Tuesday, September 11, 2018


I am NOT the queen of the selfie.
In fact, I'm pretty bad at them.

But who cares?
This was at Riff's.
At the end of a long day.
At the beginning of a fabulous meal!

Breakfast at the Village Diner!
Yup, early (ha) in the morning.
We didn't sleep well the night before...
But we sure had FUN!

Not your traditional selfie...
but possibly our best one!

Ready for an afternoon nap.

Not a selfie... but she looked so beautiful!
The queso blah blah something spanish
The sandwiches that followed...
not so much.

But we sure had a blast.
I know,
it seems like all we did was eat.
Well, and shop.
And talk.
But that's not ALL we did.
We also walked.
While eating,
and talking.

Not shown,
our "daily visit" to
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.
Because they had the BEST
salted caramels.
And the BEST raspberry truffles.
That tasted just like Big Turks.
(I had a couple of sugar free ones
and they were seriously exactly as good!)

I think this should be a regular event.


Got my hair trimmed yesterday.
So here it is...

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