Checking in.
I realized I didn't do any posts last week!
Not like I was busy or anything...
Friday was a quick trip to the ranch
with Linda and her friend Carla.
We didn't get out of town until 2:00
and it's a 3 hour drive.
We went by the ranch and checked out
the cows. There are now 15 babies on the ground!
Kyle was working hard in one of the front
pastures, trimming low hanging branches
on the oak trees along the perimeter so he could
more easily run his tractor / mower under there.
I didn't even think to take any pictures.
We were heading up front to visit with him,
when Linda looked at her watch and realized
we had spent WAAY more time checking out
baby cows than we thought and we were late.
There was a Cattleman's Association fund raising
dinner in the next town over we were supposed
to be attending. We missed the hor derves hour.
But FINALLY found it (despite GPS)
and made it just in time for the dinner.
It was really nice. Outside under a giant white tent.
So it was HOT. And HUMID.
The tent held in all the heat, humidity, and noise.
And effectively kept out most of the breeze.
But it was a true cattleman's dinner.
Steaks half the size of your dinner plate!
Baked potatoes.
And a really yummy salad-y-thing.
And of course deserts (which I skipped).
We enjoyed sitting at a random table with
two really nice couples and a college aged
young lady who was FASCINATING!
She works at the "sale barn" and processing
facility - has worked with cattle her entire
life and was really interesting to talk to.
(Had some fun pictures on her phone of
"Midnight" her 4H steer.)
A long drive up and another long drive back.
And we didn't ever get to talk to Kyle.
(It was dark by the time we left the dinner
and he was headed back to his hotel.)
Saturday morning found him taking delivery
on his new mobile home.
Single-wide - 2 bedroom, 2 bath, very
basic and ... what's a polite way to say
cheap - in price and construction...
But better than living in either a hotel or a tent.
Not half as good as living in HIS tiny house...
but we have to work within the rules.
That was an adventure in and of itself.
They were supposed to deliver it on Friday,
but their regular driver up and quit Friday morning.
So they had to recruit a couple of other guys
to bring it over on Saturday.
And when they got there, they couldn't make
it through the gate. (Kyle could have, but,
you know, insurance, blah blah blah...)
And, of course, they
could have gone through the "main" gate,
but since that gate technically has a different
street address than the gate they were trying
to enter through, they didn't even think of it.
Poor Kyle was so stressed he didn't think of it either.
They got there with the 14' wide mobile home,
blocking the entire little dirt road and causing
many neighbors to be unhappy...
so ever the resourceful guy, Kyle took down
3 sections of fence to let them in!
And once they were in, it turns out they were
just dropping it off. Next a crew is coming out
(some day) to build up a dirt pad to put it on.
And then they will have to dig the septic,
and then run the plumbing and electric...
so he is still a good ways from having a place
to live - so it's hotel living for him still.
Would be nice if he could at least run an
extension cord (or his generator) and plug in
the fridge and microwave so he could eat
something besides Taco Bell.
But there IS a house on the horizon,
so that's good.
While he was dealing with that,
Rod and I went to our first "Super Senior"
activity - a "Bring Your Own" picnic down
at the Turkey Creek trail system.
It was HOT.
It was HUMID.
We had 10 people show up.
There was lots of fun conversation,
a short walk down the boardwalk for those
who felt like it,
and a nice air conditioned visitor's center
for those who didn't.
And then off to WalMart to get dog food
and home for both of us to take naps.
Sunday, Rod got to speak in our old ward,
and since there are 5 Sundays this month,
I moved my school back a week so I could
be there with him.
His topic was Fasting and Fast Offerings
and he did a really good job.
We had a friend take our picture in the parking lot.
He looked really good.
I had no idea my hair looked so silly.
But whatever.
This morning I mowed the grass.
Takes me about an hour or more.
I don't mow as fast as the guys do.
But I put on my headphones and listen to some
music and enjoy the "breeze" in the sunshine.
Got lots of good Vitamin D.
And it looks better.
Kyle hooked up his giant trailer, loaded his
Caterpillar and went over to work on a
lot for a new house for a friend in the other ward.
Ended up helping load a bunch of left over wood
and then loaded up a bunch of busted up concrete
slabs into his dump truck and took it to the dump.
A good day's work for him.
I baked a couple rashers of bacon.
Hey! Nancy!
Remember this?
Such a pretty sweater!
I took a picture to see if I could copy it.
Guess what I saw on TV today????
That's my sweater!!!!
It was a segment on fall fashion.
Clearly they don't live in Florida.
(Or Arizona)
Cute sweater though.
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