Wednesday, December 27, 2017

New Furniture Part 1

Rod and I picked out some beautiful
new brown leather furniture
to give each other for Christmas this year.

A 3 person couch with recliners
on each end,
and a single chair with an
ELECTRIC recliner!
(The manual one was a rocker too
and just didn't feel very sturdy.)

The chair was on back order,
so we moved the delivery to today
so we could get all of it together.

Then last week I got a call that
the chair was still on back order
and wouldn't be here until the first
week in January.
But the couch was still on schedule.
Well, ok, we can work with that.

But first we needed to do some
"minor" repairs to the wall
where our current recliners
have chewed it up.

I'm so lucky to be married to a man who
knows how to do EVERYTHING
and doesn't grumble when I ask him to do stuff.

We bought some hole filler stuff
that goes on pink and turns white 
when it dries.

There was quite a bit of damage.

Next he bought some spray on stuff
that ends up looking like the orange peel
the rest of the walls were done in.

He sprayed it on
(but I didn't take a picture)
and then when it was dry,
he painted it.

And just in time for the new furniture!

Which didn't come.


The truck was full, so they didn't load our couch.
(It comes from the factory to the store
in Orlando and then they send one truck
per week to our local store...)

I called this afternoon to confirm we
could come over and pick it up.
And that's when I found out it wasn't coming.

So the bad news is we don't have 
our new furniture yet.

But the good news is we will
(fingers crossed)
get the couch and chair together
on January 3.

Which still gives us time for my
darling (and long suffering)
husband to climb into the attic
and moving the cable wires to the opposite
wall so we can spin the living room around.
We are going to try putting the TV on the wall
the couch used to be on.
And putting the couch on the wall the TV was on.

We have a large TV.
When I'm standing in the kitchen,
looking over the breakfast bar
into the living room,
all I can see is the back of a big black TV.

So I'm kind of looking forward to this.

But first we are going to see if it even works.
I'm kind of afraid the sun might come in
through the french doors and put a
big ol' glare on it making it unworkable.

But we'll see.
We have a week to mess with it.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Memory Lane

Quick double post.

I was checking a friend's blog
and she posted this.

How many of these do you remember?
How many did you have????

Check it out!

It's Christmas!

We have always done a pretty unconventional 
Christmas Day celebration.
We just aren't "that" family.

But we always enjoy it.
And this year was no different.

We went to see Santa in Indialantic
on Christmas Eve as has been our
tradition for 37 years.
(We went the year BEFORE we were married too!)

Our neighbor told us about a street
that "does it UP" every Christmas Eve
so we drove over there to see that as well.
It's a culdesac (sp) and entire
street decorates,
puts their little fire dishes out
on the driveway,
some of them have snacks,
there was a couple of houses
with live music,
and there were a LOT of people
just walking the street enjoying
the beautiful evening and all the lights.
It was like a Hallmark movie!
(We didn't really know what we were
doing, so we drove, along with some
other people, but next year
I would like to find a place to park
{good luck}
and walk with the rest of the folks.)

Back to the house to enjoy some
Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice soup
(pressure cooker - ready in 20 minutes
but tasted like it simmered all day)
and cheese and crackers etc
thanks to Mom & Dad's lovely gift!

Then off to bed for a decent night's sleep.
And NO little kids jumping on the bed
at 5:30 wanting to see Santa!

In fact, Rod slept in until about 6!
I don't know.
I didn't wake up until... 8:30? 9:00?

We had a nice breakfast
(eggs and bacon)
and Kyle headed next door to do some
land clearing.
The man can't stand to just sit around.

Mid Process
He's amazing with his cat!

Rod and I rode over on the horses a little later
to check on his progress.

We have an active mountain bike (ha!)
club that use the trails.
One lady likes to decorate this tree,
and really did it up fancy for Christmas.
Added a life size person!

Andy stepped on something (I think)
and ended up lame in his front right foot
so we cut our ride short and headed
back home to put the turkey 
in the oven.

Jim was doing some sunrise kayak fishing
with a couple of friends.
They caught a giant fish.
It was fun,
but he said the fish wasn't his favorite kind.
(OK, he said it was gross...  lol)

Jim and Sabrina
came over around 4:30,
Jim and I took the 4-wheeler over to
check on Kyle and bring him home
while Rod and Sabrina made the
sweet potato casserole.

Dinner was really nice,
I didn't even turn the oven off in the middle
of cooking, so the turkey was done
when I wanted it to be.
We bought a Butterball this time.
(They were on sale)
I'm going back to the cheap WalMart birds.
It didn't have a pop up button
and no gravy mix!

After dinner we moved to the living
room and exchanged gifts.

Well, I "opened" my gift from Rod
in the morning.
I couldn't wait.

He bought and installed a beautiful
new screen front door!!!!!
Our old door was big and bulky
black fake wrought iron.
Rusty, missing all the panels on the bottom
(so sometimes the dogs sneak in)
(along with not keeping out any of the bugs)
so I was excited!!!
It's a beautiful door with a screen in
the top half that rolls up into the frame
so when the glass is up it's clear.
It lets in so much light
and fresh air!
(And NO bugs!)

It was a nice evening.
Sabrina made some peanut butter cookies
for all of us to share
and we sat and Jim entertained the guys
with You Tubes he had found 
about teeny tiny engines.
I had made Rod a t-shirt bag with
some beef jerky and a knit blanket
and called it a Plasma Donation Survival Kit.
He donates plasma a couple times each week
and said he nearly freezes to death.
And it's always good to have a quick
protein snack before donating
so the jerky will come in handy.

We decided the blanket wasn't big enough
and I had 2 more skeins of yarn,
so while they watched tiny engines,
I knit.
I also gave Rod a new telescope
so he and Kyle got it out and got it all
set up and found the moon and
had a great time messing with it!

Then they headed to bed
and I stayed up and finished his blanket
(about 2:30) since he was scheduled to donate
again today.

Which brings us to the close
of the day.

It was a lovely,
family filled,
but quiet
celebration of love and family
and all that is important.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Christmas Goodies

Look what arrived yesterday!!!

A beautiful Harry & David basket 
full of all sorts of yummy things!

It said to unpack the fruit.
So I dutifully did.
And it said how to know if the pears were ripe.
And they were.
So I ate one.
It made a wonderful lunch!

I only ate one.
There are plenty left for the rest of my family.
Unless they don't read my blog.

There were also lots of other yummy goodies included.
Crackers, cheese, nuts, meat,
and one of my favorite things.
Pepper and onion preserves!
I can't wait to give that a try!
But I'm dutifully waiting for my darling husband.
(Kyle isn't a big fan of hot stuff...)
(Lucky me!)

A friend served us some sharp white cheddar cheese
a couple of months ago and I have been
diligently searching for more.
And presto!
There it is!

This is going to be a yummy Christmas Eve!
Thanks Mom and Dad!
It's a wonderful gift!

Love you!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


We had our good friends
over yesterday afternoon.

Linda's entire family is in town.
Her oldest daughter has 3 little kids.
2 boys and 1 little girl.

Her next oldest daughter just graduated
from Agricultural college in Logan
and she and her husband are expecting #1.

Her youngest daughter and her husband
are just figuring out the married thing
and are a super cute little couple.

The older boys are in town,
but one just had a baby
so they stayed home to recharge.

We tacked up Andy and CJ.
Put a little saddle on Andy and Rod's
big beautiful saddle on CJ.
The little kids rode Andy for a bit
while the Aunts and Uncles took turns
leading them around the property.

The Aunts and Uncles took turns taking
the kids on "real rides" on CJ.

Little Jade is INTENSE in everything she does.
This is her thrilled face.

The boys discovered an egg and then the hunt was on.
They had a wonderful time collecting eggs.
I'm not sure I'll get any eggs today though.
The girls were TOTALLY traumatized.
There were 3 little kids and several adults
in their chicken coop right at roosting time
and the chickens went NUTS!
Poor girls.

The folks all had a good time.
And Grandma was happy they were well worn out
and likely to sleep well.
(And was also happy I broke out the hand sanitizer
for everybody before they got back in her vehicle...)

And Linda found the PERFECT Christmas gift
for Kyle.

(He has spent the past 5 months 
cutting down trees on her property and
changing it from wild land into cow pasture.)

Nice day all around!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Story Worth

I've really gotten lax on the Story Worth posts.
This week the prompt was
What simple pleasure do you truly enjoy?

My entire life is simple pleasures
and I truly enjoy all of them.

Sleeping in!
What a luxury!

Getting to spend time with each
of my animals each morning as I
greet them and feed them their breakfast.

Not the chickens so much,
but I do take a moment to wish them
a good morning and give them a gentle
reminder to LAY AN EGG TODAY!

I have been getting over a bad cold
and I finally can take a full breath of air
without feeling like I have a puppy
laying on my chest.
So I went out to my patio and
did a quick 15 minute workout.
What a treat!
I feel so much better when I stretch
and twist and bend my body.

Next I get to walk out to my barn and
send the horses out to the pasture to eat
their hay and munch on the winter grass.
Each one gets a gentle pat or rub as he
walks by - sometimes they even rub back.

And then it's into the garage to let the
dogs out of their crates *they get in 
for feeding and sleeping*
and sending them to the dog yard for the day.
There is NOTHING gentle or serene about
THAT process.
They all run and jump and nip each other
(and sometimes forget I'm not one of them)
so it's quite the rowdy chaotic scene.
But I still enjoy it.

And then in for a shower.
And a breakfast.
This morning I'm thinking I'll have
a protein drink with some baobab powder
(got to keep that Vitamin C strong in my body)
and maybe I'll whip up a couple of 
pieces of french toast using
egg whites and sprouted wheat bread
and LOTS of vanilla and cinnamon.
That sounds YUMMY!
Especially after a weekend of
McDonalds sausage burritos.

I take Mondays pretty easy, especially
after my LONG weekend.
I didn't finish with students until 9:30 
last night and then there was still the
drive back up the highway to get to home.
I had a nice new book to listen to though
so the drive went quickly.
I even sat at the gate for a minute or two
because I couldn't bear to turn off the story
right at that point!
(David Baldacci The Finisher - SciFi Fantasy)

So today I'll sweep the floors,
tidy the kitchen,
do a load or two of laundry,
but I'll save the bathrooms and dusting
and all that good stuff until tomorrow.
I also need to do some grocery shopping,
but we might be able to make it another day.

Sitting in my yard reading a book.
Plugging in the Christmas tree and 
enjoying the lights.
Just SMELLING the tree.
I swear this year's tree is the most piney
smelling tree we have ever gotten!

Puttering around in my kitchen,
trying new things to feed my family,
even standing at the sink washing eggs.

I honestly believe you find joy and pleasure
wherever you look for it.
But you have to be looking for it.
Or life just passes you by and you never
take the opportunity to notice what a
wonderfully, blessed life we lead.

It's true what they say.

And smell the roses.
(or the Christmas tree)

Happy Monday!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Oh Chili's Curbside Ordering.
Where have you been all my life???

It was cold on Saturday evening.
(Cold in Florida terminology...
61 and breezy in South Florida
is COLD!)

I was sick all week last week.
And it was cold.
And I'd been teaching all day.
And I was tired.

The thought of sitting in the lobby
of a restaurant for 45 minutes or more
waiting for a table
and then sitting there for another 45 minutes
while ordering, waiting for it to arrive
and then eating,
all while listening to others LOUDLY
enjoying their evening
and also while FREEZING
(turn the A/C off people!)
just didn't sound worth it.

I was seriously considering just
hitting the Chick Fil A drive through
and eating in my hotel.
(They gave me an executive suite... fancy!)

And then I remembered
Chili's has online ordering
and curbside pickup.

Decided to give it a try.
I knew just what to order, since I eat
there often (it's just a couple of blocks
from my school).

Ordered a guacamole burger with 
a house salad with bleu cheese and
onion rings.


It said it would be ready in 23 minutes,
so I finished up my class paperwork
and then hopped in my car.
Texted "here" when I arrived and 
moments later a nice young lady handed
me my bag of food and I was on my way.

I was in my hotel room and getting
ready to eat my dinner in my nice warm
jammies in a comfy chair while watching
my choice of television show in 
half the time it would have taken
me to get a table!

And I'm hooked.

And then, as a bonus, the next day
I downloaded the Subway app on my
phone and pre-ordered my lunch
and picked it up at the drive-thru window.

All while enjoying my 
heated seats in my VW.

I'm spoiled.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Feed and Doctors

Rod has been wearing himself out.
Working a bazillion hours.
His company is offering as many
over time hours as your want,
they have several planes that need
to get out before the end of the year.

And then when the new year gets here,
there will be no overtime for probably
the first quarter.
Get it now while you can!

But he might have overdone a little.

Saturday morning he woke up
intending to go to work.
But he had a fever.
And a massive headache.

So instead he called in sick
and slept on the couch.

While he was napping,
my new fancy printer/scanner/copier
thingie came by FedEx.
(Free from the company!)

So when he woke up, we spent
a little while opening it,
hooking it up and testing it.

But we were sitting at the kitchen
table on the wooden bench
without a cushion
and when he got up his back was
incredibly sore.

Back to laying on the couch.

Sunday he spent the day sleeping again.
Still a fever.
Still an incredibly sore back.

Monday he called out sick again
and we headed to our doctor.
He still had a fever and his BP was
SUPER low!  We were expecting it to
be high because he was in pain,
but it was 82 over 60!
Doc was quite concerned, 
couldn't find any reason for any of the issues.
Did a flu panel (negative)
and x-rays of his abdomen.
Discovered he is SUPER constipated and
impacted, but still no reason for the fever.
And his back is still so sore.

The doc had him do some stuff to get
the constipation issue taken care of,
and recommended he stay home and
rest for another day or two.

Tuesday he was fever free, 
but his back was still really really sore.
Took another sick day.
He feels best while sitting straight up,
so we loaded up the truck
and headed up north to pick up some feed.
(I drove)

And when we got back home
he made a chiropractor appointment
to see if that would help his back.

Last night he had a couple of friends
come over and they gave him a blessing.
He had the BEST sleep last night
that he has had in months.
But his back is still sore.

Back to work, 
but left early to head back to the doctors
for an ultrasound of his abdomen again.
The tech said the radiologist would
take a look and if there was anything
to be concerned about they would call
today, otherwise Doc would likely call
with the results on Friday.

His back is still pretty sore,
although the chiropractor helped.
He's going again tomorrow.

And I'm going to fix the bed.

We have slept on a water bed for our
entire married life.
Except for a brief stint with a real
mattress that we ended up giving away.

Somehow our waterbed bladder got a 
giant air bubble in it.
It was bugging me.
When I make the bed, there's this big
bulge and it looks dumb.
So the other day Rod helped me
and we got the air bubble out.

And now our bed is TOO HARD!
I woke up a bunch last night with my
hips on fire.
Maybe that's the answer????

So I'm going to put the air back in.

Finger crossed that is all it takes.
And if not, that the Doc will be able
to figure it out.
(But hopefully it will help me sleep...)
(I can't sleep on a hard mattress...)
2 nights at a hotel is my MAX.

I'll keep everyone posted when we hear back.

Rod shared his cold with me.
So I'm sitting on the couch,
watching Hallmark Christmas movies,
mega-dosing oil of oregano and D3
and doing Italian burps.
(oregano repeats something fierce!)
So that's awesome.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Last year Rod and Kyle
surprised me with 2 little 
peach trees.

(Also 2 loquat trees, but
neither of them survived.)

The peach trees are leafless.
All the leaves blew off during
the hurricane.
We were worried they were dead as well.

But while we were fencing,
this is what we found!

There were several little peach blossoms!

Only one tree has blossoms,
but the other tree looks like it
might be thinking about it.

I wanted to take a picture,
because Jim (the plant guy)
said we shouldn't let it blossom or fruit
for the first 2 years.

So, goodbye little blossoms.
Hopefully your sisters / brothers
will show up again next year!

Monday, December 4, 2017


They say fences make good neighbors.
We have GREAT neighbors already.
But our dogs didn't get that memo.

Our neighbors, Rick and Chris
are cat people.
And then Rick retired.
And then Chris retired.
And she was bored.
And she "rescued" a dog.
A pretty little female.
They started going to training to learn
to be a therapy dog.
But Dixie was pretty shy.
So they switched to agility training.
And she was GOOD at it!
So they started going to shows.

And then Rick decided to join in.
So he bought a male dog of the same breed.
And Apollo is the exact opposite
of Dixie.

They are both beautiful.

And Shadow hates them both.
(Actually they were good friends until
we got Bandit and Shadow decided to be
her Mom and went all Mama Bear on Dixie.)

So now whenever Dixie or Apollo are out
(Chris only takes them out one at a time
and on a leash) Shadow sticks her head through
the wire fence and tries to eat them.
There is always lots of barking and
jumping and it's not fun for either side.

We built a "dog yard" and keep our
dogs out there all day.
They have lots of room to run and play
and Rod and Kyle built them a raised
patio with a metal roof so they have a place
to get out of the sun or the rain.
But mostly they dug UNDER the patio
and have a nice cool cave.

But it still sometimes gets crazy.

Friday, Chris opened the back door to
let her cat out (or something) and Apollo escaped.

I was outside feeding the animals, so my dogs
were all loose running around the yard.
Apollo saw them and came running.
He can EASILY clear the 4' fence if he wants.
Chris was terrified he was going to do that.
So she was screaming.
Shadow had her head through the holes and
was barking and trying to bite him.
So I was yelling at my girls to get back 
in the garage.
It wasn't pretty.

So after all the dogs were contained,
I asked Kyle to take a day off work.

And this is what we did.

This is "before".
Looking out our side yard into their side yard.

This is after putting up a couple of panels.
We bought 14.
I miscounted.

We had to go back and get 3 more.
And some lunch.
Cuz we were HUNGRY!

And this is our new fence.
The dogs can't see each other.
Chris can let her dogs out without a leash
and not worry about them.
I don't have to worry about my dogs
eating her dogs.
(Apollo is a space cadet, but he keeps winning
Best In Show
for his breed and if she bit him it would
be devastating.
And expensive...)

Chris is over the moon happy.
And they offered to pay for half.

And you can still see over the fence
so although it looks like we are all
fenced in (we are) it's not claustrophobic
or anything.
Unless you look over there, you don't
even really notice it.

I actually REALLY like it.
We might paint it the same color as the house.
But that's later.
I learned to use the screw gun.
(I already knew, but I was TERRIBLE
at it, Kyle helped me with some
tips and tricks and I'm still terrible,
but with little letters.)
I also got to use the big table / miter saw
and cut a board.
I always wanted to do that!

Good thing I learned all that stuff 
cuz I still need to finish
securing the fence. 
Kyle is out of days off.
We only put in the
screws in the middle - we need to install
more 2 x 4 supports on the back.
But it's up.
And it's pretty.
And it works.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

I've Been Lazy



Ok, Yes.

I realize today is the LAST day
of the month.
Usually you start the
"next new thing"
on the FIRST day of a month.
But I woke up today
and knew 
TODAY was the day.

So after getting all the animals
fed and delivering my eggs
next door (thank you Kyle),
a good breakfast of chocolate cake
(Yup, chocolate cake, YUM)
and a kefir smoothie,
doing all the banking,
bill paying,
organizing for next month,
emailing my students,
and a nice Thursday phone call
from Soni....

I changed into my workout clothes
and took my new laptop
out to the patio
(where it's nice and cool and I 
don't feel like I'm going to catch
my hands in the ceiling fan)
and dialed up my T-Tapp
Digital Workout page.

32 minutes and a 
Basic Super Slow
I feel GREAT!

I can feel it, especially in my neck.
My neck has gotten really stiff,
so I did some good stretches.
(And then I took some turmeric and
rubbed some magnesium and aloe into it.)

It feels GOOD to make your body work.

And now I'm going to go clean my kitchen
and look for something yummy to cook
my family for dinner tonight.

Last night we had 
"Zippy Zucchini Bake".
It was delicious!
(Except the rice was a little crunchy...)

I might try
Hubby Lovin' Chicken
I've heard good things about it from others...
We'll see.

Happy Thursday all!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Welcome to the Farm

Tis the Season.

And you can tell,
because I have put up the annual
gate decorations.

Our cowboy and cowgirl are all 
spiffed up for the season.
(alter egos?)

We usually have a solar light
stuck in each end of the gate.
But they recently died.

And Rod wasn't happy with them.
They aren't still lit when he leaves
for work at 5:30 in the morning.

So this year I am trying something
different and wrapped a strand
of clear lights all around the top bar.

We will leave them up all year.
(I bought a couple extra boxes
in case they only last a few months.)

I like the look!
And it's NICE to come home
at night to a welcoming light.

(Now I just have to remember to
pick up a timer - cuz it's NOT nice
to have to walk out there every morning
and evening and turn them on/off.)

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Change in Plans

I went to WalMart this morning
and bought the new garland
and red bows for the front gate.

I was going to put them up 
after eating some lunch and
then take pictures for my blog.

But while I was eating lunch,
the skies opened up
and it POURED.
(0% chance of rain today.)
(Yeah, right.)

So scrap THAT idea.

But when I went outside earlier
(before the rain)
this is what I saw...

She does this every day.

Hops up to the roof of the coop.

She wanders around up there for a little while.

And then she flies down into the yard.
And she's free.
Little stinker!!!!!

Luckily she generally heads straight
into the hay room in the barn
and lays her egg.
And then it's out to the pastures
to look for bugs
for her afternoon snack.

(She has 3 or 4 sisters who do
the same thing... monkey see,
monkey do.)

Monday, November 27, 2017

New Friends

This morning early, Kyle and his
friend, Jessica, went for a kayak run.

They found a friend.

He got a little closer than he should have.
He actually touched it on the
back with his paddle!!!!
(Yup, he is nuts.)

Their other new friend was a much
better size / species.

The weather was perfect.
Sunny, not too hot or too chilly.

Thankfully, they left both of their
new friends at Turkey Creek where they found them.

Good choice.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yesterday was a nice, quiet Thanksgiving.

I FINALLY messed up dinner.
Not that I'm a great cook or anything,
but it has always managed to turn out.

I got started on the turkey at 10:00,
planning to cook for 3 hours and
serve around 2:00.

However, I did the time planning
with a turkey bag in mind.
I forgot that I quit using them.

And they cut the cooking time WAY back.

So it was going to take 4 hours
in the oven instead of just 3.

But that's ok.

I got it all ready and put it in the
turkey roasting pan,
tented it with heavy foil
and set the timer for an hour.

Turned off the timer,
pulled the foil off,
and put it back in the oven.

Came back in an hour to check
on it and discovered that I didn't
turn the timer off.
I turned the OVEN off!!!!!


So now it's going to be FIVE hours.

I kept texting Jim.
It's going to be 3:00.
Nope, 4:00.
Nope, 5:00.

We finally were ready at 6.

But it was moist and delicious.
And the sides were good too.
Especially Rod's mashed potatoes.

I ended up not calling Mom for gravy
instructions, since the turkey came with 
a turkey pack in it - all I needed to do was
add drippings and simmer for a bit.
It was a little salty, but pretty good.


This morning dawned cold and overcast.
I went out, dragged the trash cans
to the street,
fed all the animals,
took the turkey carcass out to the chickens
to clean off,
came in and made myself a turkey
sandwich on Rhodes dough rolls
with a side of Pop's fruit salad
and a pecan tart for desert.

It's my birthday.
I can have that for brunch if I want.

And then, since it was a yucky looking
day outside, and Black Friday to boot
(NOT leaving my house for love or money)
I curled up on the couch with my afghan
and a good book.

It was a great,

(And then I hopped in my car
and headed south to teach school.)

When I got to my hotel,
I climbed into bed with my
Chick Fil A sandwich,
turned on the TV 
and found.....


A great end to a nice birthday.

If I have to be away from my family
on my birthday...
this will do.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

And Then There Were 2!

Linda went out this morning
to check on her cows.

And was greeted with another new
little bull calf!

Calf #2 is another beautiful little black angus.

She only wants to keep heifers, 
so Kyle is probably going to buy
both of them from her.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

It's A BOY!

Our friends have been on baby watch
for a week or so now...
and yesterday Kyle was lucky enough
to glance over just as the first cow
decided to give birth.

He has some cute pictures of it when
it was only seconds and then minutes old.

But I went over today to bring him
some lunch and see the new baby.

Mama and baby were enjoying a little
rest in the shade.
He is less than 24 hours old in this picture.

A little cutey!

He's just chillin'.
Wondering why it's so hot here.
And why there are flies.

All of the pasture mates find him fascinating.

But he is more interested in the big
world there is out there.

And now all eyes are on
"Big Mama".
Kyle was sure she was going to calve
just as soon as I left the property.
But I haven't heard anything from him,
so I'm guessing there's no news.