Thursday, December 29, 2022

Updated House Pictures

 The more I look at the house,
especially with all the white accents,
the more I like it!

Kyle thinks it look like a beach house.
I think it looks like a french cottage.
You can't really see the true color in this picture.

This is more representative.
I like it.
(And yes, they are going to climb up and paint the chimney... lol.)
Santa will be happy, I'm sure.

We have a VERY large front yard.
I'll miss our oak trees.
But I'll happily trade our 2.37 acre yard for 161.4.
Works for me!
(Bandit got a new VERY bright orange collar.)

A branch moved in front of the bananas and
now you can't see them very well.
But they are up there!
However, I just read on the internet that it takes
between FOUR and SIX MONTHS for 
them to be ready to harvest!
I wanted them next week!
Fingers crossed the rest of the winter is mild.
They said if it looks like a freeze you have to
cut the whole thing and just let them ripen
inside the house.
They won't get any bigger, but they will get ripe.
So there is that....

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Goodness! Times FLIES!

 I've been busy being NOT busy.
Well... that's not exactly true,
but I DID get the week off from the Town.
So there's that.

But there have been PLENTY of things
going on around here.



Well... kind of IN-PROGRESS.
I'll have to get another picture tomorrow.
Kyle painted the trim and the doors,
so it looks MUCH better now.
But I REALLY like it!
You can tell from the chimney that the sun was 
going down.
AND they forgot to paint the chimney!

I really like the new color.
It's weird. 
It's blue.
Then it's grey.
Then it's kind of a teal.
Depends on the light, I guess.
But either way, I really like it!


We have BANANAS!!!!!

Teeny tiny bananas, but STILL!
Each of those layers is producing a hand.
Which means we might get about 10 hands!
LOTS of bananas.
If the weather holds.
And the creek don't rise.... lol.


TEENY TINY peaches... but STILL!

Today I froze a bunch of "milk nog"
(a 50/50 mix of egg nog and milk so it's not
quite so thick) and we will put it in the
freeze dryer. Makes a fun little bite.
And you can put it in a glass, add water and
you don't have to wait until December 
for eggnog!!!!

Friday, December 23, 2022

Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
I just finished my last class for this week.
I'm teaching the evening classes next week,
but this week is DONE!

The guys are getting ready to paint the
exterior of the house.
We are going with a blue/grey.

And, of course, we are all on
puppy patrol.

Her favorite place to lay.
UNDER the foot rest of the lazyboy.
So inconvenient!
Especially when she is SOUND asleep.

She knows she is cute.
And growing.


Monday, December 19, 2022

Early Christmas - Introducing LUNA!

 Kyle REALLY misses his dog, Shadow.
It took him a long time to decide
he was ready for a new dog.

A few months ago we tried Bear.
But she just couldn't integrate into our farm.

On Saturday, Kyle found a purebred Rottweiler
puppy down in West Palm Beach for a much
more reasonable price.
(They are generally in the THOUSANDS!)
(it's a DOG!!!)

I was teaching.
But Rod and Kyle drove down and checked
out the litter of 8 puppies and 
Kyle fell in love with Little Luna.

She is only 8 weeks old.
And does sleep a lot.
But when she is awake, she is a full of fun!

Her Mom was fairly small. Her dad is HUGE!
So she will likely be on the petite side of large.

She likes everybody, including the other dogs.
But she has adopted Kyle as her person.
Which was the goal...

So far, on day 3, she is doing well.
Potty training is... well, she's a puppy.
But she does whimper when she wants to go out.
You better move FAST though.

Right now, she's in her crate in the garage.
Not happy about it,
but while teaching she can't be going in and out.
And she can't be in the yard alone.
We have a large hawk hanging around.
And she is small enough to get through the
holes in the fence.
Not for long... but for now? No un-supervised
yard romps.

Merry EARLY Christmas Kyle!

Friday, December 16, 2022

Sunday RS Update

 Sondra reminded me that I hadn't told
"the rest of the story"
about our Sunday RS lesson.

My amazing counselor (Indira) took that
ball and RAN with it.
They did Christmas Carol (hymn) requests
and then after the request whoever it was
had to tell WHY they chose it and what it means to them.

It was a very spiritual and uplifting hour.
AND, they released our Elder's Quorum President
and called a new one, and then after that, the
Stake President excused himself from EQ and
headed to Relief Society!
We also had the Stake RS 1st Counselor visit.
So I'm glad it all worked out well.
Our Stake Pres (my former Bishop) is from a 
VERY musically talented family, so any time
there is music, he is ALL over it.
I'm sure he was pleased.

That's how THAT went.
Last night I met with the Bishop
(informal, and then the rest of his Bishopric
showed up and we ended up doing a meeting,
I just was invited to stay.... until 10:30!)
He said he wasn't joking when he said they 
forgot the food for the brunch!
Everybody thought the other guy was in charge.
So they dashed to the grocery store and within
24 minutes (hahahahaha such an engineer) they were
up and running and getting ready to serve pancakes.

Lots of pictures on Facebook of people enjoying
their breakfast AND destroying gingerbread 
houses by various means (flinging with a catapult,
beating with a golf club, etc.....)
Much fun was had by all.

Now you know, "the rest of the story..."

Gratuitous photo of my advent calendar I made with
our Relief Society back when Kathy Salter was the President.
And my kids were LITTLE.
This thing has to be like 25+ years old!
But I still love it and Rod and I are taking turns
opening the pockets and adding to the nativity.


UPS just delivered a box from Mom and Dad!
Thank you for the Christmas gifts!
We are already enjoying the wonderful dried fruit!

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Tree Skirt

 Much as I hate to not put wrapped gifts
under the Christmas tree...
I'm afraid I'm going to need to hold off this year
for a little while.

SOMEBODY thinks that is HIS spot.

He likes to lay there where he can keep an
eye on me, mostly to see if I'm EATING
anything that I MIGHT be tempted to share 
with him.....

no present for a little bit.
(Notice the rug is all bunched up... he has suddenly
decided that the fringe is FUN to play with
which is the real reason I'm afraid to put 
gifts under there - crinkly paper - TOO MUCH 

the garden is enjoying all the rain.

Kyle planted LOTS and LOTS of peas.
And a couple beds of carrots.
And a couple beds of onions.
And the squirrels dug up all the onions.

He was a little annoyed.

But, MAYBE we will get a good pea harvest.
That would be awesome!

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Tampa (again)

 Here I am.
Sitting in my empty classroom.
Waiting for my "to go" order to
be ready at the local Cheddars restaurant.

It's a nice facility,
in a nice area of town.

Meanwhile, the ward had their first ward activity today.
Brunch with a gingerbread contest
followed by a gingerbread DEMOLITION.
(obviously the guys are in charge of this one...)

I sent a text to the Bishop this morning
wishing them a great activity with a TON of turnout.
We did a huge blitz to find all the "resting members"
and invite them to join us this morning.

He texted me a bit later and said they were having
a little bit of a rocky start.
They forgot to bring the FOOD!
(I'm hoping he was joking...)

Later he texted and said it was a great party
with good turnout and everything went well.

And then I got a text from my RS teacher.
She is sick and won't be there.
So I reached out to my counselors and suggested they
1) watch the conference talk and then discuss it.
2) READ parts of the talk and then discuss it.
3) DITCH the talk and just take requests and sing
EVERY Christmas hymn in the book.
4) Share memories and experiences since becoming
a new ward, interspersed with Christmas hymns...

No idea what they will do.
But I know it will be fine.

Kyle got a paying job for this morning, so they
didn't go to the brunch, so I can't get a first-hand
report on how it went. But I'm sure it was fun.

And now I'm heading to Cheddars to pick up my
delicious Monte Cristo sandwich with raspberry puree,
a slice of cheese cake, and some 
honey butter croissants. (it's a LARGE meal, so I'll
eat half and save the other half for dinner tomorrow night...
class doesn't end until 9 tomorrow night and I don't 
want to order dinner - just hit the hotel, eat, pack and
get to sleep so I can leave EARLY in the morning
and skip the traffic. Arriving on Friday was BRUTAL!
The traffic was horrendous! Took an extra 45+ minutes!)

Have a great evening!
I'm thinking about y'all at the Christmas party
at Mom & Dad's!!!
Boy I wish I could be there!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

I Feel SO Accomplished

 This weekend I rented a car to go to Tampa.
I will be doing that every month.

I drove over, nice and uneventfully.

And when I got up Saturday morning to drive
to my school, my car was blinking a dire warning.
My drivers-side front tire was low.
And the world would likely end shortly.

It said the air pressure was 27.
Sounds fine to me.
So I ignored it.
All day Saturday.
And Saturday evening.

And Sunday morning.
But at noon on Sunday I went around the corner
to the closest gas station (I only get a 30 min lunch)

Yes, I know.
I'm 63 years old.
And I'm fairly certain this is the first time.

I've watched others do it many many times.
But I am blessed with a house full of
willing men who take care of stuff like that
for me!

But I did it.
All by myself.
And I didn't die.
And the tire didn't explode.
And I didn't even get dirty!


Monday, December 5, 2022

Transformation is Complete

 Well. The transformation is complete.

I just finished teaching my morning zoom
and was sending emails to the students.
As I was typing in the email address I was
saying the letters out loud (well, to myself)
as I was typing because people have some
CRAZY email addresses!

And one of them was fazel.
And I said F. A. ZEE. E. L.
NOT ZED!!!!!

I've probably been saying Zee
for years and years, but this morning
in my sleep deprived state, it HIT ME!

And yes, I'm a bit sleep deprived.

I taught a 2-day class in Tampa this weekend.
Finished last night at 7.
Jumped on a Stake RS Zoom.
Then headed to my hotel and grabbed a sandwich
from the Arby's next door.
(I was going to grab a Monte Cristo sandwich
from the Cheddars up the street from the school
but they said it wouldn't be ready for nearly 45 minutes
and I just wasn't going to sit around that long...)

Ate my sandwich and headed to bed.
Set my alarm for 4.
But woke up at 3:22.
So I got up, I was already packed, so just
grabbed my stuff and headed out the door.
There's nearly NOBODY on the dreaded
Interstate-4 at 4:00 in the morning!
And I have to drive a whole 27 miles on it!
(It's agonizing on the trip over on Friday at 3:30p)

There was LOTS of fog.
But luckily I was following a big truck with
lots of bright red lights, so I just followed him.
Got home right at 7:00.
Unloaded my car, then Kyle and I headed over
to Enterprise to return my rental.
(Nissan Versa - a nice little car...)
And then we headed home so he could go to work
and I could start my morning zoom class.

And now?
FOOD and a NAP!


Friday, December 2, 2022


 Thankfully my naturally minded son
brought me a little packet of freshly
ground clove in a coffee filter
to nestle in my mouth next to my
new crowns.

They quit aching after an hour or so
and continue to be pain free this morning.


Meanwhile, my new (replacement)
overalls and coat came in last night.
I was too uncomfortable to try them on,
but this morning I tried them and they are
perfect! And WARM!

I'm all set for a Kansas winter!

Thursday, December 1, 2022


 This morning I went to the eye glass
place and picked up my new distance glasses.
One of those "specials" 2 for 1.
So I got a pair of black frames for driving
(black is the color of the road...)
And a red pair for reading.

And then I headed over to the dentist to
get my two permanent crowns.

Nobody mentioned how painful it would be!

I don't take medicine.
I took 2 Ibuprofen about 45 minutes ago.
It felt good for 15 minutes.
That was it...

I'm thinking it will be an early night tonight.
(It's only 7pm)

Not really looking forward to teaching this weekend.
Unless they get better.