Thursday, October 17, 2024


 It's always so wonderful to come
to Tucson and get to connect with
my sisters!!!
I had a nice chat with Soni on the phone
this morning (YEA for Thursdays!)

And yesterday Rozann and I took her
dogs for their morning walk.
And Tuesday night we went to dinner 
with Mom and Dad, Rozann and Greg.
It was SO GOOD to see him healthy!
I usually come in the spring,
just in time for his annual bout with 
the spring yucks. (POOR GUY!)

Nancy and I have been shopping and visiting,
and cooking, and talking and talking
and "doing" jewelry!

It has been a lovely visit!
This morning I'm sitting on the front porch
of Nancy's casita enjoying the lovely
early morning weather.
I walked down and said good morning to
the horses. Now I'm drinking my water
and doing some computer work.
(Annual Compliance Training for teaching...)

I'm not sure what we have planned for today.
Tomorrow is a full day.
It's Mom's birthday. We had a party for her
last night - that will be in tomorrow's post.

But for now... I'm just enjoying the quiet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You all look lovely! I'm so glad you get to spend time with your family! ❤️-S