Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Yesterday Kyle and I drove down to
Garden City. About 118 miles.
It's our closest BIG city.
They have a Walmart, Target AND Sams!

We stopped at Walmart and bought a
cart full of stuff we need.

Then we went to the biggest store EVER.

This was HALF their light section.
We got the things we needed from there.
And some good information for fencing
in the new garden.

And then it was off to Sams for a mattress
and some other things we needed.
(Like MEAT. It's way cheaper there...)

On the way back we were following a pretty
big thunder storm, but because we were
behind it, we got none of the weather
and all of the beauty.

You guys, Kansas is GORGEOUS!
This is a little south of us, so they got
their wheat in earlier and it is so pretty!
(Up by us it is just heading out and still green...)

BEAUTIFUL double rainbow.
(Notice the light one is a reflection!
The color bands are in the opposite order!)

The sun hit it and the colors were so vibrant!

It was a full band, but I couldn't get a picture
because it was beside and behind us.

Simply lovely!

Before all that we went to the farm and emptied out
the water trough. Since there are no cows there
to drink the water and eat the green stuff growing
in there, there was LOTS of green stuff growing in there.
We shoveled and pitch forked all the green out
and then let it drain.
We will go back Monday and scrape out the
rest of the mud and fill it up again.

Beau loves a good swim in the trough!

Then out into the grass to dry off.
We walked down into the valley below 
and checked out the trees.

We woke this morning to a good thunderstorm.
But now the sun is shining and we are
getting ready to go meet our new Ward Family.

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