Monday, May 22, 2023


 This has been a challenging class.

I have people who think they know it all.
I have people who want to know the WHY of it all.
I have people who want to ask a million 
hypothetical "what if" kind of questions.
And I have one who insists she is too stupid
but wants EVERYBODY to cater to her,
wait on her to slowly read everything
and then fuss loudly.
I just finally told her she has got to stop.
"Stop what???"
"Stop EVERYTHING. Stop fussing,
stop talking, just stop."
I'm on the verge of sending her home.


About the time I decided this is the WORST class

They just presented me with flowers
and they all signed the vase with a bunch
of sweet notes.

I'm a horrible person.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Jim Update

 Jim and his business partner 
bought a BOAT!

They picked it up on Monday after doing a job,
and sailed it down the Indian River
(and UNDER the Mather's DRAWBRIDGE!)
to its new home in Palm Bay.

Neither have ever actually sailed a boat before.

But they are having a BLAST.

It looks like a nice little boat.
(It's 26 feet...)

Another new chapter in his life!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Healthy, Happy and Harried... lol

 Life just seems to get busier and busier!
I spent the majority of the day with
a sister in the ward who is going through
chemo and radiation EVERY. DAY. for the
entire month of May.

We are all taking turns driving her.
I have Wednesdays.
She is fun to spend time visiting with,
which is a bonus.
But today she needed to go get a prescription
filled at a (not) local pharmacy after her appointment.
But she forgot the paper, so we had to
go back to the oncology clinic to get it.

Then when we got to the pharmacy they didn't
have any of the prescribed drug so they 
suggested CVS, so we drove back over to our
side of town and CVS was out of stock.
So we went to a little privately owned
pharmacy (where Rod gets his glaucoma drops)
and THEY had it.
But meanwhile the day started at 10:30 and now it
was nearly 2:00.
Poor lady!

I spent the rest of the afternoon doing dishes,
doing laundry, watching Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman,
and getting ready to teach.

And then I taught.
And now I'm done.


I also made a flyer for this Sunday.
Too late to hand it out, but I put it on Facebook
and I'll probably email it to everybody.

We are going to have a couple of large fruit salads
and some mini muffins.

And I'm going to have a "survey" type handout about
ministering that I hope they will fill out and turn in.

I'm going to modify the top part, that's more information
than I want. We have their phone and email, 
birthday and address... I just want to know if they
use social media. (And I don't really even care about that...)

Like I don't know about scent... that seems weird.
 I'll  probably go with hobby, book, movie, song...

Friday, May 5, 2023

First Funeral

 It went well.
Except I TOTALLY forgot about taking
pictures of the family that attended...

I gave the opening prayer, so I attended the service,
although I hadn't intended to.
I didn't know him and only just met his wife yesterday.
It was a nice service and the speakers and other
folks did a nice job.
He sounded like a fun and interesting man who stuffed
a lot of living into his 90 years.

During the viewing hour I sat in the Bishop's office
and we had a nice chat with the ward clerk.
Then the service,
then we set up a lunch for the family and during
that I sat in the kitchen and read a book while
listening to them laughing and laughing and laughing!
What a fun loving family!

They didn't eat much.
Too busy talking and laughing.
Then they left for the internment and I cleaned up.
I was there for about 5 hours.

Came home and signed and addressed all the birthday
cards for the next month.
My birthday card sister still has a broken right arm
and now it looks like they are going to have to do surgery.
It's been since before Christmas!
Poor lady!

By the time I finished that I had just enough time to
inhale a quick bowl of homemade soup and 
run into my zoom room to teach tonight's class.
During the first break I went outside and fed the horse
and then came in and put in a load of laundry.
During the 2nd break I went outside and closed the 
chicken coop, brought the dogs in and fed them and moved
the laundry from the washer into the dryer.
During the 3rd break (they are only 10 minutes) I helped
Rod (who just got home from work)
make a pot of chili in the instant pot and a pan
of corn bread for their dinner.

Kyle didn't get home from the tater farm until after 9:00.
He has probably already eaten and gone to sleep.

So, it's been another full and busy day.

Tomorrow morning I have got to get out there
and harvest the beans!!!


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Wednesday's New Normal

 For the next 4 weeks my Wednesday's will 
begin with a quick trip into town
with a sister who is going through chemo
and radiation.
She is doing DAILY treatments for 4 weeks.

So far she's feeling pretty good.

Fun fact: I was her piano teacher back when
she was a young teenager.
(And no, she doesn't still play...)

I'm not sure I ever really taught her anything.
It was her mom's idea - she wasn't really
on board - so mostly we just sat at the
piano and I let her talk about whatever was
going on in her life.
I talked to her Mom about that and she was 
happy that she was talking to SOMEBODY.
(Teenagers.... sigh...)

She has turned into a great woman.
Who can't play the piano.

After that I headed home to eat a GIANT
salad and then head outside to mow all
the yards / pastures and wait for the missionaries
to swing by for a "short message" at 4:00.
(I told them I was available to sit outside with
them from 4-5 but then I have to teach...)

I'm sitting out here, enjoying the beautiful
shade in my yard and the smell of freshly
mowed grass. And it's 5:13.

Meanwhile, I brought my laptop outside and did
the ward RS newsletter.
It's not anywhere as good as the usual one, but
my newsletter sister got snagged by Primary and
then her brother-in-law passed away so she had
to head out of town.

Speaking of which, one of our elderly brothers in
the ward passed Sunday morning.
I'm helping with my first funeral on Friday.
Hopefully she'll get me the information so I
can create the program, and then I need to
figure out lunch for 24 following the service.

My new compassionate service counselor works
16 hour days Monday through Wednesday,
we are having a presidency meeting tomorrow
morning at 9 and we will figure it out then.
They just want sandwiches, so we may just order
a party platter and buy some salads and call it done.
But I'll wait and talk to my more experienced
counselors and see what they think.

Need to go close the gate, let the dogs out,
feed the horse, make me a quick dinner
and get ready to teach.

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, May 1, 2023

Happy May Day!

 Holy Moly!
It's 10:10 pm and checking my Google Locater
Kyle is JUST NOW coming home from
the tater farm.

They've had some really bad weather,
and some really bad luck,
and so they must've decided to just
run and run today to make it up.

Note the giant rut in the road... where the tire SHOULD be...

They've had lots of "mishaps".
While Kyle was driving the tractor pulling
a trailer FULL of potatoes,
it threw a tire and fell over!!!

And then it WASN'T full of potatoes.
Jim brought his rig over and Kyle
scooped them all up and put them in Jim's trailer...
but there were a lot of ruined potatoes.

Thankfully nobody was hurt nor was any of the 
equipment seriously damaged.
(That's Jim and one of the other guys looking on...)

So hopefully everything went smoothly today.
Fingers crossed!

They have several more fields to harvest
and there is no rain forecasted for this week.
So maybe they can make a good dent in it.
Without any more "incidents".