Monday, September 10, 2018

Its Fun Til Somebody Gets Poked In The Eye

I'm not sure what happened exactly.
The dogs play pretty rough sometimes.
And the chickens get annoyed
and have been known to peck sometimes.

Whatever it was,
I came home to Beau having what looked
like an infection in his eye.
We took him to the vet on Friday.

No ulcer.
But definitely irritated.
It even looked better after
she irrigated it.
But he needs goop in it twice a day.
And an antibiotic once a day.

And, of course, the cone of shame.

Poor guy!

They recommended we go to PetSmart and get him
an inflatable collar thing.
More comfortable than the plastic cone.
So we got him one.

Turns out, he has a really big neck.
And when you put an inflatable pillow around
his neck, he can't lay down.

So, yeah, that went back to the store.
And the fancy plastic ones were $25.

So I headed back to the vet's office
and got a plane jane, vanilla, boring cone.

He can't eat or drink.
But he CAN lay down.
And since that's how he spends 95% of his time...
I call it good enough.
I can take it off when he needs to eat / drink.

Here's hoping I can put it back on again.
He's pretty good.
He tried to bite the vet when she put
goop in his eye, but he comes right
over, lays his head in my lap and lets
me put it right on his eye ball.
So... maybe?

Meanwhile, his eye is looking much better.
He has a follow up appointment on Friday.
Hopefully he will be pronounced cured.
And cone free.

(In other news, I now have a sty in my left eye...)
Sympathy sty?
Or a reaction to actually wearing REAL makeup
every day since Nancy taught me how.
(I've been SUPER careful not to touch him and/or my face...
but whatever. I refuse to wear a cone.)

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