Friday, March 24, 2017

I Only Have A Second

I only have a second.
My computer is electronically applying
the payments from a million dollar check.
It takes about 3 minutes.

So that's what I've got.
(Because it doesn't post all of it, just the EASY stuff...
then I get to come behind and post the rest...)
And I have to be finished before TUESDAY!

(TUESDAY is my favorite day!!!!! LOL)

Just checking in to say I am alive.
And I am working like a banshee to be
ready to go on vacation on 

And TUESDAY can't come soon enough
because I'm working like a banshee and it's

The good news is my class this weekend
is relatively small.
And they have to do a "mid term" exam
on Saturday morning which means I have
an hour and a half of "down time"
during which I'm going to figure out
what I'm going to make for Rod and Kyle
to eat while I'm out of town starting on 

And then on Sunday we have LOTS of down time
although the final exam doesn't officially end until
9:00 in the evening.
And then I still have to drive home.
And then work like a banshee on Monday
to get ready for 

(I plan to do some cooking Monday night
and since my flight doesn't leave until later in 
the afternoon on TUESDAY, I'll have
time to pack and finish cooking in the morning.)

Oh oh,
my computer says it's done.
Which means so is this blog post.
(See most of you on TUESDAY!!!!!)

Monday, March 20, 2017

Counting Down

I'm counting the days until I get to fly to Tucson!
I am SOOOOO ready!

This weekend I had 47 people pre-registered
for my class.
Last month I had 43 registered and
30 of them showed up.
In a room that barely holds 28.

So I made arrangements with the owner of
the facility to set us up for the absolute
They measured.
They brought in different chairs.
(the normal ones are wider and have arms)
They squished in an extra row of tables.

Registration and handing out books
begins at 7:30.
Class starts promptly at 8:00.

At 7:45 I had FOUR, count 'em, FOUR

Then, of course they began dribbling in.

I ended up with 11.

(Sunday 2 more showed up - who comes
to class on the SECOND day????)

They were nice people,
friendly, with good, thoughtful questions.
So it was a good class and I actually
MUCH prefer a smaller class,
but I can guarantee if we hadn't done all the 
extra stuff, we would have had all 47 of 'em.

(During lunch the guy came in with an assistant
and took all the extra stuff back down again...)

Life of a teacher of adult education.

HOW many days until I fly out?????

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Winter - Again

It's LATE in the year for
us to have frost warnings.

It's the middle of March 
for crying out loud!

But be that as it may,
that's what we've got going on here.
Florida gets COLD.
For reals.

Add a nice stiff wind from the north
and its NASTY out there!

Too cold for my camera.
(well, for my fingers to work my camera)
Filling all the water jugs for the many
different chicken cages 
was NOT fun.

I was almost looking forward to washing
eggs when I got into the house.
I wash them in warm water and
it felt LOVELY to my frozen fingers.

We put the garden buckets in the garage.
And adjusted the heat lamp on the 
chicks and ducklings 
so they could stay toasty warm.

And then I made a TOTALLY delicious
giant pot of SOUP.
Thick, creamy, and yummy enough
that Kyle had TWO bowls!

I'll make a batch when I come down there.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


My sister Nancy.
Obviously she is beautiful.
Did you know she was a model?

But her outer beauty pales beside
her inner beauty.

She loves her family.
Her husband.
Her sons.
Her daughters in love.
Her granddaughters and grandsons.
Her parents.
Her sisters and brothers.

And we all desperately love her back.

She has a sense of style that is
immediately apparent.
In her clothing,
in the fabulous jewelry she designs
in her home.

But again that pales beside the
style and grace with which she lives her life.

She spends most of her time helping others,
making our parents happy and safe 
and comfortable in their new home.

And volunteering so much of her time
and expertise to others in her
community who are struggling.
Bringing joy and beauty back to their lives.

Someday I want to be like her.
But she is one of a kind.
So in the meantime, I'll just love her.
And wish her the happiest of birthdays.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Kayak Camping

A couple of weekends ago (I've been busy)
the guys went Kayak Camping.
Jim, Sabrina, Kyle and a 
bunch of their friends.

They loaded all their gear into 
their kayaks and paddled over
to an island in the river.

Most of them are "hammock" campers.
Jim and Sabrina have quite the setup.
Fancy hammocks and fancy rigging.

Kyle chose to pitch his tent.
(SMART!  Sabrina showed up in his
tent part way through the night...
it was pretty windy.)


We've been busy busy busy.
And we haven't taken the kayaks out lately.

They hang up in the rafters of the barn.
And they get REALLY dirty!

It was my job to get them down and 
clean them up.
(Kyle and Jim were both working)

They looked MUCH better when I was done.

It wasn't without MUCH pain on my part though.

Kyle got them all loaded up in his truck
and off they headed.

They had a GREAT time,
despite the next day being overcast and
really windy.
They got wet.
They got tired.
But they had lots of fun.
And now Kyle is trying to convince
Rod and I that kayak camping is a THING.
And we should DO IT!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Little Garden Update

Rod's little garden is doing GREAT!!

Check out these strawberries!
(And the teeny tiny pea plants peaking
in the background...)

And peppers!
These are going to be those little
mini colored peppers.

I hope.

And of course there are cherry tomatoes

So far all we have eaten are strawberries,
but it won't be long now...


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

All Fixed

Rod worked (and worked)
on my truck over the weekend.

He is a good, hard working mechanic.

And then he drove it yesterday.
Just to check.

I have it back today (I drove the Passat)
and while I love the VW,

Thank you Sweetheart!

(My favorite picture!  LOL)

Monday, March 6, 2017

MORE little girls...

We had a VERY busy day on Saturday.
And Friday.
And Sunday.

But let's start at the beginning.
On THURSDAY I noticed my truck 
making a funny noise while braking.
Not every time.
And really hard to re-create.
*The first time I thought it was the radio!

It did it again on Friday.
When Kyle got home, I took him out
for a drive so he could hear it.

He and Rod decided it was my
rear brakes.

Since we had scheduled a trip up to
our feed mill to pick up this month's
feed, we asked Kyle if we could 
trade trucks.

Which meant when Kyle got to work
Saturday morning, he discovered he didn't
have the keys to his tool box.
They were on his OTHER key chain.

Rod dashed over to rescue him.
And I made breakfast.

Then we hopped in Kyle's truck and headed
north to Samsula to get feed.
Bandit had to stay home.
We didn't want her in Kyle's truck.

It was a nice trip, the weather was great,
the feed smells great (it has a TON of molasses)
but it took a LONG time.
On the way home, we stopped in town
and Rod did a blood test.
His protein was a little low last time
so they won't let him donate plasma again
until it tests "in range".

Then we stopped at Tractor Supply to pick
up some little watering jars for my chickens.
(They didn't have any last time...)

They had their Easter Chicks.

We JUST got 41 brand new little black chicks.
But we were thinking that might not be enough.
And they had some little "Amberlink" chicks.
They are a sex link, so they mature early
and they lay lots of big dark brown eggs.
And they are a pretty amber color when the
grow up.

So we got 12 of them.

Aren't they cute?

But they also had ducklings.
I've NEVER wanted ducks.
Ok, maybe for 5 seconds.
But ducks never hit my radar.

Apparently that is not true for Rod.

He asked if we should maybe get a couple.
I told him he was WELCOME to get a couple.
But they are dirty.
And they need a kiddy pool.
And you have to dump and scrub it every day.

But he still wanted them.

You gotta admit.
They are ADORABLE.
All THREE of them!

Tentatively named Donald and Daisy.
But since they are un-sexed,
we'll have to wait and see.

We ended up segregating the ducklings.
The chicks were pecking their beaks and feet.

Hey man, you got a little something 
stuck to your foot - I'll just get
that off for ya', k?

Once they are bigger, they'll be able
to defend themselves better,
but for now, they have their
own cage.