Not that you were privy to the saga...
WAAAAY back in August, I saw an infomertial
on a new air fryer.
I love my air fryer.
I use it nearly every day.
The drawer has worn out.
The inner liner falls out of the outer
drawer every time I use it.
I just keep a wooden spatula there so
I can support the bottom of the drawer
and everything is fine.
But this NEW air fryer doesn't have a drawer.
It has a DOOR!
And a ROTISIERRE thingie that ROTATES!
So I ordered it.
The next day I was at Walmart and there it WAS!
For $40 LESS!
So I called the 800 number and tried to cancel
the order of the previous day.
Sorry Ma'am. It has already been pulled
and is scheduled to ship.
When it gets there, just refuse the shipment
and when we get it back, we will credit your account.
That certainly sounded easy.
I was actually still at Walmart while making this
phone call - standing in front of the only one
left in the store.
(Guarding my turf...)
Bought the air fryer.
Brought it home.
It doesn't get quite as hot as my old one,
so things don't cook quite as quickly.
But it sure does a lovely job of my morning
okra and yellow squash!
(In the rotating basket!)
And it made an amazing roast on the
rotisserie thingie - moist, flavorful,
And lots of other random yummy things.
I'm very happy.
Meanwhile, I got notice the original air fryer was
going to arrive on Saturday. While I was out of town
teaching my class.
So I went online and changed the delivery instructions
from my house to the local Walgreen's FedEx counter.
On Monday when I got back in town,
I went to Walgreen's to refuse the shipment.
I told her it was a pretty big, heavy box, and if
she would rather just get the numbers off,
she wouldn't have to carry it out to the counter
and then carry it back in to the back again,
since I was refusing receipt and she would have
to ship it back anyway.
She said no problem,
brought the box out anyway so she could
do her thing with her little electronic thingie.
When she was done, she said, great!
All you need to do is sign.
So I did.
And I left.
And when I got home I got a text that my
brand new air fryer had been successfully delivered to me.
Back to Walgreen's to tell them NO!
I didn't receive it - YOU STILL HAVE IT!
She messed with her little electronic gadget
and swiped the code on the box
like NINE times.
FINALLY she said... ok, I've got it right now.
I waited for a week.
I waited for 10 days.
Still no credit on my account.
So I called the vendor.
No ma'am, it shows it was delivered to you on
August 25th.
Back to Walgreens.
Yup, it is still sitting right there.
I talked to the manager who said he would
see that it was "refused" and he had me write
my phone number on the box so he could call
me if there were any problems.
No call.
No credit.
Another drive into town to the local Walgreens.
Of course, it's still sitting right there.
I gave up and took it home.
Was thinking about giving it to Jim for Christmas.
But then I realized he would likely never use it.
And if I decided to give him one, I could buy
one from WalMart and save $40.
So this morning I called the vendor to figure out
what to do next. He said he could get me a Return
Authorization code and all I would have to do
was pay $60 shipping.
NO WAY!!!!
I told him the whole sad story.
He said Call FedEx and tell them.
(Even gave me the number!)
So I did.
He said, tough.
I said,
I didn't want it then,
I don't want it now,
your associate made the error.
He scheduled a free pickup tomorrow morning
at my front gate a 8:00 am.
(well not really - sometime tomorrow between
8 and 8... but believe me, I will be home,
sitting in a chair in the shade under my oak tree,
with a book, some music, a drink and the box!)
Fingers crossed.

It really IS a nice little oven thingie!
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