Thursday, July 28, 2016

Mango - the Southern Zucchini

It's summer in Florida.
Unlike summer in the places we all grew up in,
that does NOT mean lots of fresh fruits
and veggies.

If you want to eat fresh in Florida,
you need to visit in the late fall or early spring.

But for some reason the girls are
laying eggs like MAD and it IS
Mango season.

The mango is the rest of the country's zucchini.
Folks are selling, trading, donating, abandoning
tons of mangos right now.

My mango tree is still a baby.

But there is a guy that works with Rod.
His tree is going nuts.
And they are SOOOOO juicy and good!
He and Rod have been trading commodities.
Rod brings him a dozen eggs.
He brings Rod a bunch of mangos.

My house smells like a smoothie factory.

We've been having strawberry mango smoothies
for breakfast every morning.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Well... HELLO!

Look what I found on the highway last night!

Well, not WHAT.

A little old truck pulling a big trailer.

Oh wait!
That's OUR little old truck
pulling OUR trailer!

Luckily it was also being driven
by my darling husband.

Hi darling!
(He was picking up fence posts 
at Tractor Supply in anticipation of
Kyle's visit next week...)

Monday, July 25, 2016

I Love My Truck

Look what happened last night!

That's right!
320,000 miles!!!

(I think it had about 68,000 when we bought it...)
(I do a lot of driving)

To commemorate the event
my rear left signal blinker burned out.

I'm one of those odd ducks who ALWAYS
signals when I change lanes or make a turn.
So it kind of drove me nuts.

But since I was working from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm
both days (HUGE class) I didn't have an opportunity
to find an auto parts store to get it fixed.

for this evening!


In other news.
As I was driving to work this morning, 
I noticed the marquee in front of the
local Presbyterian church.
They often have fun things on there.

Today it says:
Too hot to change sign.
Details inside.



In other news.
It's hot here.


In other news.
Kyle bought a lamp!
It matches his apartment perfectly.


In other news.
I'd better get to work.
Have a great Monday!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Another Busy Week

I've got another busy week.

Yesterday we had the Sisters over for dinner
a delicious pan of Lazy Lasagna
(made with ground turkey and fresh spinach)
and then off to the church for
Evening Relief Society
or Homemaking
or Enrichment
or Girls Night Out
or whatever we are calling it these days.

They were talking about hurricane
preparedness and 72 hour kits.

It's an annual thing here in 
hurricane world.
Although looks like everybody else
is having much worse weather than we are.

I was the only person there older than 26.
(well, there were actually 2 of us...)
But we were the only ones who actually
had any experience with hurricanes.

They had some good information.
There's lots of it out there.
But there are things NOBODY ever tells you.
So we shared some personal bests.

And then they served ice cream.
I went home.
And we went to WalMart to buy tiny paintbrushes.

Tonight I need to run by the hospital for the
FDOT meeting to talk about the traffic light
we are hoping they are going to put in.
And then I have to go to the town 
Parks and Recreation meeting.
I'm the liaison between that board 
and our committee.

Then tomorrow night my committee is
meeting to replace all our "You are Here"
maps out on our trail system.


Somewhere in there I really need to run
to Sam's and get some groceries
so my darling husband doesn't starve this 
weekend while I'm teaching.

(Notice the stilted language?  I'm watching
British TV.  LOL!!!!!
At least I'm not typing with a British accent!)

Monday, July 18, 2016


Except it's Monday.
But this time TGIF doesn't stand for
Thank Goodness Its Friday.

This time TGIF is
Thank Goodness It's FINISHED!

What a weekend!
I'm glad THAT one is over...

Saturday went well.
This particular class has a bunch of
really challenging students.
And the power went out in the afternoon
for a bit.
But we survived.
I even ate at Bonefish Grill
and had the MOST AMAZING
corn chowder with lump crab soup.
Oh my goodness.
And then a nice big
Florida Cobb Salad with fresh mango,
avocado, pumpkin and sunflower seeds 
and super tender grilled chicken
over baby spring greens.

But then Sunday arrived.
The light never DID turn green
to get out of my hotel.
Ended up turning right and
making a U-turn in my giant truck.
That's always fun.

And then part way through the afternoon
we had another power failure.
(Welcome to Florida in the summer...)
When the power came back on,
everything powered right up,
EXCEPT my projector and sound system.
(and my entire class is Power Point / video driven)

Luckily I had just finished teaching the main
curriculum for the course and we were
down to the part where we were going to 
review and watch random related videos for 2 hours.
So instead I had them do some workbook stuff
while I tried to figure something out.

Fortunately, I keep an extra projector 
in my truck since I never know where I'm 
going to be teaching next nor what kind of
facilities they have.

Unfortunately, the computer didn't accept
my projector.
So I tried connecting it to another computer
on the other side of the room.
No dice.
Then the guy who owns the office called and
said he was pretty sure it was just the breaker.
But the breaker box was NOT where he said
it was.  (There WAS an EMPTY breaker box
on the opposite wall...)
I even had a MAN student look.
Nope.  No breaker box in any of the 
unlocked rooms in the entire facility.


Fortunately (again) one of my students had
her laptop with her.  (Normally I bring mine,
but this weekend I knew I wasn't going to
want to workout in my hotel after these LONG
days, and I didn't want to leave it in my truck
or my hotel, and didn't want to lug it in and
out of the classroom - so I left it home.)

We finally got it all hooked up,
downloaded the power point presentation
and a power point viewer.
But then Google Slides took over.

Unfortunately, I think I left my bag with my
long extension cord / power strip at the
Coral Springs site when I subbed there
back in April.  (I just finally narrowed it down
to there.  Don't know if it's actually there.
Or just LOST)
The cord on my projector is about 18 inches long.

So I set it up on a chair,
pointed it to the front of the room (ish)
and we all tilted our heads to the right.

(As I always tell the instructors I mentor -
You gotta be willing to PUNT!)

Also, unfortunately, Google Slide didn't actually work.
It would show the slides, but not the animations.
Which means, when you are doing a multiple choice
review, they pick the answer they want, and I should
be able to click and the right answer is highlighted in red.
Yeah.  No.
Oh well.  They just had to believe me!  LOL
Things went better after that.
And then came the final exam.

Crash and burn.

We have a brand new curriculum starting
this month and I guess we haven't got the
bugs all worked out yet.
Cuz I only passed 6 people out of 18.
Which is unheard of!
4 of the students who failed were
(And the other was a CPA!)
And high score was only 87!
Normally I have several high 90's.
So I was pretty bummed.

I'm going to need to really re-evaluate
how I teach this new stuff.
Less "extra" and more time for review.

Fortunately I had a reservation to spend
the night in Ft. Lauderdale.
*Since I didn't get out of class until 10 pm.
Got up at 4:45 and hit the road to be 
at my office by 7:30.  Had to stop by the
house to pick up some eggs for a co-worker
and to kiss my Much Missed Husband!

This morning I sent a big long email to my
boss (guess I could have just linked to my blog...)
And then I got a text from a student who did
pass my test last night.
She just PASSED her State Exam this morning!
So I was all excited again.
I went online to my class roster so I could email
the students with a "shout out"
and look at my class size for this weekend.

I'm not teaching my normal West Palm Beach.
I'm teaching in Coral Springs!
(which is cool since I'll be able to get the 
stuff I think I left there...)
A "quick" phone call to my boss to find
out what's the deal and yup, it's true.
But that means I need to cancel hotel reservations
and make new ones.
(which I have already done.  Whew!)

If you are looking for me.
Check the puddle under my desk.
That just might be me.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Primary Pennies

When I was about 12 years old
I had to give a talk.
About the Primary Children's Hospital
and the pennies the primary children
collect to help families pay for 
their treatment.

It was a special topic,
because my Aunt Karen spent many
many many days, weeks, months
at the Primary Children's Hospital
following a car accident when she
was a little girl.

I was preparing to give her story
and as part of my preparation, I
recorded it on our cassette recorder.
I remember doing it.
(We had these two little black cube
microphones that sat on a stand.)
(It felt VERY official)

Mom found the tape.
And Rozann did her magic and turned it
into an MP3 and Dad sent it to me.
I sound VERY young.
And Canadian.
And then look what showed up at my
house yesterday?

Isn't that gorgeous?

For right now it's sitting on my piano.
Until I can find the perfect place for it.
(I have cave art buffaloes hanging above
my piano, and you can't really get close enough
to see it to see the music if I hang it there.)

The perfect spot will come to me.

But for now I'm enjoying it where it is.
(I can see it perfectly from my 
favorite spot on the couch.)

I love it!
(And you!)

Friday, July 8, 2016

Gearing Up

It's been a quiet-ish week.
Still super hot.
Too hot to do much.
But Rod is doing much anyway.

Last night he went through
the giant pile of left over metal
roof that Kyle brought from the
shop years ago when it closed.

Rod is going to replace the sun cloth
above the horse's water trough
with the metal roofing.
And maybe build the dogs a metal roof
in their dog yard as well.

I've started working out again.
So I'm a little stiff.
But taking turmeric daily helps.

Tonight I will be heading south to
the Ft. Lauderdale area
for the first of 8 weekends in a row.

I've been eating clean for the month
of July and haven't messed up yet.
So I'm really going to try hard
to stay on task over the weekend.
It's hard to do when you are 
living in a hotel and with limited
fast food options in the area
(and only 30 minutes for lunch)
but I'm determined to do my best.

The sky was on fire last night.
And it seems the world is too.

Thoughts and prayers are with Dallas.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Independence Day!

I'm spending a VERY relaxing,
long weekend.

We had a long list of things
to do, but it is WICKED HOT
out there - triple digits
which for those of you living in
AZ - you scoff.
But add 100% humidity and it
is unbearable.

Rod works "outside" (in the hangar, but
with the giant doors open, so it's outside
just not in the direct sun....)
So he is enjoying getting to be in the 
house.  We are even running the A/C.
(Something we don't often do.)
(Guess we are getting old)


This morning he is in town
donating plasma.
We had a nice breakfast of
scrambled eggs with 
sauted jalapeno cheddar sausage
and a mint chocolate smoothie.

While he was gone,
I cooked up a yummy
"Lazy Lasagna"

My stove top light makes everything
look orange.  LOL

Next I baked a
Trimtastic Chocolate Cake.

I will whip some fresh whipping
cream and add a little 
100% Ghiradelli cocoa
for a frosting.

I also chopped up a couple of
big zucchini (since I was cutting
one up for the cake anyway)
and then put a bunch of
radishes in the food processor
to slice up.
They are delicious fried in butter
with a fried egg and some bacon.

And fried up some lean ground beef
(grass fed - the neighbors gave it
to Kyle in exchange for him doing...
something... next door.  LOL)
Added taco seasonings so we
can throw together a quick
taco salad.

It was a productive morning!
Rod just called.
He is on the way home.
I just sliced up a nice ripe
nectarine and mixed it with some
of my favorite 000 Oikos 
vanilla greek yogurt.
Ate mine already, but his is
waiting for him when he gets home.
(I'll probably make him a turkey 
sandwich to go with it...)

Enjoy your day!
(Empty nesting is FUN!)