Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fresh Air

I love "spring".
We are having a slow start to summer here.
Which is Awesome!

It's nice and warm.
But the humidity is also in the 80's.
Instead of 100%.
Or more.
(Don't even try to tell me that's not possible... until you have lived in Florida!)

There has been a nice breeze most days.
And more rain than normal.

The pastures are nice and green.
The bugs are AWFUL.
And we are experiencing one of those frog "Moses Plagues".

But on the whole it has been wonderful.

This morning I even did my workout outside.
I brought out my portable dvd player.
But the battery is dead on the remote.

So I did it from memory.

It was so nice!
I think I might do it again tomorrow!

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Glades (alternate title: Humor / Florida Style)

We had all these plans.
We were going kayaking.
We were going horseback riding.
We were going to BBQ.

But then we turned on Netflix.

And found a cancelled show with 26 episodes.
So it wasn't good enough to still be on.
But good enough to last for awhile.
And it's set in Florida.
The Everglades.

Basically a Chicago Homicide Detective relocates to Miami.
And hilarity and murders ensue.

It's pretty good.
But the BEST part is Hollywood pretending it knows what it is talking about,
when the subject is Florida.

And when Kyle is in the room, that makes for some FUN TV watching.

Case in point:
Detective meets pretty girl who surfs.
She invites him to go surfing.
He is from Chicago, so has obviously never surfed before.
But he's willing to give it a go.
Since she's a pretty girl, and all...

She suggests they meet tomorrow morning at 5:00 am.
At Sebastian Inlet.

Which all sounds good.
Except Sebastian Inlet is just south of us.
And we are about 3.5 hours north of Miami.
And Sebastian Inlet has a nickname.
Monster Hole.

NOBODY surfs Monster Hole and lives unless they are REALLY REALLY experienced.

Good for a laugh.

Then there was the episode where they had a hurricane.
That's ALWAYS entertaining.
I don't really even remember the storyline.
We were too busy laughing our heads off at the silliness of Hollywood's version
of a Category Two which instantly switched to a Cat 4.
And then was gone.
Like a tornado.

And the aftermath!!! 
There had to be 10 tons of debris.
Mostly palm trees.
Stacked on top of an aluminum patio roof.

Palm trees don't blow down in a hurricane.
That's why God put them here.
They bend.
They swish.
They make noise.
But at the end of the storm, they are the last man standing.

Meanwhile, an aluminum patio roof is not likely to make it 
much past the first hour or so.

It was fun!

Of course, there was an episode featuring race horses.
In Ocala.
Where the folks in the show visited,
three time in one day.

Ocala is about 5+ hours from Miami.
One way.
Guys - if you are looking for a horse place close to Miami,
try Hialeah.
They have a big, famous race track.
Or Wellington.  
Lots of polo there.
But Ocala?????

Anyhow - we had a fun, relaxing day, laughing at a silly show.
(There was some intentional humor as well... even if you aren't from Florida...)


Meanwhile, my Dad made a surprise visit to the hospital
over the weekend.
We were all pleased to hear that after some testing
(and no lunch) they sent him home.
Now we just need to wait to hear what they think it was.

Our thoughts and prayers are with him and Mom today.
Love you!!!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day - A chance to celebrate our Military and all they sacrifice for us.
An opportunity to thank those who have served.

Today we are spending the day with Rod's Dad.
He's a Navy Veteran.
Spent many years serving in the Navy
taking his family to California, Florida and Greece.

We closed up the house, turned on the A/C (we don't normally run it)
and I'm going to boil up some eggs for potato/egg salad for lunch.

Kyle is working at Samuels today - running the tractor - he's clearing more of their woods for pasture.
Jim is working at the Honda shop.
Rod is enjoying a quiet day.  Yesterday he fixed my truck A/C and put new tires on it.

I'm OFF this weekend!  Yippeeeeeeeee!
And I'm teaching Relief Society tomorrow.
Guess I should read my lesson over again.

Enjoy YOUR weekend!

Friday, May 24, 2013


I am feeling a bit short today.
Rod is taking my truck in for 4 new (very expensive) tires.
So I am driving his "new" Honda Civic.

The last time I drove a Honda Civic didn't turn out well...
(RIP Rodney... and no, the irony is not lost on me...)

This little car is FUN.
But I feel like I'm driviing a go-cart.
I'll be happy to have my big truck back.
But meanwhile, this is fun!

Friday, May 17, 2013


Right now.
You need to read todays post
from an amazing lady (LDS).

They accepted a job in Denver, sold their house and are moving from Minnesota in days.

A fabulous tribute to women and what we mean to each other.
And some darn good ideas to file away in your
Compassionate Service - I wish I knew what to do... file.

Charlotte is a fantastic writer.
And in amazing sister...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Scarred For Life... By A Movie!

I was driving to work this morning
when my stomach started to tighten
and my heart began to race.

ok, what's up...
Why are the alarm bells going off???

I looked around and realized the work van in front
of me had a couple of big long pipes strapped to the roof.
Right in front of me.

And suddenly I was that guy in Twister who gets a pipe through the windshield.
Never mind I wasnt in a black tru...( oh, oops, yah I was

Ok, but I was on US 1, Not
 some back country road.
And it wasn't even windy.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Finished up another weekend of classes
and drove home in lots of thunderstorms.

Why is it that when it starts to rain
drivers disengage their brain?

They act like they've never seen water before.



It was a good class.
And now it's over.
And I have 2 weekends off!

I brought 9 dozen eggs with me.
I sold them all.
I could have sold every egg I have if I had brought them.
These were EGG LOVERS!

I have to get up early,
work out,
get everybody fed,
get to the lab for a blood test
and still get to work on time.

Good luck with that.
I have a doc appointment at 3:45
to renew my Synthroid.
I have a feeling it might be low.

We'll see.

Meanwhile, I'm going to bed.
Have a great night!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Secret Revealed

Yesterday I promised to reveal the secret 
to a good hard boiled egg.

Here goes.

Buy them at the deli.

I'm kidding.

Start  with room temp eggs.
I keep mine on the counter in a pretty Skelter I got 
for Christmas.

Bring a pot of water to a boil.
I use my dutch oven since I do 2 dozen at a time.
(Cuz, you know, deviled eggs..... Yum!)

Gently place your eggs in the water.
I use a soup ladle.
Set the timer for 12 minutes.

When the timer dings, 
pour off the boiling water and replace
with cold tap water.

(Note: I live in Florida.  There's no such thing...)

Then add as much ice as your ice maker will spare.
Ours is broken, but makes ice now and again,
just to keep us guessing.

Let the eggs sit in the ice bath for at least 20 minutes.
Til they are COLD.

And then here comes the secret.
Crack and peel them
In the cold water bath.

The shells will slide off like they are made of silk.

It works!
Try it!

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Sorry I've been gone...
I've been busy.
And just haven't had much to talk about.

I've been breeding the rabbits.
Not sure it's taking.

But one can only hope we'll have kits in about a month.
(It would be nifty if they were born on Jim's birthday!)

This weekend I had a BIG class.
22 students.
Sure makes up for last month.
Where I had 3.

I love a large class.
They are mostly middle aged.
A little easier than younger students.
More focused and less likely to sit and text.

AND several of them ordered eggs.

Speaking of eggs,
I came home and washed 2 dozen to deliver to the office tomorrow.
And boiled up another 2 dozen for us to eat.

I finally have the secret to a good hard boiled egg figured out.

Hang in there - I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

But right now?
I'm going to bed.