Thursday, March 30, 2023

Having a Great Time!

 Rozann brought over a TON of delicious Chinese food
for dinner tonight at Mom's house.

We had a good time, eating and visiting,
reading fortune cookies,
watching silly videos,
and playing some dice games.

It is great getting to spend time with family!
(And so fun to get to see and spend time with Sam!)

Monday, March 27, 2023

On Your Marks.......

 On your marks,
Get set.....

And that's what I'm doing today.
Getting ready...

Which means laundry.
(I did most of that on Saturday)
I was going to do that Saturday, but decided
that it wouldn't last the week if I did it too early.
So that's on tap for today.
I like to wait til the last minute... lol.

Oh yeah, and I need to run to the grocery store.

Saturday morning we had our RS Birthday Brunch.
It was at the home of our new activity committee chair.
It was sparsely attended, which I expected since
Saturday morning is a tough time for most Moms.
But I have assigned this committee to be in charge
and I'm not going to micro-manage.
The people who needed to be there, were there.
And we had a really nice time and got to know
a few sisters better.
(Which was the goal.)

AND one sister brought little yogurt parfaits.
They were DELICIOUS.
It was the best yogurt!
So I have to go to the store and buy a couple
of tubs (by Kyle's request) so they can eat it
while I'm gone.
If you have ever had a McDonald's yogurt parfait,
it's the same yogurt they use.
(But it's from Publix and you don't have those
where you live... cuz they are only S.E. US.)
(I never shop at Publix, it's the "upscale" store.)

Yesterday we had a really good ward council,
a nice testimony meeting,
a good RS lesson,
and we were invited to a friend's home for dinner.
It was very enjoyable!

All-in-all a nice day.

And now........

Friday, March 24, 2023

Rocket and the Beach

 We got to watch the 3-D printed rocket
go off the other evening.
They have been trying and trying to get it 
off the ground, and were finally mostly successful.
The 2nd stage didn't light.
But it DID fly!
It was so tiny and cute!

This morning Kyle and I went to the beach
to watch a Falcon 9 go up with another
load of satellites.
It was a beautiful morning!
Lots of people at the beach since its
spring break...

We watched the rocket and then walked a good ways.
(I forgot to turn on my tracker... so I have no idea how far...)
and then we sat back in our chairs and just enjoyed
the beautiful sunshine.
Until we realized we were BURNING.
I could have stayed another couple of hours.
It was wonderful and peaceful and exactly
what we both needed.
(There has been a LOT of "people-ing" this week
for the both of us and we needed our batteries re-charged.)


I went to the dentist on Wednesday and he was pleased
with the way it is healing, so he opened it up and filled
the space with a permanent goo and when I get home
from Arizona I'll go in and have the crown sealed.

Other than that, it has just been the regular
go, go, go, talk to people, organize people,
help people, feed people, work with people...
you know.

So I was VERY grateful for a quiet day.
(Although I DID talk with a number of folks
today - there is always somebody who needs something.)

Off to pick up horse feed and drop some
dinner off to Rod who has to stay late

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Goodness Gracious!

 I can't even BEGIN to list all the stuff.....

I've been quite busy.
And just popped on and realized it's been
two cat's lives since I posted.

This is where I was this past weekend.
(5 days)

Plus ALL the RS stuff.
And working at the town.
And designing / planning a new house.
And freeze drying stuff.

It just feels like I don't slow down!

We would really like to go to the 
Bishop's Storehouse again.
But tomorrow I have a dentist appointment.
And then next Wed I'll be in TUCSON!

I'm so behind.

I spoke in church a week ago Sunday.
And that feels like yesterday.
But 6 months ago.

I was supposed to meet with the EQ Pres
this afternoon, but I left Tampa this morning
at 5:00 and this is the first time I've slowed down
all day long.
(The Town was a MAD HOUSE today...)

I just got an email that the expense report system
will be down from this evening until 3/27!
So I had to hurry and get my reports in
so there is a tiny chance they will get approved
and possibly even paid before my credit card
payment is due.
(My expense report is generally around $2200
for the weekend, time I rent a car for 5 days
and 5 nights in a hotel...)

I have a sister in the hospital I should go visit.
And I haven't sent birthday cards at all
last week. 
(My birthday card sister broke her arm... I need
a new birthday card sister!)

I still don't have a 2nd counselor (that I know of...)
But I MIGHT get a ministering secretary!
Which is awesome.
Except she will set appointments for
ministering interviews and then I'll have to do
those too!!!

Deep breath.
I'm going to go take a nap.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Bishop's Storehouse

 We have been TRYING and TRYING and TRYING
but finally this week Kyle and I were able
to make the trip over and spend the morning
at the Bishop's Storehouse.

We did it a couple of times YEARS ago and both
really enjoyed it, but then life got in the way.

For the past few months we've tried to take
Wednesday and go over, but I keep having
RS Pres stuff - or then he has stuff...

But the stars lined up today.

We had a good time.
And they were very appreciative.
We did a bunch of stuff they were behind on
(cleaning mostly). 

I hope we will be able to go again,
maybe next Wednesday.
That is a busy day for them and 
usually they don't get a bunch of help.

We might even purchase some of their stuff.
I hear their powdered milk is really good.....

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Quick Update

 I'm spending the weekend in the classroom
in Tampa again. The regular instructor had
to have surgery on his arm and thought it
would be "no big deal".
Instead he is in significant pain and on
serious pain medicine.
So I'm covering for him.

Meanwhile, my jaw lump is down to about
maybe 15% of the original lump!
Less than before the root canal.
Not gone.
But less!
And less uncomfortable.
I've been keeping arnica (natural
pain reliever that also helps heal)
and that seems to be helping.

This is just a 2-day class, so I'll be
heading home early tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


 I don't have the mumps...
but it kind of LOOKS like I do!

There's a nice big bump on my lower jaw.

My teeth don't feel any better or worse
than before the procedure.
Basically just the same.

But the lump on my jaw is 5 times bigger!

It's a little smaller today,
or maybe the loose skin around it is less loose?
But the bump itself seems to be larger.
It fits nicely in the palm of my hand.

Unfortunately it is a little tender to the touch.

Like if you put your chin in your hand and rest
it on a desk or table.

Like when you are frustrated.

Which happened about seventy-two-billion times
yesterday at work.

Which elicited a tiny yelp each time.

I put some arnica on it last night to help me sleep.
And it seemed to help a little.

Until 3:48 when I woke up.
And stayed away until 5:24, just before
Rod hopped out of bed for the day.
So when my alarm went off at 7:00
I decided to "preview" (watch) today's
workout first.

But I'm proud to say I did actually get out of bed
and do my workout before grabbing a bite of breakfast
and heading to a sister's house to clean it up.
She has been out of her house in the hospital
and then in rehab since mid-January.
There were some serious science projects in her fridge!

Luckily the two ward missionaries also came,
so they worked with me on the fridge,
another sister worked in the bathroom,
another stripped the sheets off the bed and
did a load of laundry,
and the other sister had a migraine so she sat
in a chair quietly in the corner and offered
moral support.
(Kyle also showed up since they elders were 
worried about being there with just us ladies...)
(Kyle picked up on the fridge where the elders
had to leave off for an appointment.)

It looked MUCH better when we were done 
and she was grateful.
Unfortunately though had to head back to rehab.
She will probably be there for another week,
but she wanted to come home, water the plants,
go through her mail, and supervise the cleaning.

So, that's all done.

And now I'm heading to the couch for a rest
before I teach this evening.

I actually think this could help!