Sunday, December 29, 2024


 I got to attend Ward Council this morning since
our YW president is under the weather.
After the meeting, the Ward Clerk asked if
I happened to play the piano.
I said I hadn't in a year... but yes, I can play.

We had NOBODY to play for Sacrament Meeting.
Our regular organist (who is REALLY good) had
shoulder surgery and can't lift her arm.
The backup is the YW Pres and she was out.
The next one is line is out of town for the holiday....

luckily they had picked easy hymns, all except
the intermediate hymn.
Have I Done Any Good in the World Today.
Which isn't "hard" but for some reason I was
really stumbling with it.
But I knew it would be ok.
(I was playing the piano, not the organ, I haven't
even looked at it and have no idea what stops to use...)

The 1st youth speaker was excellent and short.
The 2nd speaker is a lovely sister and she
talked and talked and talked and talked and
when she finally finished there were 5 minutes 
left in the meeting.
So, no intermediate hymn, no final speaker...
just the closing hymn (We Thank Thee Oh God
For A Prophet... nice and easy...) and we were done!

(Our piano the day we sold it... Oct 9, 2023)

It was fun, and I enjoyed it.
Maybe they will call me to be the primary pianist
and release me from YW? 

(The Bishop said... OH! NOW we know you can play!)
Sounded ominous.

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