Monday, September 10, 2018

I'm Home

It was a fabulous trip!
And thankfully the flight home was
significantly better than the flight out.
(But it GOT me there, so that's good!)

We got back to Orlando a couple minutes
early even! Poor Rod had to drive around
for 30 minutes just to find a parking spot
(on the roof)
so it's a good thing he was plenty early.

I was SUPER happy to see him
sitting under a palm tree in the airport.
I missed him!

I got to ride in his new little car.
It's a terrific little car!
Counting Jim, we now have
and TWO VW Jettas
(and 2 Ford F250's)
Not much variety in our lives.
Or we know good vehicles when we drive 'em.

We headed over to the dealership to sign all the necessary papers. (It helps to have
an "in" with the boss - they let Rod "test drive"
until I got home!)

Fortunately for Jim, he was busy selling another car.
Unfortunately for us, he didn't get done until it was
too late to do our paperwork.
Home to feed the animals.
And back out again.
We were out of dog food, so it was off to WalMart.
And then it was late.
So we got Chick Fil-A.

It was good to be home!

My computer turned itself off right here.
(It doesn't like when I sit on the couch...
only when I sit in the armchair.
I'm posting this anyway.

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