Thursday, October 10, 2024

All Is Well

How did the day get away from me???

I had a nice chat with Soni
and then I made some french toast out of the
last of the loaf of raisin bread.
It was more like french biscotte... lol.


Then Kyle and I sat down and ordered
some bareroot trees to plant at the farm.
We got some blue spruce and some colorado
spruce and some blue hydrangea.
30 years from now they will be beautiful.
(Like the pines in front of 49)

And then he set up a sprinkler for the
backyard that should water everything
(except the carrots - the peas are too tall...)

And then we brought in the file cabinet that
has been hiding in the garage so I can
FINALLY feel organized around my office.

And then FedEx delivered a bunch of big
ol' boxes from a Sams Club order I made.
We either ate or donated most of our
food storage and I've been feeling
really unsettled without it.

So the other day I took care of some of that.
I'm slowly building it back up with my
freeze dryer, but there was stuff like
Spam, yeast, flour, raisins, rice and
that sort of thing that I needed to stock up on.

Look at all those jars of pickles!!! I'm so proud of those!

So my little office is looking more like
a food storage room.
But I'm MUCH happier!

After the market on Saturday I'm going to
take all the freeze dried stuff out of those
little white display trays and repackage
them in mylar bags 
(I have more coming today, I ran out)
and then we can stack the white trays.
The mylar bags will go in the big
blue totes. (I need to get a couple more...)
That will help with some of the clutter.
I'll just write the net weight of each little
black bag on the front of the mylar
so if someone wants some I'll just
quickly bag it up for them.
But those cute little black bags
aren't meant for long term storage.
They aren't air tight after awhile.

It will be nice to be done with market
for the year.

And I guess it's a good thing we are done.
The neighbor's cows got out AGAIN.
(4th time!!!!!)
(They are STILL out - just got a call from
a neighbor out there...)
They "visited" our garden again and
wiped us out.
I was going to do more pickles, but they not
only ate the cucumbers (both lemon and pickling)
but they also ate the plants.
And stomped on my spaghetti squash.
And ate the last of the zucchini.
Kyle didn't mention the okra.
We were leaving it on the plants to dry for seed.

He was disgusted.
We called and left and message and also
sent a text, but no response. He's not 
calling Gale back either, and they've been
neighbors and friends for years.
So I'm concerned maybe there's a reason?
Hopefully he's ok.

But either way.
The garden is done.
Of course next year it will all be behind
the fence on our side of the property.
But for this year....

(It's your job to upkeep your fences and
keep your livestock IN, not my job to 
fence my property to keep your livestock OUT.)
Oh the joys of country living.
Having the dogs out there will also help
with the cows and the deer (and the coyotes...)

Still lots of things on our "to do" list.
So I'd best get on it!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Awesome! Sorry about the farm garden though!