, for sure!! ❤️-S
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