Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 I just finished teaching the morning class
and I'm SUPPOSED to be phoning people,
but I HATE doing that.
So instead I went back and read a couple
months worth of my blog.
I'm glad I write this... amazing the things
I had already forgotten.


Yesterday we went and swapped out the storage units.

From this.....

To this!
It was HOT!!!!! (100) so Kyle put up our
big fan to blow. But we only have one,
so it was in the new unit where I put painters tape
labels on the walls and was organizing everything
by kitchen, mom, dad, garage, kyle, etc...
but poor Kyle was loading boxes onto the dolly
and bringing them down with no fan.
(He said, Mom, I work out in the sun all day everyday...
you gotta toughen up!)

When we were NEARLY done I ran into town
to Dollar General and got us each a cold
Gatorade and then we finished up.
Headed to Pizza Hut as a reward and they are 
CLOSED on Tuesdays.
So we did a phone ahead order to our Pizza Hut
and headed to the one in our town.
We don't eat out often, but Pizza Hut is like
the only game in town.
(There IS a Subway and McD down by the highway,
and a couple Mom and Pop kind of places, but
we just don't eat out enough to try them...)

We took our pizza home, sat in our comfy
chairs and binged on Harry Potter movies.

Today Kyle is out at the farm replanting the corn
and probably the beans.
I thought I took a picture of the squash, but I guess not.
Anyhow, its coming in well, but he thinks he
either planted the others too deep or his little
seed thing was skipping seeds.
(He explained but its too complicated and you
don't really care anyway, just know he can fix
it, so he's replanting ... )

It's a teaching day.
And he ran out of Pnut butter and jam, so
I'm going to make a quick run to the store.
Lucky we have a good one, and its right on
our road - just up several blocks.


Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Big job! Bet it feels good to have it done though!