Thursday, August 31, 2017

Happy Birthday to my DAD

Today is my Dad's birthday.
It's always fun to look back and
remember things we did together.

Like riding Robertsons horses.
And him spending an hour patiently
trying to teach me to hop on
like he could.

I still can't do it.

Poor man.

And teaching me to ski.
I moved to Florida.

Teaching me about nature and
finding edible plants in the woods.
(a skill I'm grateful for today and have
passed on to my boys).

Sharing his love of music.
Although I never learned to REALLY whistle.

Sharing his love of the gospel.
Sharing his love of serving others.
Sharing his love of family.

I am who I am today because
he is who he was (and is) throughout
my life.

I love you Dad.
Happy Birthday.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

New Week / New Job

Rod is having a great first week!

He spent the first day at orientation
and learned all about the excellent
things this company does for it's employees.

The next couple of days he was supposed
to go to "training", learning things he already knows.

But for some reason, it has been
postponed until next week.

So yesterday he got to work on a jet.
At the end of the day they
rolled it out and rolled in
a different one for them to work on today.

He is having a wonderful time.
The work is new and interesting.
The people are happy and friendly.

And the air conditioning is 

Friday, August 25, 2017


I found a new podcast to listen to.
(And so of course they decided to take the 
summer off and haven't started up again yet...)

It's a couple of LDS women from Utah.
Their blog is
they have lots of really good crockpot
recipes, but then they bought pressure cookers
and now they have lots of great 
recipes for the pressure cooker.

But going through their archives, I found
these podcasts.
The first one I listened to was an interview
with Heather, the LDS woman who was
on The Biggest Loser 10 years ago
(season 3).
I've never watched the show,
but thought it might be interesting to get 
a peak "behind the scenes".

It was really good.
So I listened to another one.

And another one.

And that's what I'll be doing today while I'm 
posting money - they had 43 of them
when they stopped for the summer.


One they did recently was "tailwinds".
They are both pretty active.
One is a school teacher, the other sounds
like she might be a stay at home Mom,
but both have older children, it's not a 
"Mommy" blog.
They both workout, run, ride bikes, etc.
So they were talking about how you go
out for a ride or a run and the wind is
blowing in your face and it makes it SO HARD
to move forward.
And then you turn and now the wind is behind
you and it's like you are FLYING.
And you think Whew!
And then you forget the wind is pushing you
and at the end of the run you think
"Wow, I'm really improving - this was a GREAT run!"

So the theme was watching for those tailwinds.
The little pushes that smooth the road
for you and make things easier.

Anything from a vacuum cleaner and dishwasher
so you don't have to beat your carpets clean
and carry your dirty dishes down to the creek
to wash them (or carry water UP), to 
just the little day-to-day blessings we aren't 
even really aware of.

This morning I was thinking about it on my
horrendous drive to work.
(With our new office, I have to drive the highway
every morning and every evening and
OH MY GOODNESS!  There are some really
aggressive, crazy, impatient, FAST drivers out there!)

I was kind of blending the tailwind idea with
the sweepers in curling.
The tailwind is behind you pushing just a little,
while the sweepers are out in front
clearing the path.

More than just living in modern times and all
the advances and conveniences we have...
The day to day blessings we benefit from.
Getting to and from work safely each day.
The rain we have benefited from this summer
allowing the cows to eat grass and only need a
little grain (half their usual ration) and no hay
while I'm waiting
for these SLOW chickens to start laying.
(And the fact they are FINALLY starting... but still
not up to full production.  COME ON GIRLS!)
(The chickens pay for the horse / cow feed as well...)

There are so many little daily things we don't 
"see" and take for granted.
Even just a rainbow off in the distance
that puts a smile on your face and helps to 
start your day off on a happy note.

These are GOOD things to notice!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


The guys went kayaking and took Jessica
with them on Saturday.

They saw several manatees out in the creek.
They were close enough that she
got to pet one a couple of times.
(Kyle has pictures on his phone,
but forgot to send them to me.)
You kind of have to use your imagination
anyway - it's below the water.


There was a baby manatee that was 
following Kyle for awhile.
(Dr. Doolittle...)

Kyle said it kept coming up
to breathe and check on him.
Every time it would blow out,
Kyle nearly keeled over.

Turns out...
Manatees have 

Who knew????

Friday, August 18, 2017

New View

There was a rocket launch this morning.
Now that my office is 30 miles north 
(and closer to the Space Center)
I was expecting it to be MUCH closer.


It was so far away I couldn't even
get a picture of it.

So you are stuck with a picture
of the contrail instead.

The "bumble" was louder though.
(And it was a nice break from work.)

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Beautiful Skies

I haven't taken any beautiful sunset pictures
in a little while.
And there have been some spectacular ones
this week!

Last night was no exception.

The sky was absolutely on fire!

It was even more beautiful the
night before,
but you saw how well my
horseback pictures turned out. 

The ENTIRE sky was a brilliant orange.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Yesterday a friend came over
and we went for a horseback ride.

She just returned (last week) from
her mission in the Canada Calgary mission.
It was fun to see her pictures and
recognize the places she served!

We had a nice ride.
It's been a LONG time since any
of us have been riding - a combination
of busy schedules, weather,
and all of us are getting older....

Yes, I am a HORRIBLE picture taker!

(And CJ moved just as I snapped it...)

Kyle rode Buddy.
He (Buddy) has gotten REALLY sway back
so he chose to ride him with just
a bareback pad.

And of course, Andy was my trusty steed.

We had a nice ride for a little less than an hour.
There was a storm brewing to the west
and when the lightening started,
I cut the ride short.
(party pooper)

But we'll ride again!

(And maybe I'll get some decent pictures!)

Monday, August 14, 2017

Happy Birthday To Rod!

Today is my darling husband's birthday.

He has a busy day planned.

First he had to go to work.
And then he had to speak to his boss.
And then he had to turn in
his letter of resignation!


Rod is changing jobs!

He has been working behind the scenes
for something like 6 months or more
trying to move across the airport
to another company
that builds executive jets.

One of his co-workers moved over there
a year or so ago.
They have remained friends and Chris
has been lobbying and lobbying
to get Rod moved over as well.

Friday while they were at Cow Camp
Rod FINALLY got the phone call
he has been waiting and praying for.

They offered him the job he wants!


We are all very excited!
It will be a pay increase.
But more importantly,
they have an 

It has been really difficult on Rod
to work in the open hangar.
It's easily 100 degrees in there.
(And it gets pretty brisk in there in our "winter".)

This was a GREAT birthday gift!
Anything we get him will pale in comparison.
(I can't say what it is, because we haven't given
it to him yet... lol)

He starts his new job in 2 weeks.
On the 28th.

His hours will be 7 - 3:30,
which means I'm going to need to
get up earlier than I have been
in order to get him his breakfast.

He already gets up WAAAAY
before the crack of dawn.
He's not much of a morning sleeper.
(may be why he falls asleep on the 
couch around 9 each evening...)

This isn't my traditional birthday post.
But this isn't a traditional birthday.
And I've been patiently waiting to share
this news until today.

But I still want him to know how much
I love him.
And how grateful I am that he asked
me to look over his per diem on that 
fateful day 37 years ago.

I love you my darling.
And I'm so proud of the man
you have become.

Friday, August 11, 2017

The Graduates

Congratulations to 
The Graduates!

They have done everything they needed
to earn a certificate from the 
Beef Cattle Reproduction Management School
Artificial Insemination Management School

Two skills they hope they will never need.

(Kyle insists he will HIRE a vet to do it from now on!)

Once was ENOUGH!
(And he actually did 3 or 4 preg tests...)

The ultrasound machine didn't help.

Rod actually completed an AI!
He said it was difficult
and super technical
and he also would hire somebody.
(Each vial is $20 and messing up
could endanger the cow's life as well...)

But he DID IT!
And he's proud.
And so am I.

I think we'll have steak for dinner.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Cow Camp

This week the guys have been attending
Cow Camp
at Deseret Ranch

They were a little surprised to learn its
a reproductive heavy curriculum.

They were hoping more for the
beef / meat end of the business.
But I guess there's not a lot of
"hands on" 
with that topic.

So they have spent some time
each day out in the barns.

The ranch covers 295,000 acres.
(That's 450 square miles!)

They run 47,000 head of cattle.
A breed they have carefully perfected
to be successful in Florida's unique conditions.

This is the time of year when they
are checking for "open" heifers.

And that's the focus of the mornings.

Kyle is SUPER excited about it.


Then they come in for lunch.
(Yesterday was pork chops)
And then classroom time.

It's really interesting and informative.
But the room is HOT.
People are having a hard time staying awake.

They have more preg testing today.

And then tomorrow they will learn how to
"A I" the "open" cows.

The fun just never ends!
(This is what happens when you take a job as
a farm manager for a woman who has been
bitten by the cow bug...)
(Kyle is taking this class all expenses paid and
is on the clock.  Rod received it as an early
Christmas present.)

Kyle promised to get a couple of pictures
of Rod the cowboy today.
He forgot yesterday until it was too late
and both his hands / gloves were...

He also got a hair cut last night.
Said it's annoying to have your hair get in
your eyes and realize your hands / gloves are


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Muscadine / Mosquitoes

Last night Kyle and I went out to
harvest some of the muscadine grapes
that are finally ripe.

We got FIVE POUNDS!!!!
(That includes seeds, etc...)
Tonight we are going to try
our hands at making
muscadine jelly.

The bucket weighs .75 on its own & our
scale isn't super accurate... lol

(he is using sugar, I am 
using xylitol - a sugar alchohol
that measures 1 : 1 to sugar
but is SUPER poison for dogs
so I don't use it in my daily cooking)

Aren't they beautiful?

Each basket is just about 2.5 pounds.

We are excited to give it a try!

Meanwhile, I put a couple of our own
beef short ribs in the pressure cooker
for dinner.

Sauted them up in some bacon fat
(rendered from the bacon I baked on Saturday...)

They were delicious!

I figured the guys would be hungry after a day
outside at cow camp.

More about camp later in the week...
but day 1 went well.


While we were harvesting grapes,
the mosquitoes were harvesting ME!

I got eaten alive!!!!

Bountiful Balm to the rescue!

This was in the pack of yumminess
Rozann and Nancy sent me for my 
birthday last year.

I haven't used it much, since (knock wood)
I haven't had many boo boos this year.
I keep it in the bathroom for when I feel
a cold sore coming on.
It seems to significantly shorten the time
and it never gets to the big puffy, scabby,
seriously ugly stage.

But last night I liberally applied it to all
the millions of big, puffy, angry, red, ITCHY
mosquito bites all over my calves.

They immediately stopped itching.
And then I forgot about them.

This morning there aren't even any dots
on my legs where I got bitten!

This is my new favorite stuff!!!!!!!

(It has plaintain and St Johns Wort among
other awesome stuff in it...)

From the website...
Infused Olive Oil, Beeswax, Calendula, Plantain, Goldenseal, St. John’s Wort, Myrrh Gum, Tea Tree Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Safflower Seed Oil, Vitamin E Oil

Suggested uses:
– Insect Bites
– Bee Stings
– Cuts
– Sores
– Burns
– Eczema
– Dry Skin
– Rough Heels
– Cracked Hands

– All-Natural
– Antibacterial
– Cloth Diaper Safe
– Non-Staining
– Non-comedogenic

I wish I'd brought it with me though.
I discovered a bite on my neck
that is now driving me CRAZY!
(I'm pretty sure there's a mosquito in my car...)
(aaaaaaah, summer.)

Monday, August 7, 2017

Weekend Off

I enjoy teaching.
I really do.

But I also enjoy having the weekend off!

This weekend was one of those.

I did a little grocery shopping.
And I did a little cooking.

I made some "on plan" waffles
to eat for breakfast this week.

They are yummy and a little sweet
and go really well with a fresh
Georgia peach and some
fat free cottage cheese.


I also made some bacon.

I prefer to bake it.
It goes on a cooling rack on top
of a cookie sheet.

Into a cold oven set at 400.
Let it bake for 20+ minutes.

Rod likes it quite crisp, so the
tray at the back is for him.
And the tray at the front is for me.
(Kyle doesn't often eat breakfast...)

Rod cleaned and then the guys 
delivered our old fridge to the home
of our Bishop.
They have a bunch of kids and
go through a lot of cold drinks.
They were happy for an extra fridge
to keep in the garage.

I also did up a dozen eggs in the
pressure cooker.
Then made them into egg salad for lunch.

And 3 giant sweet potatoes
in the pressure cooker.
We shared one for dinner and the
others are for lunches this week.

(I don't have to make lunches for 
Rod or Kyle this week - they are
out at the church ranch attending

Hopefully Rod will take some pictures.

Thursday, August 3, 2017


We used to spend a LOT of time at Sea World.

We had annual passes for YEARS!

One of the things we loved there,
were the dolphins.

We learned that the dolphins
will do a jump up above the water,
then deep dive,
and then jump for whatever the trainer
is holding up for them.

They called that original jump
a sighting jump.

I have noticed that my little dog,
Roxie, hops like a rabbit.
She is FAST, but she does a lot of hopping.

I thought it was because our grass was 
desperately in need of cutting.

Last night I was walking back to the
back gate to deliver the week's eggs.
Rox was in the back of the property
and when I called her she started 
running up to meet me.

She came around the corner,
did a giant leap up into the air,
and then headed in at a dead run.

I realized she's so short, she has to do
a sighting jump to see what she is
running towards!

So maybe she's not a rabbit.
Maybe she's a dolphin????