Tuesday, December 29, 2015

New License!

Rod worked REALLY HARD for this.

He and his brother Scott spent a week
in a hotel room just outside Tampa.
They went to school every day
and did a TON of homework and studying
every night.

They took a gazillion practice tests.

They took notes.

They read.
They studied.
They wrote.

They didn't sleep much.

And HERE is what it got him!

I am SO proud of you darling!!!

(It allows him to sign off on airplane inspections)
He does those inspections, but has to get
somebody else to sign off on them.

No more!!!


Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

As you may remember,
I have been banned from the garage.

Last night I got to find out part of the reason why.

I have a VERY talented husband and son.
That is a BEAUTIFUL kitchen table and bench.

We ate dinner with Jim and Sabrina on it
after watching Santa in Indialantic

and checking out the full moon on the beach.

(Kyle and Sabrina)

We had a fun evening together eating dinner
and exchanging gifts.

Lots of laughing and story telling.

and pink piggies to keep your piggies warm.
(Sabrina loves socks, slippers, all fuzzy things)

It was a wonderful Christmas Eve.

This morning was pretty laid back.
Rod got up and fed the animals.
I woke up around 8.
Kyle woke up around 8:30.

And then I got to see the other reason
I was banned from the garage.

(I understand I am the last person on planet Earth
to actually see these beauties!)

The edge wood looks greenish in this picture
but it isn't.  A beautiful dark pine.

I LOVE the oak inlays!
Especially since I know Kyle created
the wood panels himself from
an old oak tree we cut down earlier this year!

See!  You can tell these slats used
to be branches!

I especially love that you can see the 
saw blade swirls on the wood.

He did such a great job!

There are hidden treasure in the drawer and inside
the cabinet.

The grain on some of the wood
really popped when stained.

So beautiful!

It has been a lovely morning.

Full of love
and the smell
of fresh stain.


Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

They're Baaaaack

It's so fun to live on the "space coast".

We really really miss the shuttle.
But now and again somebody will launch something.

SpaceX has been working on getting
their rockets off the ground.
Had a bad experience in June.

But they are BAAAACK!
And not just a successful launch.

For the first time EVER
they took off,
launched 11 satellites

and then 

(watch the awesome 37 second video...)

It's a whole new world out there folks!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Winter Solstice

Today is Winter Solstice.
That means it's the first official
day of winter.

Florida didn't get the memo.

It's 74 now.
Feels like 80.
High for the day... 84.

(But lots of people are wishing it would
cool off for Christmas...)

It was a real struggle.
I had to put on socks.

Meanwhile, in other news....


Monday, December 21, 2015

Man Cave

It's been a LONG few days.
(Felt like a LOT of days...)

I left a week ago Friday evening to teach 
on the other coast.
Rod left Sunday evening to go to Tampa
to a school with his brother Scott.

They were gone ALL WEEK!
And Rod

Woot Woot!

So it made not seeing him all week a little easier.
He took and passed his exam on Friday.
Didn't get home until 6.
I was packed and ready to go.
As soon as he came home, he got a 
hug, a kiss and a
"See you in a few days"

And away I went to South Fla to teach again.

When I FINALLY got back to my
loving husband late (11:30) last night,
this is what I saw in the driveway.

Here's a closer picture of the
"man door" into the garage.

And just in case I didn't get the message,
here's the door into the garage from the house.

I love Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Snow Globe a la Mode

I am shamelessly stealing this idea.
(OK, linking to it...)

It's a REAL gingerbread house in
teeny tiny miniature
inside a pretty glass glass
sitting on top of a scoop of
slightly melted ice cream.


And no.
I will not be making these.

The forecast for Christmas Day in Florida....


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Keys and IT IS CLEAN!

It's been a KILLER couple of days.
I got to spend the weekend on the other
coast (Ft Myers) substitute teaching.

The theme for the weekend was "keys".
The lady I was subbing for
forgot to send me her keys.

So I had to make arrangements to borrow
some from the guy (Leo) who works out of
that office.
His Dad was in town and staying
at my hotel, so it was super convenient
for him to drop them at the front desk.

Except he forgot.

So when I finally got into town he had to
go back to his office and get them and
bring them on over to me.

The next day at lunch I went out and
got some food, headed back to the office,
went into a little office to eat.
But then I grabbed my purse and headed
to the bathroom.
Pulled the door closed so nobody swiped my lunch.

When I got back,
the door was locked.

With my keys inside.


No problem.
Leo was coming back anyway.
But his keys didn't unlock that particular door.

Luckily I have a spare truck key in my purse.
But Leo had to come back AGAIN to lock up
that night.
(Since the office keys are in the locked room)

After I went out to dinner, I slipped by
the office, tracked down the security guy
and begged him to come rescue my keys.

HIS keys don't open that particular door.

So poor Leo had to come back AGAIN
and open the building at 7:30 in the morning.

While teaching,
I heard a vacuum.
They have to have keys to EVERY door!

The poor guy didn't speak much English.
But we managed to communicate enough for
him to follow me to the office in question
and unlock the door.


I'm subbing in West Palm Beach this weekend.
Yesterday I got a text from the lady I'm subbing for.
She promised to send me the keys.



Back at the ranch.


This used to be CJ's stall.

This is CJ's NEW stall.
Notice the WIDE
alley way!

Doesn't it look awesome???

Rod and Kyle worked super long and hard
and got the barn all cleaned up and organized.

Some day we are going to put concrete
in the center alley.
But for now,
 I LOVE IT!!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Who Whistles to Opera?

I was following some links at work today.
I was doing "busy finger work" and needed
to keep my mind busy.

I ended up (long story)
on the Pioneer Day Concert
by the MoTabs and 
Temple Square Orchestra.

(in case you want to see/hear)

Guest artists were Lindsey Sterling
and Nathan Pacheco.

He came out to sing a piece from a famous 
Italian opera.  (I didn't recognize it.)
(Being the HUGE Italian Opera fan that I am...)

But as I was listening...
I could TOTALLY see Dad sitting
in his arm chair in the living room,
listening to opera on the stereo
and whistling along.

(And eventually grabbing a well deserved nap)

What a GREAT (and I'll bet UNIQUE memory)
I don't know a bunch of people who
choose to listen to opera.
And I only know of ONE who whistles.

And I love him!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Turned a Corner (and other random stuff)

I have turned a corner.

I'm not a baker.
Or a cooker.
Or.. accomplished at anything in the kitchen.

I can cook.
But I'm easily bored.

It needs to be quick, easy, and yummy.
And quick.
And easy.

Since starting the Trim Healthy Mama
way of eating, I've been doing more
cooking and baking.
But it still needs to be

But I'm disorganized.
I flirt with bulk cooking on the weekend.
But that violates the quick / easy thing.

So I don't do it often.
(Ok, once.)


Last night I made one of my family's favorites.
Loaded Fauxtato Casserole.
(chicken, bacon, cauliflower, cheese in a 
yummy, quick, easy mayo / sour cream sauce).

while that was cooking I actually thought ahead
and made a big pan of brown rice for tonight's
Cowboy Grub!


(We are having the missionaries over for dinner and
brown rice takes 40 minutes.  I just barely have
an hour to get home from work, make dinner and 
feed the animals.  The "guys" are on a strict schedule and 
have to be gone by 6:30)

I'm an adult!


Speaking of turning corners.

My truck (which I LOVE LOVE LOVE) is 
getting a little older and the window tint is
coming off and bubbling and getting icky.
So if I want to see out of my passenger windows
(like, you know, to turn a corner)
I have to open the windows.

Which is fine.

Unless it's raining.
Or cold.
(It is TOO cold in Florida in the morning...)
(Yes, I DO turn on the heat.)
(In August)
Or hot.
Or raining.


Guess what I got for my birthday!!!!

NEW window tint!

Good thing they put that little sticker on there.
I nearly opened my windows 4 or 5 times
just on the way home last night!

to the men in my life who take such good care of me!
(And my truck)

(More random stuff)

Introducing "Moon Pie"

(Moon pie has nothing whatsoever to do with
cow pies.  Just clarifying)
Here in the south, Moon Pies are a thing.
You know.
R.C. Cola and Moon Pies.
Not that I've ever had either of them.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Another One

We have lost control.




She (yes, I lost the battle)
is only a couple of months old.

Smaller than "Sir"

But I'm sure they will be good friends.

He is Soooooo lonely.

698 is an angus/hereford cross.
The neighbor has an angus bull.
They want us to breed.
Lots of logistics in that...
but we don't need to cross that bridge
for at least a year.

In the meantime,
I can't wait to get home from work!

Welcome to the farm little girl!




(ha ha ha ha ha)

(Since we will likely breed her and keep her for
a number of years, it's ok to actually name her...)