Tuesday, June 25, 2024

All Aboard!

 When we first got here, there was a 
sales flyer in our mail from the local
TrueValue Hardware store advertising
a nifty little yard sprinkler.
But by then the sale was LONG past.

However, as we wander around town
we have seen LOTS of people who 
have this nifty little sprinkler.

And yesterday I took the leap,
(And a leap it was,,, they are pricey...)

Introducing the Rain Train.

It's not a great picture, but it was running and I
didn't want to get wet, so I took it through 
the kitchen door.

It is called a Rain Train Traveling Sprinkler.

It is a beefy little guy.
The body is cast iron.

You hook it up to your hose and then spread your
hose in the pattern you want it to follow.

And then it just walks along the hose
and waters wherever you want it to!

It's pretty nifty!
It has a good solid watering radius and
the water isn't like tiny and ineffective.
(Some sprinklers just don't seem to put
out much water,...)

Anyhow, Kyle set it up in the backyard
while I was teaching and it did a great job!
(And then we had a thunderstorm and it 
rained anyway... lol.)

I'm pretty impressed.
We will probably have it go through the back gate
and water the back back yard as well.
Just need to move all Kyle's vehicles.

Today we are heading to the storage units.
Gotta get moved out of #10 and into #3.
No need to pay for 2 if we can fit it in 1.
(And #10 leaks and has a mama bird who
keeps coming in, laying eggs, hatching them
out, but the babies can't figure out how to
get back out and they die. Its sad, and stinky.)
Once we move out the owner said he will go in
and fix it before he rents it again.
(It's just one small screw hole in the roof
that is causing the leak... and some foam spray
stuff under the eave should take care of the bird.)

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