Monday, November 25, 2019

Fun Morning!

I'm old now.
So I woke up early.
Because that's what old people do.
(but mostly because Kyle wanted to
walk on the beach before he headed 
back to the ranch - but it was only
49 outside, and high tide, so NO!)

And then Amazon dropped by to
confirm that I am, in fact, OLD.

Thank you Rozann!!!
These are perfect!
The TP says "Holy Stuff, you're 60!"

Luckily Kyle was still here to take
my portrait.
And, of course, Beau was under my feet.
As always.
*Speaking of feet, please note the cute
BLUE toenail polish.

I can't wait to wear my apron while
whipping up Thanksgiving dinner!

Linda and I are going to the temple
tomorrow to celebrate our birthdays.
And then Wednesday I think I'm going
to bake some more bread.
(While wearing my apron!)
I made it last week but I think my bread
machine yeast was old because it didn't
rise very well, so this time I'm going to
do it in my stand mixer and use regular yeast
and see if it works better.


Kyle sang a birthday song for me yesterday.

"You've had a birthday, shout hooray,
You are OLD AS DIRT today!
One year older and WRINKLIER too!
Happy Birthday (clap) to YOU!


Sunday, November 24, 2019

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday dear meeeeeee...
Happy birthday to me!

Yesterday we had Jim and Sabrina over
for hamburgers and fixin's.
It was fun and yummy!

(No pictures of the humans cuz I'm a slug.)
(But I got one of my new Crisp Lid at work... lol)

Making tater tots. They were crispy and yummy!

Rod got me a beautiful new buffalo picture!

I hung it on the wall in the kitchen.

Getting quite the kitchen gadget collection!

This morning I opened my gift from Mom & Dad.

(I found an old copy of Nola at the music store
a couple of weeks ago - I've been working on...
page 1.)
And their Herb book!
I remember when Mom got a mini herb garden on
the back porch and then learned to use them.
I'm excited to learn too!

My darling Rod also fixed the 
broken water spigot! YEA!
All the animals are happy again.

After church (and more burgers for lunch)
we went to the beach for a walk in the sand.

It was a beautiful day
but the ocean was FLAT!
Looked more like the Gulf of Mexico
than the Atlantic Ocean.

We had a lovely walk though.
All in all, it has been a nice birthday!
Welcome to the next decade!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

And then it was Afternoon...

The morning started so well!
I was in SUCH a good mood!

And then it was the afternoon.

It started when I went out to feed the horses
around 4-ish.

See the hose connector thingie.
That shouldn't be there.

It should be up here!
Notice all the water...

Not sure who dunnit... but luckily all I had to do
was turn off the ball valve over by the chicken yard
and then this weekend Rod can fix it.
Fortunately it was spewing water into that
big blue water bucket right there...
so when that runs low I'll turn it back on for a bit
and we will be fine until Rod has some time.
(He's working his 2nd job this week - putting
numbers and decals on another plane.)

And then once that minor crisis was over.
I went in the house to make dinner.

Cut up some pork loin into "country style ribs".
(I read the other day that unless they are bone in...
that's all they are anyway and it's WAY cheaper
to buy a big ol' hunk of meat and cut it myself.)

Those went into my pressure cooker for 4 minutes.
And then I covered them in BBQ sauce and
grabbed my fancy new crisp lid.
Plugged it in, put it on top of my IP and turned it on.
And Turned It On!

Not a light.
Not a beep.
Dead as a doornail.

Other air fryer to the rescue.
And they were still good...

Meanwhile, I hopped on a live chat with
an Amazon guy and he sent me a prepaid
label to ship this one back.

And I ordered another one.
(The original was $1 cheaper, come to find out
it was "renewed". HA! I said I would be happy
to pay the extra $1 for an ACTUALLY NEW.)
It should be here tomorrow.
So... I'll hold off on the lasagna casserole 
until then.

Meanwhile tonight is the meeting formerly known
as Homemaking. It's our annual pie night.
I'm going to make my
Guilt Gone Cranberry Pie.
Rod and I have been eating it for desert all week.
We both love it.
So I'll whip one up this afternoon and bring that.

And now I need to run to the UPS store
and drop off the "renewed" hunk o' junk.

But I'm still in a great mood!

Monday, November 18, 2019

Initiated and a REWARD

I have lived in Florida for over 38 years.
And it took this long to finally be initiated.
I'm a "true Floridian" now.

Before - tiny red mark on my nose.
After. The bandaid is bigger than my head! Yes, I got Grandma Stoddard's skin.

I have had my first skin biopsy.
This dot thing has been on my nose for....
I honestly can't remember when it wasn't
there - I assumed it was from my glasses.
But the doc last week said it needed a punch.

So I went in this morning,
had a couple of dots scraped on my arm,
a couple pre-C frozen off my chest,
and a tiny little punch biopsy on my nose.
It was no big deal.
He said the freezing would hurt,
I guess he's never had a bee sting.


I figured I deserved a reward.
And I had some Amazon rewards from my
hotel stays in 2018 that needed to be used.

Introducing the
Meathly Crisp Lid.

My latest addition to my 
kitchen gadget shelf.
(And it was FREE!!!!! Yippeee!!!)

If you haven't seen one of these things yet,
they were MADE for me.
It's the answer to the Ninja Foodi.
Which is a pressure cooker with an air fryer
lid on the top. But it looks really
unwieldy and tippy and top heavy.

The idea is...
you cook something in your Instant Pot.
And then you take the lid off and
put the Crisp Lid on and you can broil.
Or you can just air fry right in your IP.
I'll keep my current air fryer, because
nobody makes better okra than my 
rotisserie basket in my air fryer oven
and I eat it for breakfast nearly every morning.

But it's not a very successful air fryer.
My drawer air fryer (egg shaped like Mom's)
does a MUCH better job of everything else.
(ie: steak, ribs, roasted veggies... etc)
I've been watching lots of YouTube videos
including a couple of girls I've been following
for several years so I trust them....
and Friday I decided to pull the trigger.

And it ARRIVED this morning before I
was heading out to the doctor.

So I'm faithfully going to read all the 
instruction manuals, etc... and THEN...
Let the cooking begin!
We bought some county style pork ribs
over the weekend, so that will probably be
my first thing... except my friend makes a
killer lasagna casserole in her Instant Pot
and then uses her Crisp Lid to melt and bubble
the cheese on the top.
I made it in my IP and just stirred in the cheese
and called it dinner... I'm excited to do it "right"...  
Decisions, decisions...

Expect more blogs.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Well That’s a FIRST!

I got a new calling this weekend.
It’s my first STAKE calling.

I am now the 1st Counselor in the 
Stake Primary Presidency.
(And still the Self Reliance Specialist)
The Bishop said they could extend the call
as long as I don’t be thinking I’m getting
out of my other calling.

I’m not sure what all it entails.
But they were ok with me being
out of town at least 2 weekends each month.

So...  we’ll see how it goes!

In other news, Rod is now the ONLY high councilor 
left from the originals called nearly 4 years
ago when they formed the stake.
He was chatting with the SP this morning and
“Are you going to release me too” came up.
But all he got was a grin.
Which means no.
Good thing he loves his calling.

Friday, November 15, 2019


It's the WEEKEND!
And for the first time in 4 weeks,
I don't have anywhere to go!
I get to stay HOME!

That is awesome.

I have lots of typing to do for the Town.
I did some today.
But I don't have a deadline.

So this weekend I plan to spend with my family.
Just doing whatever.
(And cooking them healthy meals...)


Gratuitous pictures of the feed in my 
back seat / truck in my Jetta that I picked
up LAST weekend.
I can get a LOT of bags in there!
Love my car!

Thursday, November 14, 2019


While I was gone for the weekend,
Kyle gave our Bougainvillea its
"winter trim".

Notice the LARGE patch of dead grass in front.
It was a BIG plant!
And that is Kyle's bedroom window to the left.
It was covering half his window.
And more importantly, banging against the glass
during the night.

But he cut it all back.
It will look better in a week or two.
This stuff is a WEED!
(As you know!)

However, he left it in a pile in the yard.
I started to haul it off in this.

I graduated to this.

One1 load in the wheelbarrow and one load in the truck
and I was done.

Doesn't look nearly as impressive out there.
And the yard trash guys coming later today
might not be happy about it.
But I figure if a little old lady can load it up
into her truck and haul it out there,
they can load it up into their truck and haul it away.


And it does look MUCH better.

Thank you Kyle!
*But next time, what about cutting it INTO the truck...

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Kyle headed up to the ranch yesterday.
He has an electrician coming today
to put electricity (lights!) in his shop.

We had a "cold" front blow through last night.

It's overcast, windy and chilly here.

The dogs are all wrestling each other in the yard.
The horses and cows were "bouncy" when
I went out to feed them.


Up north where Kyle is?

He sent me this text.

(The guy on the news just said the wind chill 
up there is THIRTY THREE!)

It's a short cold front though.
It should be back in the 70s again tomorrow.
Kyle needs to take down a bunch of fence today
so they can bring in a guy who is going to lease
that 40 acre pasture and plant it in peanuts.
So he's kind of happy that it cooled off.
Less fun doing stuff like that when it's in the 90s.

Friday, November 8, 2019

What is THAT?

We were walking down the beach.
And there was a nice breeze blowing.
There was a fine mist.
Or maybe it was sand or salt or something.
But as you looked down the beach
it was hard to see clearly.

What is THAT???
Cuz I'm pretty sure its a Starbucks cup.


Heading back down to Bonita Springs today.
I'll be finishing up my first class there 
this weekend.

Enjoy YOUR weekend!

Thursday, November 7, 2019


While my focus has been "elsewhere"
I have fallen OUT of some of my
good habits and falling INTO some bad.

Why is it so hard to make a good habit
and so easy to break it?

Things like sitting on the couch all day.
Going to bed with a messy kitchen.
Not eating lunch.

This morning, upon waking up to a MESS
in the kitchen - made a sirloin tip roast
IN THE OVEN last night...
I resolved to pull up my socks and fly right.
(mixed metaphor alert!)

The time change has made it easier to
get up earlier in the morning.
The animals don't understand
"fall back".
So its motivating to get up and out to 
the barn by 8:00 instead of 9.

Once I came in from the barn,
I cleaned the kitchen and got my okra
cooking, all at the same time!
While the air fryer was doing its thing,
I swept and mopped the kitchen floor.
Whew! It needed it!
I have a MESSY dog!
(yes I'm blaming it on Beau... why?)

Once the floor was dry, the okra was done.
Cracked 2 eggs in the pan and fried those up.
Now I am sitting in my least favorite chair
(which means I'm not tempted to STAY here)
typing my blog while letting my breakfast cool.
Ta Da!

I have lots of other things to get done today,
but it seems to go better when I start in
right away.
Next up, BoM study and then we're OFF to the races.
(Not really... hahaha)

However, I have ADDED some good habits.
BoM reading, for one.
Kyle and I sit together and read our scriptures
in the mornings now.
And, of course, BEACH WALKS!

Taking pictures of the ocean.

Are you taking MY picture?

Sunset over the condos.

Beautiful, eh?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Huge Improvements

The BIG news is...
Kyle went back to work on Monday!

He is splitting his time between the
farm in town and the ranch up north.
The farm here in town has been
terribly neglected since he quit working 
on it regularly. There were 3 part time
guys working over there during the summer,
but there is very little evidence of it.

Which has added to Kyle's stress levels.

However, he has learned some great 
things through this period in his life.
And one of them is he can't be 
That's a tough one.
But he's got it.
I hope.

Meanwhile, we have been continuing
our "beach therapy".
It's so helpful for BOTH of us!

Yesterday we went down after he
worked for a couple of hours.

We made a new friend.

Maybe friend is too strong a word.
He didn't seem too happy with us.
His defenses were UP.
He was ready to fight if necessary.
And as we walked away, he kept his beady
little eyes on us until we were lost 
behind a dune.

He was pretty cool though!

There have been lots of visitors on our beaches
this season. And some of them leave things behind.

Can you picture the little girl who made this
sand unicorn?
There was something else nearby, but the
waves had already smoothed it out.
(See the difference in the sand above and below
the sculpture... the waves were coming ever
closer to this little guy!)

I am so happy to see the improvements
Kyle has made over the past week.
He is back to eating normally.
He lost a LOT of weight.
Close to 20 pounds.
But is looking much better than before.
He is able to laugh and joke.
And he is at peace.

I know he will continue to improve.
And I'm grateful.