Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Catching UP

Goodness Gracious!

How does time keep getting away from me?

When we were last together, Rod was
turning...  sixty

Those of us who are also old
won't be able to read that.
So it's ok.

Here's a glimpse at a pretty common 
sight at our house.

The laptop is mine.
The other two are on their phones.
I'm more blind than they are.
Or I just like my laptop.

Now that the days are getting a little
shorter (no where NEAR fall yet though)
I'm able to catch the sunrise sometimes
on my way in to work.

This one was stunning!

And a glimpse of our power company heros
who fixed our power.

The yard was pretty flooded.
In fact the next day Rod got his
little Honda car stuck right there
under that tree.
(And I should mention I got my
pickup stuck on the other side of the tree...)

He's such a good man.
He took his birthday off work.

And washed and waxed his car
AND my truck!

What a guy!

Just one of the gazillion reasons I love him.

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