Saturday, December 30, 2023

And Now It's New Years!

 We have been busy!

We replaced the hideous light fixture in both the bathrooms.
And put a white wood frame around the
large, construction grade mirrors.
Should have done THAT a million years ago!

Hard at work...

Ok, maybe not ALL of us were hard at work...

Today Rod was going to replace the door into the tack room.
But Kyle needs to do some work on his Cat before
he starts a couple of big jobs on Tuesday.
So Rod is helping him out with that.

Of course we took some time out to head to the beach
and see the beautiful full moon reflecting off the ocean.

We also got to enjoy the first of TWO night launches!
This one was the Falcon Heavy and included
a boost-back to the Cape.

(Which means instead of the boosters landing on
a barge out in the ocean, they landed back at the
same place they took off from! Amazing technology!)
With the night launches you can really see them
coming back down to land. It's spectacular!

The 2nd launch wasn't until 11:00 and Rod needed
to get to bed so he could work early the next morning.
Kyle and I watched it from the back patio.
It was a regular Falcon 9 (Starlink) so not as big,
but always beautiful.
It was a perfect night for it!

I was hoping to have 2nd Christmas today,
but just heard from Jim that Sabrina is still
really sick with the flu.
So I guess we will just cook up the dinner 
tomorrow for New Years Eve and maybe
drop their gifts off at their house on the way
home from church tomorrow.

I REALLY want to get the tree taken down.
It was already losing needles when we bought it
a month ago and now it's just a big mess.
Every time you even gently bump it
a gazillion needles fall off.
It's still pretty and smells AMAZING,
but it's time for it to go.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Merry Christmas!

 And a Happy Boxing Day!

Jim and Sabrina are still sick.
Kyle is working at the potato farm.
Rod and I are working on the house.

We still have gifts under the tree...
hoping to have 2nd Christmas this weekend.

(Rod has to go back to work Thursday.)

We have enjoyed a quiet Christmas this year.

I'm usually anxious to de-decorate by this time.
(And I "kind of" am... the tree is losing
needles like they are going out of style...)
But I'm really kind of liking it this year.
I'll probably be ready by the weekend though.

Still enjoying listening to Christmas music.
And having the lights on the tree.
And cookies.
Always cookies.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas Eve!

 It's a pretty, Christmas Eve day today.
The sun is trying to peak through
the light clouds.

(They are predicting 2-5" of snow today
and tomorrow in WaKeeney!)

We had a lovely Christmas service at church
today. A couple of speakers and the ward
choir, Primary and Young Women all
did special musical numbers.

It was really nice.

Unfortunately, Jim and Sabrina just both
received a diagnosis of Flu-B.
So they are down for the count.
No Santa on the firetruck or
gingerbread houses for them.
Poor guys!!!

We will still go to Indialantic though.
It's our last time.
We can't skip it.

Next year we will be making new traditions.
But for now, we will hold tight to
our tried and true.

Saturday, December 23, 2023


 Beau came with a LOT of stuff.
One was a frenchie pillow.
(Most of the stuff we got rid of...)

I didn't realize he was sticking out his tongue
when I snapped the picture...

He loves sitting under the tree on his
Christmas blanket with his basket of toys.

But I'm going to wrap gifts today and put them
under there, so he might have to find a new spot.

This is working for him right now...

Friday, December 22, 2023


 Rod is on Christmas vacation this week
and most of next week.

And true to form, he is NOT taking a break.

Instead he has been painting all the
trim in the house.

And today he painted the kitchen.

Which involved pulling out the A/C filter thingie.
And pulling all the furniture away
from the walls.
Taping, laying down cardboard, and 
painting and painting and painting.

It has been a HUGE job.
And I'm so glad he is doing it!!!

The kitchen is a wreck.
But the walls look GREAT!

And soon we will be able to put everything back
where it goes. (We already put the fridge back
so we could pull out the stove...)


It's going to look so nice in there though.
It was a flat, icky white.
Now it's a fresh, clean, semi-gloss white.
And I love it.
(And him!)

One step closer to being able to sell!

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Cows (Not Ours)

 In the midst of all the house fixing,
and Christmas prepping,
and house buying...
there has been other stuff as well.

Last Wednesday Kyle and I took a
run up to Ocala with 3 of the
neighbor's cows to drop them
off at the butcher.

Brock bought himself a really nice
big stock trailer.
It's a gooseneck trailer.
And none of his trucks have a gooseneck hitch.

So every time he needs to move cows he has
to hire Kyle to do it for him.
Kyle was happy for the $,
but reminded him that he will need to
either install a hitch or buy a truck
or better yet, trade the trailer for a
bumper pull one.
This one is REALLY nice, but also
much bigger than he actually needs.
It's pretty rare he moves more than
3-5 cows at a time.

Although when he bought the trailer,
he also bought 20-ish calves and he
needed this one AND our bumper pull
stock trailer to get them all and move
them from where they were to a new
pasture he leases up there.

If that situation arises again he would
just have to make a couple of trips.
But the two places are within an hour of
each other so not a big deal.


It was a fun day together.
And, as always, he masterfully backed
the trailer into a skinny little
loading chute.

One try.
Guess all that work with his trailer has 
paid off - although he was always good at it.
(He says it is because he used to pull a little
tiny trailer behind the 4-wheeler. The shorter
the trailer, the more squirrelly they are,
so it was good training for him.)

Today he is down at the potato farm.
They are trying to get the fields ready to plant
next week. But we got about 5" of rain
over the weekend down there, so it's 
pretty much under water.
The farmer is from Idaho and doesn't understand
Florida farming yet.
Kyle tries to help him understand, but then
he just shrugs and does whatever the guy
tells him to do.
So today he is making rows.
In standing water.

Meanwhile Jim has a couple of pressure washing
jobs today and tomorrow so Kyle is on his own
down there.

Rod is painting.
He got the front foyer and all the trim around
the bedroom and bathroom doors and down
the hall done yesterday.
Today I think he is doing the inside of
Kyle's door trim, maybe Kyle's bathroom,
and maybe our bathroom?

That just leaves the kitchen.
We aren't painting our bedroom or the living room.
And Kyle already painted the zoom room
and his bedroom.

I'm shopping for homeowners insurance.
And braving Walmart here in a bit.
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


 We just closed on our new house!!!!!

I'm so excited!!!!

Of course, with it being winter, the tree is now naked.

It was a journey.
One that I suspect is not over...
but there have been so many little
hiccups followed by major blessings
all along the way.

Thanks Mom and Dad!!!
We couldn't have done it right now
without you guys!

And, of course, there were the 
little "God Winks".
we left the washer and dryer in storage.
So when we got home we had to buy
a new set.
We bought the exact same ones we had before.
We liked them.
And they were cheap.

But when we got them home and installed,
the dryer door hinges were on the right side
instead of the left.
It's kind of a pain in the neck.
I have to reach over the door to get stuff
from the washer into the dryer.
And over the door to hang them as I
take them out.

And then I was looking at the pictures of the
new house's laundry area and
dreaming, planning, and trying to envision
what it was going to look like once we
moved in. And I realized the dryer
setup requires the door hinges to be
on the right!!!
Such little things.
But powerful.

We got the electricity, gas, water and trash
all transferred over to our names.
And just waiting to talk to a 2nd insurance
agent to get homeowner's insurance.

Now we just have to wait until spring.

620 N. 4th Street
Welcome to the family!

Monday, December 18, 2023

A Little Rain

 They were predicting MAJOR rain and flooding
over the weekend.

It did rain.
Quite a bit.
But we didn't get any flooding from it.

Some people did... Brock, next door has
a nice little pond in his front pasture
that the local ducks are enjoying.

And, unfortunately, the 10 acre parcel that
Kyle was supposed to start mulching today
also got quite a bit.

But we are high and dry.

Meanwhile, we had our ward Christmas party
on Saturday evening.

We had lots of fun.
It started with a "social hour".
And then dinner at 6.
Then they sent the little kids and any parents
who wanted to go with them,
to the Primary room for some activities
and a visit from Santa.

Meanwhile the rest of us old folks stayed
in the cultural hall for a rousing game
of musical chairs.
And then a scavenger hunt.
And rock, paper, scissors.

All for fun prizes.
(Mostly food items and gift certificates
for Wendys...)

We were all done, cleaned up and gone by
about 8:15.
It was POURING rain, but we still had 
a really good turn-out. they had to put
up 2 or 3 more tables.

It was all put on by the Exec Secty and his wife.

It was a fun evening.
And the Sacrament Meeting full of music
turned out really well.
Some spoke at length about their song
of choice, some didn't (me), and
some even picked non-Christmas hymns.
It turned out really well.

And then we had our friends the Galbraiths
over for dinner.
We have been to their house for dinner
several times. She was the one who gave
us all the kitchen stuff to borrow.
He's the EQ Pres so we got to work closely
and got to know each other and our families
pretty well.
It was a nice evening.
I tried a new recipe. Yeah, I know, you shouldn't
do that... and it's not one I'll likely repeat.
But it was ok.
The company made up for it.

Today we have a guy coming to replace the
door going into the laundry room that Beau
destroyed when we first got him.

(He didn't WANT to be locked in the
laundry room while I wasn't home...)

And also to fix the pocket door going into
the master bathroom.
It was broken when we bought the house,
and I just hung a blackout curtain on a 
rod over the opening.
Quieter and darker.
But decided we should probably fix it before
we try to sell the house.

And then at 10:30 we have our final 
virtual walk-thru the new house with
our realtor.
I'm going to try to record it.
Or at least take some screen shots of the
various rooms since I can't remember 
the little details like how many outlets in 
the rooms and which rooms need ceiling
fans and new light fixtures.
That sort of thing.

Hope you have a lovely Monday!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Christmas Music

 We've had our tree up for awhile.

But today it was overcast and windy.
It "felt" like it was cold.
(But checking the thermometer it was
in the 70's all day... lol.)

But with the Christmas music blaring
while I cleaned the house,
it FELT like Christmas today.

So I'm going with it!

We have Rod's office party tomorrow night
and then the ward party on Saturday night.

And Sunday is "Christmas Music" during
Sacrament meeting. The Bishop asked
4 people (so far) to come up, share
their favorite Christmas hymn, a bit about
what it means to them,
and then the ward will sing it.

I'm #4.
So hit me up with which is YOUR favorite
and why.
I like them all. 
(Not a big fan of Away in a Manger...)

My FAVORITE Christmas music is
the Halleluiah Chorus from Handel's Mosiah.
But I'm thinking we won't tackle that one...

Monday, December 11, 2023

New Project for Kyle

 Kyle has been working at the potato farm
with Jim for the last couple of weeks.
(Since we got back into town...)

They were repairing all the equipment
and getting it ready for another season.

Then they prepped the fields.
And now they are putting seed potatoes
in the ground.

Meanwhile, in his spare time, he has
been building coffee tables and end
tables out of reclaimed wood.

He really enjoys wood working.

He bought a new planer. 
So he didn't have to do it by hand anymore.

And also a new jointer so it all lines up right.

I really like them!
Always keeping busy!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

West Palm

 I'm teaching a live class this weekend at my new site.
I'm back in West Palm Beach,
but at a different location and with a 
different team.

The facility is much nicer.
The people are NOT.
The other group was so friendly and welcoming.
This group.... not so much.

But since we are mostly here on the weekend,
it doesn't matter all that much.

I hung my #1 instructor banner on the glass door
since there is a steady stream of people 
walking by to the offices at the other
end of the hall. It's distracting to my students.

It's nice that it has the double TVs.
But boy do I miss the old days when we
had a big ol' white board to write on.

Today is day 2.
I only have 8 students.
A couple of them are from Haiti and don't
speak a lot of English, but we are 

Have a lovely Saturday!

Monday, December 4, 2023


 Rod was working on the trucks.

He has been ordering lots of parts
with which to work on the trucks.
So there are LOTS of boxes around.
Which is handy, because we are going
to need to pack. AGAIN.


Beau is all packed and ready to go.

Friday, December 1, 2023


 Is it my imagination?

Or does this Santa look EXACTLY
like the light up Santa we hung at the front
door for MANY MANY years?

I was walking by and had to stop and do a double take!

Meanwhile... we are staying busy.
It's been chilly this week.
But today Kyle and I managed to go to the beach.

It was a bit cloudy when we first got there,
so we did a 2 mile walk to keep the blood flowing.
And then when we got back and sat down
the sun came out and it was beautiful.

I've been sitting in my zoom room, teaching.
There's a rocket tonight in about an hour,
so I'll probably stay up for that.

HOUSE UPDATE: The current owner's insurance company
agreed that the roof was hail damage (from 2017) and 
they are paying to replace the roof! Not until the spring,
hard to roof in the winter... but they will put money in
escrow with the title company and when the roof is done
the title company will pay them.
Weeeeeee!!! New Roof!

That's exciting!