Sunday, October 6, 2024


 There were some really good talks yesterday!
One was especially good, but I wasn't
taking notes, so I don't remember which
it was... looking forward to getting the
replays and printed versions soon.
It was about Joy (as were MANY of them...)

The "theme" seemed to be 
1. recommitting
2. finding joy
3. getting along with others

Looking forward to today's sessions.

We had a lack luster market in the morning.
It's fall. Lots of people think market is over.
And there are SO MANY things for people
to do right now that we just don't make the list.

Although we did still sell some stuff.
We have been giving out business cards
to everyone with our number (and a message
that "text is best").

We are going to do one more week and then
it will be shut down until next year.
And then I'll take all the freeze dried stuff
out of the little clear front bags and put
it into large mylar bags with an oxygen 
absorber and seal it up.
That way it will stay good.
I opened a bag of peaches yesterday
that I did in 2022 and they were perfect.

We ate our first green beans Friday night!
They were so good we did it again last night.
(got double the harvest yesterday...)
I just sautéed them in a pan with LOTS of butter.

And I forgot to tell you last week I
bought a little bird house at the market.
(We haven't hung it yet, it's on a little
table by the door for now...)

Nancy and George sell birdhouses.
He makes them and she decorates them.
They are all really cute and I intend to buy
one, but "the one" hadn't shown up yet.

Last week it was there.
(She said she just made it the night before...)

I loved the clock on the front!
(The little "stoop" is a light green knob...)

She puts something fun on each side.
This side has a lily pad and a butterfly.

The opposite side has an old key
and a metal corner piece.

The back just has a piece of bling,
but nobody will see it anyway. 

And if you look close,
there is a little cuckoo bird sticking out
of the hole above the clock.
(I should have taken a closer picture of him...)

I'm glad I got it!
They are done for the year as well.
Weren't there yesterday.
Sonia said she was coming to sell jelly
(she still has 98 jars) but was a no-show.
So it was Norman, the onion guy.
Dave & Mary - garden produce - I bought
another $30 worth of yummy sweet and no heat
jalapenos from them for the freeze dryer...)
George (the OTHER George) usually his
girlfriend Jenny, but she wasn't there - garden produce,
and David - eggs. 
I bought another 2 doz from him
and got a good line on chicken feed.
I don't want to have to buy from Tractor Supply.
Who knows how old it is, what else is in it,
and BOY its expensive.
He goes to the co-op (Frontier Ag) in town
and they grind it up fresh for him.
That's what we are used to.
Although we didn't SELL a lot of stuff,
we sold enough to pay for our expenditures
and made a little on top.

Conference starts in 15 minutes.

(BTW, I got another new laptop... this one
was half the price and just as good, but the
power button is right next to the delete
button - hope that's not going to be a problem!)

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