Monday, June 24, 2024

Won't Do THAT Again!

 Kyle and I went to Hays on Saturday
and when we got back he went home
and I went to fill my truck.
(We had to drive separate vehicles...)

He got home first and let Beau out.
And then he was watering the trees.
And he decided to spray Beau.
Who doesn't really love water.
Well, he loves to get IN the water,
but he's not a fan of being squirted.

Anyhow, about that time I pulled
into the driveway so it was a double whammy.
He was trying to get to "the lady"
AND he was trying to get away from
Kyle squirting him.

So he thought he might go THROUGH the gate.

He got himself good and stuck.

He was a little freaked out.

His front end is much larger than his back end,
but his ribs are pretty big too, so he got
caught right behind his front legs but
before his ribs.
He was STUCK.

Kyle had to go bet his crowbar and remove
the slats of the gate to free him.

Hopefully he has learned his lesson.

He is undamaged.
Except his pride.
I laughed at him.
Silly dog.

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