Saturday, October 29, 2022

Lots to Do

 I've been busy - seems like that is how
I start ALL my blog posts!
But... that's my life right now...

This week has been full of unusual things.
Like helping clean out a storage unit for a
sister who moved out of our ward 2 years ago.
One of the sister in our ward is a friend and
she volunteered to take care of it.

She and I went through a little bit of stuff on Wed.
I'm meeting the Elders from her ward on
(she's wasn't even in our ward boundaries...)
Wed morning at 8 and we will see what we can
go through.
But then that's it.
We have lots of options and none of them
include me going through all this stuff.

The storage unit is owned by the mother of 
Jim's high school girlfriend.
It's a really nice facility!
But... it's storage.
And it's pretty full.
(of bugs!)


I DID get a walker and a couple of canes
that some of the women in the ward
would be happy to claim.
I'll be taking those to church with me on Sunday.

And yesterday I cleaned out my closet!
(Well... let's say I did half.)

This is embarassing.

I like to buy clothes.
I don't like to get rid of them.

I might get skinny enough to wear them again!


We had a call out for size medium shirts and
size 3-5 pants for a non-member lady who escaped an abusive
situation and had literally only the clothes on her back.

So that was a good reason to get started.
I gave her a box full of shirts (and only 1 pair of
jeans - mine are all size 6...)

And then I boxed up 2 more boxes of shirts.
And a box of pants.
I have more pants to go through - probably another
2 boxes, maybe?
And I tossed out two bags of shoes / shirts / etc
that were beyond salvaging.

Those shoes / boots on the shelves are only there
so I can see them and decide what to do with them.
Most of them are going to the women's shelter.

I'll keep the boots and a black and a brown 
pair of loafers. That's all I need.

GOTTA get rid of this stuff.
We do NOT want to haul it all to Kansas!
(I DID find some long johns though - they
are staying! lol)

Yesterday I got a phone call from another non-member
lady who wanted us to pay their rent so they don't
lose their apartment.
Unfortunately, the Bishop wasn't able to help.
And I had to make that phone call.
It broke my heart.

And today I took some food pantry / self
reliance information to a sister in the ward,
then went back to the storage facility and picked
up the walker, canes and some truck ramps,
and then headed to Walmart for a few things we
need for this weekend.
(We are having a "friendsgiving" mingle on the 15th
and we need to post the flyers - I bought a barn board
frame to put it on in the foyer)

My counsellor (who I just found out is MOVING in January)
did a really good job making it.

More details to follow.... lol.

I'm "off" (from teaching) next week, but I'm going
to use the time to do LOTS of prep cooking.
Need to get that freeze dryer full again. 
I gave it the week off, simply because I didn't 
have the time / energy to deal with it.
But the guys really enjoyed the freeze-dried meals
I sent with them on hurricane clean-up, so I
want to do more of those and fill up our larder.

And I need to make lunches for the guys for next week as well.
And finish my closet.
And I'm sure there's a bunch more stuff I'm forgetting.
But I'll remember when it's time.
Or too late.... 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

SHHHHH Peaches!

 We MIGHT get a couple of peaches this year!!!!

Kyle and I are super duper excited.
The old tree looks mostly dead
and every year we nearly rip it out.
But this year.....

We have some actual blossoms!!!

And "possibly" a baby peach!!!!!

I don't want to jinx it, but... PEACHES!!!!!

Kyle also discovered a couple of cherry blossoms.
The hurricane blew all the rest of them away.

But MAYBE we will actually get a little harvest this year?

Fingers crossed.

I spent most of the morning helping another sister
clean out a storage unit for a sister who moved out
of our ward a couple of years ago. She was friends with
Wendy - so she offered.
And then I offered to help too.
It's more than we can do on our own.
So we have the missionaries from the other ward
(she's in their boundaries)
coming next Wed morning to see how big a dent
we can make in it.
We got through .... 25% this morning? 
Maybe more, but we only had Wendy's car,
so most of the stuff we went through we
had to leave there.

I'll try to take a truck over and get some
of the trash so we will have some working
room for Wednesday.

And then I had to teach this evening.
Working at the town tomorrow.
And then a Presidency meeting at 4.
(or 4:30? lol)

Gotta get "Friendsgiving" planned.
And the ever present ministering adjustments.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Freezer Camp

 We picked up the first beef from the butcher's today.

I forgot to take any pictures.

But it went fairly smoothly.

We got 2 giant coolers full of meat and when we
got home we split it into 4 coolers
and then put it into boxes and then weighed it.

There was less meat total than we were hoping.
But the people were happy.

We will probably wait a couple extra months
for the other two to be a little "beefier"....

I reserved a steak that we are going
to cook - one of these evenings when
I have more than 2 minutes to rub together.
I'm looking forward to seeing how it
turned out.
We used a different butcher this time.

Our other butcher is much easier to work with.

But the quality has declined to a point where
I'm not happy and uncomfortable selling it to others.

This guy is WAY harder to work with and I'm
not sure where all my meat went.
I only got charged for the meat I got,
but I'm pretty sure my steer weighed more than
he said he did...

But on the other hand, we got a LOT of variety!
Which I love.
The other butcher did a large number of a few cuts.
This guy does a few of a lot of different cuts.
Which is fun.
And different.
And, hopefully, tasty!

there you have it.

A very busy, productive day.
That finished up with teaching a class.

So..... here's a random picture, because
you know how I hate a blog without a picture.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

More About Mom.....

 You know...
As I was looking through pictures and
deciding which to post on yesterday's
birthday tribute I noticed something.

Go back and look and see if you notice it too.
(never mind, I'll just put them here again... grin)

In each of the pictures she is giving 100% of
her attention to the person she is with.

That is such a fantastic skill!
Some people say its a trait, but, although
some come to it a little more naturally than
others, it is something that must be 
nurtured, honed, perfected, and
practiced over and over and over.

My friend Teresa Tapp had that skill.
She might be surrounded by 20+ people,
all waiting to talk with her,
and yet she was 100% present with the one
she was currently speaking with.

Mom is like that.
What an amazing thing!
And just another reason I aspire to be like Mom.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Happy Birthday Mom!

 Today is my beloved Mom's birthday!

She looked so beautiful that night!
And I took several pictures.
And in every. single. one. she is making
a silly face.
So I won't post them here.... lol
You're welcome.
Happy Birthday.

This birthday marks the end of another
trip around the sun. 
And what a trip it was!!!
She and Dad got to take a plane trip to Butte.
(Something I think they were INCREDIBLY brave
to be doing... that's a little bit of a scary landing!)
Had a lovely visit with her sister, Aunt Karen.

She got to spend lots of time up in the mountains
in Pine Top - what a wonderful place that is!

She played the piano every day! (almost)
A record I just can't seem to achieve.

She is loved by her many many family members
both there in Tucson AND around the world!
She has made lasting friendships with the people 
in their little community.
People who had likely never spoken with each other
until she introduced them to tea parties and 
fun neighborhood get-togethers and even
just door step drop-offs and visits.

She has continued the many lasting friendships
she has made in their ward.
Despite the year(s) of being quarantined and
unable to get out - that didn't stop Mom!
Finding and spreading light and laughter 
and friendship and love is what she is all about.

They have made friends everywhere they go.

Whether its at home or abroad.
They count friends they made in Winipeg,
London and Salt Lake while serving.

(No we don't "only" eat when I visit....)
(But we DO eat..... lol.)

My Mom is such an example of pure love.
Free from judgement, 
freely given.

And now that I am serving as a Relief Society President,
I am so grateful for her experience and knowledge!
I look to her more than she knows.
The conversations we held over the years,
the example she set,
these are the things I draw on to help me
as I learn to serve - hopefully half as well as she.

She will always be my guiding light.

I love you Mom!

Happy Birthday!

Monday, October 17, 2022

Monday Monday

 The guys worked over the weekend down in
Arcadia, Florida - which is over on the
west central part of the state.
They said the devastation there was incredible.

Mobile home parks and campgrounds that are
STILL under water and people either can't
get to their units, or someone has pulled
them to the front (in a long line) so they
can try to salvage what they can.

Giant trees down all over the place.
(That's what they work on, thanks to Kyle's
equipment - the Stake President stopped me at
church yesterday and said his BACK thanked Kyle
for his service... lol.)

It's amazing this same ocean that is so quiet and peaceful
can also be part of the reason for the devastation.

(Kyle and I stopped by on Friday...)

This morning my co-worker is sick, so I'm covering
for her at the Town.
I can't stay too long though, I need to get home
and get a bunch of food cooked so it can
go into the freezer for 12+ hours and then
into the freeze dryer for 36+ hours.

We need to have MEALS - mostly we have been
drying individual ingredients or fruit.
But they have been taking their own meals
and freeze dried is so much more convenient.
But if you purchase it already made at the store
it is $9.97 per serving!!!!
And I can make it for a fraction.

So that's my goal for this week.
Make a TON of freeze dried individual meals.
I'm going to do scrambled eggs/omelet things.
And some chili.
And some... thing else.
Probably chicken and rice.
I don't know, but that's a start.
Oh yeah, beef stroganoff.
That turned out really good.

Happy Monday!

Friday, October 14, 2022

Nothing New.


There's really nothing "new" happening around here.
That's not to say there's NOTHING happening.
Just not really blog worthy.

The guys are leaving this evening to drive to the
other coast to do more hurricane recovery.
That's always "fun".
(And a LOT of hard work...)
(And expensive - at least for Kyle...)
The kitchen table is loaded up with food
and snacks and drinks and snacks
for them to take with them.

Kyle took the day off today - he needed a break
before he jumps back in to another weekend
of being "the man of the hour". (hahahahaha)
So we have some errands to run and then
we might try to swing by the beach for an hour.
He recharges his batteries on the beach.

Jim came by yesterday after work for a visit.
Unfortunately the vast majority of the claims 
coming in (so far) are flood claims.
And he isn't rated for flood.
But the claims just aren't coming IN at all yet.
(A lot of the areas are still closed or are just now
getting opened....)
Citizens has only gotten 40,000 claims.
They are anticipating over 200,000.
So he is still in "waiting" mode.

And I'm just doing what I do.
Teaching, working at the town,
trying to take care of the sisters as best I can.

Kyle and I took a bunch of stuff over to the
church last night to restock the kitchen.
We now have plates, drink pitchers,
a drain rack, towels and wash rags.....
That feels good.

I have a couple of unusual requests I need to try
to address this week, but nothing too weird.

So... that's about it.

A gratuitous picture of Beau sleeping with his
latest favorite toy.
A bright green dragon.

Hope everyone is well, healthy, happy, enjoying life.
Talk to ya' later!

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


 Got a package from Mom!
With the CUTEST earrings!

Forgive the photos.
Hello... selfies... NOT my forte.

Super cute skeleton.

Fun and dangly and sparkly!
Can't wait to wear him!

And a much more subdued yet still adorable
ghost with a little "Boo" caption.

So fun!!!


Just finished teaching for today.
Now I'm going to do a quick workout,
and then I have a trunk full of stuff
that needs to go over to the church.
I am re-stocking the kitchen.
(I have a larger RS budget than I thought...)
I found some plastic plates on clearance
at WalMart. Dark blue, square dinner plates
for, get this, $0.25 a piece! 
I got 89 of them. (Cleaned them out...)

I was going to buy more at the other Walmart,
but they didn't have ANY.
So went back to my store yesterday after
work and bought all the same color,
but 10" round plates.
They were $0.50 but still a great deal.

That way we don't have to keep buying
paper products. And, who doesn't have great
memories of standing in the kitchen after an activity,
washing and drying the dishes while visiting with
another couple of sisters (and sometimes brothers)...
That might be my favorite part of any activity!
(Yes, I'm weird.)

I also got a bundle of tea towels and
another bundle of wash rags.
And a new dish drainer.
And SIX new plastic water / koolaid jugs
because ours have magically disappeared
and we only have (had, we tossed them)
12 of the lids.

Oh, and a clock for the YW room since theirs
died and we have our Ward Council in there
and it drives me NUTS that I don't know what
time it is without pulling out my phone.
(I wear a watch, but just for show... I can't
actually SEE the numbers... lol)

And then?
Who knows.
Maybe I'll take a nap.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!


I always thought we did it right.

We actually give thanks at the end of harvest.

WHO is harvesting at the end of November???
We've been under snow for like 6 weeks by then!

(Ok, there actually ARE some folks just getting
started with harvest down here a little further south...)

And we ate the right food too.
None of that nasty pumpkin pie.
Who makes pie out of a jack-o-lantern.
That's just desperate.
And wrong.
(unless you like it!)

In honor of Canadian Thanksgiving,
for dinner tonight we had.....

Pork Loin, Salad and Tater Tots.

But it was yummy.
(And I forgot it was Thanksgiving until
Rozann reminded me after dinner...)


So excited!
We have been trying to sell it for 3 months.
A nice gentleman drove over from Kissimmee
and was happy to own it.


Friday, October 7, 2022

New Adventure (Jim)

After months and months of
schooling and training and
more schooling and more training,
Jim looks like he is finally getting
his first deployment
as an insurance adjuster!

He signed a really nice contract with the
largest adjuster company that represents
the biggest insurance company in Florida.
Now they are just waiting for the claims
to start rolling in.
He will likely be in Ft. Myers.

 The first thing he will buy with his new paycheck
will be a TRUCK!
But the ladder fits.
And if it fits, it ships!

He is really excited to get going.
(Reminds me of all those canoe trips
with the boat strapped on top of the
old Chrysler, Sara!)

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Cow Boys? People?

 Looks like this will be the
week of the cows.

Tuesday morning before work,
Chris, our neighbor to the south
called in a panic because there were 
three small cows in her driveway.
By the time she got me on the phone
they had started to wander to the rear of
her property.
Which is good - since she has an open
pasture back there, with a gate into
our fenced back pasture.

They are Brock's cows.
His cows used to get out ALL. THE. TIME.
And we had to wrangle them.

This group was easy.
We have a large gate going into Chris's property on the south
and a small gate going into Brock's property on the north.
Brock was already searching for them, so he
brought over a bucket of feed and they
followed him across our pasture and back to
their own place.

Tuesday after work Kyle and I took
Spot down to the butcher.

He was a good looking steer.
And a good size.
Probably over 1200 pounds.
(He didn't want to get into the part of the alley
with the scales in it, so we just opened it up
and put him straight into the trailer...)

He was the friendliest of the three.
But also a feed hog.
I'm hopeful with him gone the others will finally grow!

Meeting the new neighbors.

Off-loading went nice and smooth.
AFTER we figured it all out on our own and got him
in a stall, a young man came out and apologized for not
being there to help, took our information and we left.

Wednesday (yesterday) we got up and met Brock in our
yard where he hooked our trailer to his truck,
Kyle and I hopped into his F450
and went back to Brock's where he loaded a bunch of
corral panels into our trailer and we headed up to
a little dairy farm in New Smyrna, to pick up
a new 24' stock trailer for Brock and a bull
and a show cow.

Good grief.
They got a LOT of rain from the storm.
The pastures were super wet - they had to traipse
all over the pasture to drive them into the one
that has a load-out chute.
We eventually got them into the pasture.
The cow went into the barn, so the lady locked
her in a stall.
Then the bull headed into the barn.
Instead of putting him in another stall and just
backing the trailer into the alley of the barn and loading
them from there, she tried to put them in the same
stall - so they both got out.

Never did get them back into the barn.
And neither one really wanted to get into the
little pen with the load-out.
We ran them up and down and up and down
and up and down... this silly pasture.
FINALLY got the cow into the pen
and went ahead and loaded her into the trailer.
And then used Kyle's truck and the trailer
as a catch alley to push the bull into the pen.
(NERVOUS that bull would kick out and
dent Kyle's fancy new truck... but he didn't. WHEW!)

Got him in the pen, and then he loaded into
the alley BACKWARDS and couldn't figure out
how to back into the trailer.
So she had to turn him around in the alley.
(We would have let him out of the alley, he was
IN the pen, and just re-loaded him, but he's not
our bull, not our show, not our call...)

Eventually we got them all loaded.

Meanwhile, Brock hired a cowboy to pick up
6 more cows from another place and take them
to the butcher up there, so we didn't have to do
that as well. We took the 2 we had, along
with the 2 trailers and headed up the highway
to a farm just down the road from where we
go to get our feed.
(Wish we had our barrels!)

This is the "pasture" the next herd was in.
There were 6 of the lady's dairy cows
and supposedly 10 "yearlings"
(but actually weanlings)
that Brock had purchased.
Brock and Angela(?) put on their hip waders
and away they went.
Meanwhile Kyle did some amazing driving and turned
his 50' rig around on a very tight, very wet,
dirt road and didn't get us stuck or scratched
or anything!

We got all set up while they brought in the herd.
Luckily these ones are trained to feed so they
just had to go find them and then they pretty well
just followed them in.

We used the extra corral panels to create a pen out
in the little dirt road so we could sort off the calves
and load them in our trailer, and then she put her
cows into her trailer.

It went more smoothly than I thought it would.
Luckily dairy cows are more like big dogs.
VERY docile.

We got them loaded up, turns out there were only
9 little guys - while we were setting up the panels
one of them wandered off, so we only had 8.
Brock and Angela put on their waders again
and headed back out to try to find the missing
calves. (We still thought there were 10 total...)

The wanderer wandered back.
They never did find another calf.

Anyhow, we took the 9 we did have,
put the panels all back in the other trailer,
and headed out.
The new trailer had REALLY low tires,
so we hit a gas station and aired them up
and then headed north to near Kyle's old ranch.
Met a guy in a field and let out the babies and the bull
into a nice big, green, lush, DRY pasture where they
will grow up. The boys will head to freezer camp
and the girls will become a new cow/calf herd.

The show cow stayed in our trailer to come back
to Brock's farm for his "petting zoo" thing he has
going on over there on Thursdays.

It was a LONG day.
We finally got back into town just before 8:00.
Kyle had to back into his pasture in the dark.
Brock helped guide him in.
I got out and walked home and fed out animals
and made dinner.

Today it's a non-cow day.
(I hope)
Just working at the town,
Kyle and Rod are back at work at the airport.

And then.....
tomorrow is another cow day!!!!!
Stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

It's Freezer Camp Time!

 This afternoon after we both get
home from work,
Kyle and I will be loading Spot
into our trailer and heading to

He is the largest of the 3.
And he eats like it!
The other two get pushed off the feed
so we are hoping that once he is gone
they will start to put on weight
like they should.

He is the friendliest of the three.
So hopefully that will make him 
yummy. (grin)

He is quite a bit larger than the others.
And that was a month ago.

I'll get a better photo this afternoon.
We are going back to the original butcher
we used with our first set.
Sirloin (Sir) and Moon Pie.

I'm hoping he does a great job,
because I'm not super happy with our regular guy.
He is getting older, his team is getting smaller
and his office manager / coordinator retired
so he has his wife (a hair dresser) running the show
now, and....... I miss the other lady!

We are only taking the one.
Fingers crossed.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Google Locates

 The guys are out of town this weekend.
They are often out of town.
Many of Kyle's jobs take them to 
various and sundry parts of the state.

But although he has his equipment with him,
this isn't a paying Buffalo Land Clearing job.

Hurricane recovery.

He is honestly a bit depressed at the 
start of November when the hurricane
season has ended and there has not been
a significant storm that season.
Not that he's wishing mayhem on others...
but... kind of?


Bring on Hurricane Ian.
And the devastation on the west coast.

I shared a few pictures yesterday
of their adventure.

That's Rod in the yellow
"Helping Hands" shirt.

And Kyle in the plaid making his professional assessments.

And, thanks to Google Maps,
here is where they are!
Right this minute!

I'm the blue dot on the east coast of the state.
(The red heart is our Stake Center)
The guys are almost directly across
in a town called Fort Meade.
The dots at the bottom left are where I was teaching
at the start of covid.

I love knowing where they are.
If I zoom in, I can see exactly where they are.
Like Rod is at the front of the property and
Kyle is in the rear.
Technology is a wonderful thing.
Thanks Google!