Friday, December 20, 2024

Done! (Kind of...)

 So the family we are making the blankets for
decided to try to leave a little earlier than originally
intended (they were leaving right after church on Sunday)
and so the Sister Sisters came over last night and
picked up the 7 blankets I had finished so far.
(Not bad considering I only started on Friday afternoon!)

I spread them out on the floor so you could see.

Dinah taught me how to do them as a granny square.
I'm having lots of fun doing it that way!

Plus we have the 5 black and white ones.

Before I started that project I had just finished making
this one for Kyle's bed. It's 3 strands together on a smaller
hook than I'm using now (I think it's an N?) so it is 
tighter and SUPER heavy!
His room is "last" in the line of duct work so he 
doesn't get much in the way of either A/C or heat so 
his room stays chilly in the winter. (Plus he has 2 exterior
walls...) so having a big heavy blanket was kind of nice.
I had planned to keep it for Christmas, but he needed it...
He picked out the colors.

Meanwhile, yesterday I went out and helped him plant
a couple of the trees we bought.
He has dry-fit the cabinets for the kitchen.
He has another upper on the other side of the window
I think, but I'm not sure...

He also built the "closet" for his washer and dryer.
I thought I took a picture of his bathroom too,
but I guess not.
And no pictures of the baby trees.
They are little tiny fir branches sticking
out of the ground.
Remember the TINY trees we got from Mayor Jack Leslie?
I was in ... grade 1? grade 2?
They turned into those GIANT trees in the front yard.
So I'm holding out hope for these little guys.
He got 50 planted yesterday.
250 more to go.
(Not all firs)

In the evenings he likes to draw.
This is what he has been working on lately.
Cute, eh?
He's enjoying working with pencil.

I just had this week's YW Presidency meeting.
I finished another adult sized blanket while I was teaching,
and then I started a half-sized one for a child.
I plan to take them down the "The Well" here in town.
It's a little coffee/smoothie shop that is the fund raiser
for a ministry for a local congregation.
They provide counseling services and other services
for some of the folks in town who need help.
So I thought I would use the last of the yarn and make
2 adult and 1 child blanket and take it down there for them
to donate to whomever could use them.

And then I'll think of a different project.
But for now I'm enjoying this!
(They delivered TWENTY blankets, some candy
and some beef jerky to the Farmers to take out to 
N. Carolina. They have to take it in by horseback,
and their pack mule's pack is FULL.)
They hope to go again next month, but will only be
able to get in via snow mobile and will have to
beg, borrow, rent... one so won't likely be able
to take a bunch of other stuff. But we'll cross
that bridge when we get there.

In the meantime, it's COLD here and I'm sure there
are folks in town who could use a blanket.

And now?
I'm heading back into the living room to finish 
watching my Hallmark movie and get ready to 
start my LAST CLASS FOR 2024 in an hour.

And the main character was wearing this necklace.
I TOTALLY love it!

Terrible pictures, but I think it's cute.
Heavy chain, reminds me of the 90's
"News Anchor Necklace"... and then 2 strands
of chunky paste jewels in multi colors, 
hooked to the thick chain so there are only
gems in the front third of the necklace.

I thought it was adorable.
I liked that no two stones were the same.
Different cuts, shapes, colors, sizes...

Back to crocheting.
Have a wonderful rest of your day!
And I'll try to post again sometime during the weekend.

(I'm also re-filling my fancy hot chocolate mug because
it's a little chilly in the house today!)

1 comment:

rktucson said...

I had my hot chocolate mug filled twice this week. It was 30 something two mornings, but has also been as high as mid 80s later in the day! Crazy December weather here!!
Love the blankets, Kyle's kitchen, and the cool necklace, though I don't think I could pull it off!!