Monday, June 3, 2024

Cold Floors, Warm Feet!

 FedEx delivered a fun package to me today!

When we were here last time, 
I told Mom the floors were COLD.

So she hopped right to it and made
a bunch of gorgeous socks and slippers!

(I immediately put a pair on... and my
toes were nice and toasty!)

Kyle headed to the farm to start planting
the garden. He has a nifty planter thingie
that you walk behind. 
It opens the furrow, drops a seed and 
then closes it up!
I'm anxious to hear how it went.

Meanwhile, I was going to replace the
kitchen faucet. Watched a couple YouTubes
and jumped right in.

However, after getting the hoses disconnected,
it turned out the plastic nuts holding the
old faucet to the sink are either really tight
or corroded or I'm just weak.

I put the hoses back on and asked Kyle to
bring home some stuff to help.

So instead I went to Dollar General for a few
little things (a potato peeler and masher,
and a can opener!)

And then I went to our little town's
grocery store. I was pleasantly surprised!
They have a good selection and their prices
were comparable and they had a good sale or two.

Picked up some stuff to make a cold 
pasta salad. Home to MAKE the salad.
(And then eat a bunch of it.... lol)
And then I broke down the big hunks of
meat we bought at Sam's on Saturday and
got those into the freezer.

And now I'm starting my evening class.

My feet are SO HAPPY!

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