Friday, June 28, 2024

More Random Stuff

 Yesterday we got a little rain in the morning
so Kyle decided not to go to the farm.
It's nice to have a break now and again.

I made a nice breakfast of fresh strawberries and cool whip.
It was YUMMY!
(Beau is never far away, especially if there's FOOD!)

Then we decided to run to the storage building and get
the other dresser for our bedroom and some other stuff...

Our bedroom is starting too look like a (messy) bedroom!
I found all my beautiful necklaces in one of the boxes!!!!
So excited!
(I kept 2 so I've been rotating between 1 black skirt,
1 black jacket, 3 shirts, and 2 necklaces since November.)
It will be nice to have SOME variety!

It's a SMALL bedroom (cuz its a small house).
This is a full size mattress, but the frame Kyle built
will fit a queen, so when Rod gets here we will
go REAL (not cheap Sams Club) mattress shopping.

We stopped by the farm because... why not.

Look at our squash plants!!

And CORN! We have CORN!
He replanted on Wed cuz although we have some,
it's kind of sporadic. But it is growing!

Also I climbed up into his house and took a picture of 
his kitchen counters. (He plans to have open shelving
on the top...) Framed out the pantry in the corner.

Also I forgot to take a picture of the storage unit
now that it has EVERYTHING (not everything)
in it. *There are still a bunch of boxes in the garage,
but this is the bulk of the stuff.....


Then we came home, had some lunch,
enjoyed the A/C for a bit and then Kyle
went out and built me some shelves for the
zoom room so I can use it as a pantry and
basic storage.

Originally this was two boards deep and I decided
it was just too big for the room, so I had him
split it into two shelves.

And then because I had him do the same with the long
shelf under the window he now has enough wood
to also build a shelf for in the garage.
So he was a "little" annoyed originally because I
changed the plan, but after he thought about it he
was pretty happy.


Today I'm teaching and he's out watering the garden
since we didn't end up getting the forecasted rain
last night.

Have a GREAT weekend!!!!!

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