Monday, December 9, 2024

Bring on the Clampets!

 When I think of oil wells, I 
always think of the Clampets.

The property next door kind of qualifies...
they have a LOT of equipment
and it's kind of all over the place.
They also have cows, horses (and a CUTE
little foal) and some goats.
And they GET OUT.
(What is up with these people ...
learn to fence in your livestock!)


Last week we were out at the property
and a guy in a white truck was driving
around on their property and then came
over as we were leaving.
He had the name of a drilling company 
on the side of the truck and said they
were going to drill an oil well next door.
He was looking for water.

(A year or so ago, we got a letter from a
well drilling company that said they wanted
to drill a well next door, but because it was
close to our property line they needed our
permission, for which they would pay
something around $2500...)
We hummed and hawed for awhile, but
eventually we signed and got the $ 
and thought no more about it.

I guess they are going forward with it.
We have a well... he wanted to buy our water!
I said... we'll think about it, and we
exchanged information.
The next day he called Rod and said, Yes,
we want to buy your water.
8 days. $2000.00
(We are on a solar pump which is a dribble,
but they took out our solar pump, put in their
BIG DADDY pump and generator and it is
pouring a TON of water... when they get done
they will replace our solar pump, make sure it 
works and hand us the $.)
(I thought they meant, like, forever... but for
8 days? And we aren't even currently using it???
Yes, please...)


Friday they brought in HEAVY equipment and 
did the original site prep.
Today they brought in the well drilling equipment.

That seems like a rather LARGE hole!
But what do I know...


Along with the original contract we had to give them
permission to dig and THEY have to pay us royalties!
So.... the driller guy (who is really friendly, like
EVERYONE we have met so far... except for the
checkout woman at WalMart on Friday - WHAT A GRUMP)
said if this well "comes in" we will
make some $!
That would be fun.....

In the meantime, we are enjoying watching
the operation.
(And trying to stay warm... it was in the mid 40's
but the wind was coming in briskly from the north...
so it was a little chilly.)

I'm feeling much better,
but my voice gave out in the last 15 minutes of class.
But that's ok.
It's December and nobody is thinking about
getting licensed.

I had a total of 7 students.
Only ONE of them was participating,
and this is probably her 7th week with me,
so she knows the answers before I ask the questions. 
Well, actually TWO were answering, but 
the 2nd guy got EVERY SINGLE ONE wrong...
so he didn't really count.
I invented a couple of phantom
students to answer the questions,
and then I got tired of doing that, so I just
skipped the questions all together.
Meanwhile, I was crocheting a scarf.
So it was a productive 4 hours.

And now?
I'm going to suck on a lozenge, 
watch a little TV with the guys
and head off to bed.

NIGHT everybody!


rktucson said...

How fun. I wonder if dad can answer your question, that would be cool!

Anonymous said...

Feel better! ❤️-S