Thursday, October 28, 2021

Happy Birthday BLC!

 Sunday was Buffalo Land Clearing's

He did his first paying job on the 24th of October
for our neighbors and has gone strong ever since.

There have been up months and UP months and
some down months...
but so far he has met his monthly goal and usually
surpassed it every single month.

His annual goal was to duplicate his previous income.
And he surpassed that by a whopping


to celebrate (and mostly because it was absolutely
essential...) this morning he took delivery on
a brand new, custom ordered
Ford F450!

Well, he hasn't actually taken delivery.
But it arrived at the dealership this morning.
There is some scheduled service that has to be
done before it is ready for the open road...
but just knowing it's in town is EXCITING!

Here's to many more years of success!

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


 I guess I should really finish talking
about our trip TWO WEEKS AGO!

Let's see.....

When I last left you, I told you we missed
the car rental place by a whopping 15 minutes.
And so we got to do LOTS of walking.

We drove the truck over to the new house
and walked back to the hotel.

Then a bit later we walked BACK to the new house
to make sure they got the keys, etc.

Then walked back to the hotel.

And, of course, some Uber Eats!
And then to SLEEP (and NOT have to get
up at the crack of dawn for more driving!)

Sunday morning dawned crisp and beautiful.

We walked across the street to WalMart and
bought some snacks for our hike and a new
toque and some gloves.

Then Sondra pulled up and we loaded into her
little car and headed up the mountain!

(without the snow... and men... lol)

It was so much fun building those guys!

The weather was perfect, a little crisp but not
hot and not cold, just right.
And if we stopped under a pine tree,
we got little chunks of icy snow dropped on us!

The hiking buddies!
They had a great time walking and talking and talking and walking...
They were very careful not to leave me in their dust.

And yes, there WAS some snow...
(My walking sticks and my boot...)

We made it to the top, just before you drop down into the
valley where the 2nd lake is.
It was getting late in the afternoon, the clouds were
rolling in, and I wasn't confident I could make it
down into the valley and then back OUT again.
So we called it quits there.
(Same place we quit back in June when it was
totally snowy... the same part of the trail was hard to
walk because this time it was full of slippery wet MUD...)

It was a great hike and a beautiful day!

Took Soni for a half-lap around the bottom lake to show her
the picnic grounds - she wants to bring Greg up there
for their wedding anniversary!
It's really beautiful and peaceful.

Once we made it back to the car,
Sondra drove us back into Logan and took us
out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse.
YUMMY yeast rolls with cinnamon butter!
(And a pretty darn good steak too... lol.)

Dropped us at the hotel and headed back to Salt Lake.
I wanted us to be off the mountain early enough she could get home
before she was too tired...

So many beautiful fall colors!

Monday was another beautiful day.
We hiked the two miles up to the car rental place
and FINALLY got a car!
And it cost as much for ONE day as it would have
for the whole weekend!

But we were glad to have one.

Took it and drove to the hotel to check out and then
back up to Tony Grove to walk around
the "bottom" lake.

The wind coming off the lake was pretty chilly!

The trail is so pretty!

We enjoyed it so much....

We did it TWICE!
And then headed back down the mountain
and into Salt Lake to visit with Brian at his shop!

He has quite the set up!
He and Kyle had a good visit, talking business start-up
and advertising and employee relations and and and...
I think they both enjoyed it.

By the time we got out of there (6:30) it had started to rain.
Luckily our hotel was about 2 miles away,
since the windshield wipers on the car were
pretty pathetic!!!

Door Dash this time (in honor of Matt) for a yummy
dinner and then TO BED!

And up EARLY the next morning to drive to the airport.
We weren't sure how long it would take to return the car
so we wanted to get there nice and early.

Our flight was scheduled for 9:40 and we had to return
the car and go through TSA so we got there about 7-ish.

TSA was well organized and only took 30-40 minutes to get 
through and then when we got to our gate to wait for
our flight, we got a text that we didn't have a pilot and our
flight was bumped to 11:30!
Guess we would have had time for breakfast... lol.

But at least we weren't one of the hundreds of SouthWest
flights that were cancelled that weekend leaving people
stranded all over the country.

They found us a pilot, we hopped on the plane and
made it to Denver in time to catch our next flight
(very next gate over) with time to spare - so we grabbed
a couple of Aunt Annie pretzels for the flight!

And then sat on the tarmac for an hour waiting for a
thunderstorm to blow through.

So poor Rod had to sit and wait and wait and wait in the
cellphone parking lot at the Orlando airport until we
FINALLY landed.

BOY were we happy to see him and head HOME!

And THAT... was the saga of the trip.
Not much of a vacation.
But an adventure!

And the LAST time we are going to drive a 
moving van for anybody.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Monday, Monday.....

 My house is quiet!

Kyle is off on a job.
Rod is at HIS job.
And I just finished teaching the morning session.
Beau is in his chair, sleeping, but NOT snoring
for a change.

And I apparently left something in the microwave
because it occasionally beeps.

AND (good news) I was doing my paperwork
yesterday for last weeks' DOUBLE DUTY classes
and realized this week I am ONLY teaching
in the morning!

It's good $$$,
but last week I worked a total of 50 hours!
I'm pretty sure that doesn't count as 
"being retired".
But it wore me out!
And then on Sunday I had to play the organ in church.
MORE stress!!! (grin)

I tried to nap yesterday afternoon,
but it didn't work.
Slept like the dead last night though!!!

And now?
I was going to go to the beach with Kyle,
but he got a job, so I'm going to make myself
a nice big bowl of salad and sit on the couch
(or maybe on the patio) with my book.


This blog needs a picture.

This is where Kyle and I were two Mondays ago.
Beautiful, eh?
(but a bit chilly!!)
There's snow on those trees up in the left top corner...

Saturday, October 23, 2021

What I Learned Today

 I try to learn something new every day.
Getting older makes that easier.

I learn something.
And then maybe later realize I already knew it...
but it was NEW at the time! 


Something I learned today (that I already knew)
is teaching twice a day, every day, is exhausting!
And I'm looking forward to NEXT Saturday
at 10 pm.
I try NOT to wish my life away...
but really!?!


The other interesting thing I learned today is that
different colors of bell peppers have different
amounts of vitamins in them!

Who knew?????

I found that VERY interesting!
And handy.
Since I bought 6 yellow, orange and red peppers yesterday.
(2 of each)

And now...
YOU know!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

No Students

 That's not strictly true...
I had ONE student,
but she just popped in to ask a quick question
and was gone in about 15 minutes.

So here I sit.

I think I'll cancel class.
And run to WalMart with Kyle.

That sounds like more fun...

It has been a busy week,
what with teaching every day as well as
working at the Town.
We had a pizza lunch today with the town staff
including the public works guys.
The head of public works is going in for
rotator cuff surgery on Monday so I guess
it was a "send off".

Kyle has been busy working in the garden
getting it all prepped for the fall garden.
He planted some cucumbers and zucchini and 
yellow crookneck squash (again).
Kind of like Dad's carrots.
NEVER going to do this again.
Until next garden... lol.

He also bought a little cherry tree, 
a gardenia, a couple of strawberries
and... something else I don't remember.

Tomorrow while I'm teaching I think he's
going to get the sugar snap peas in.
And I think we are going to try sweet peas!
I didn't think they would grow down here!
But the website we buy our bulk seeds
from says they will, so... we'll see...


Not much else happening.
Life is boring when I'm working this much.

(Holding Kyle's hat while he took a selfie... lol)

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


 Yesterday (and all week as well as next week)
I taught both the morning AND the evening classes
on Zoom.

Between the classes Kyle and I went for a 2 mile
walk on the beach.
A "cold" front has wandered through the state
and it was actually a bit chilly!

And the ocean was SUPER choppy.

But we FINALLY got a good, talented, experienced
surfer who knew what he was doing!
We had a great time watching him ride the 
short choppy waves.

It was another beautiful day.
And he looked like he was enjoying it as well...

(And a Happy Birthday from several of my students as well!!!)

Monday, October 18, 2021

Happy Birthday Mom!

 Today is my Mom's birthday!

I wish I could be there to spend the day with her.
I'm grateful I got to visit TWICE this year.
Once in April and again in August.

I am so blessed to have her as my Mom.
She is always so happy,

She loves to be around those she loves.
And loves to make those she doesn't know
her good friends.

It's amazing to see the difference in their 
little neighborhood over the 5 years 
they have lived there!

Everybody in the community is now a friend!
They know everybody's name (and most of 
their families and dogs...)
There are cookie exchanges and "tea" parties.
It's gone from a housing development to a neighborhood.

Mom just can't help brightening everybody's day!
Her smile and honest caring is just so infectious!
What a joy and a blessing she is to everyone she meets.

I mean, come on.
Who doesn't LOVE this woman???

Happy Birthday Mom!

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Sweet Potatoes

 We'll get back to the trip later.
But for now...

Remember the sweet potatoes we grew for fun?
We LOVED having that green shade
out in the garden.
And the pretty purple flowers were a nice bonus.

Kyle is prepping the garden for our fall crops.
First he had to swath all the hemp.
I forgot to take a picture, but I'll get one
later of the compost pile...

And then it was time to get rid of our sweet potato vines.

He only did the first two beds last night.
(there are two more but they aren't as old...)

Not all of them are going to be edible,
some are clearly too old.
But there were a good percentage that are
the quality I would buy from the store!

All from a handful of sweet potatoes I bought
at Sam's and left on the counter too long.

They are now in the tack room, curing for 2 week.
And then we'll have to figure out what to do with
them next. They say they should be stored in
a cool, dry place.
So... not Florida.

I'm excited to EAT one!
We LOVE sweet potatoes!
(And I just got a yummy recipe for doing them
with chicken in the crockpot...)

Thursday, October 14, 2021

What A Trip!!!


This was our "chariot" for the trip to Logan.

Top heavy, SLOW, but the seats were a bit
more comfortable than the last Penske truck
we drove from Logan back to Florida...
So there's that!

We left early Wednesday morning and discovered
this truck had a power governor on it so that it
was significantly under powered.
Kyle said it didn't have enough power to 
get out of it's own way.
We weren't looking forward to the mountains...
Or the bridges.

But the flat roads of Texas should be fine.

It rained pretty hard leaving Florida, but Kyle was prepared
and had put brand new windshield wipers on before
we left. (He also polished out the foggy headlights...)
The truck had brand new tires, so it was kind of
"floaty" on the road until they got scrubbed in.
Once we got out of the rain we did ok.

Driving across the long bridge into Mobile, Alabama.

We listened to the Harry Potter books on Audible.
It really helped the time go by!

We also discovered the long, straight, flat roads in Texas
aren't actually flat! In fact there is a little bit of a 
hill to most of them and our poor truck couldn't manage
more than about 62 mph.
The check engine light came on just as we were pulling
out of Amarillo, TX on Thursday morning and stayed on for a couple of hours
and then turned itself off. 
We were glad to see that!
(Kyle pulled over and checked under the hood...
didn't see anything catastrophic so we just motored on.)
It's good to drive with a competent driver!

The rest of the trip was mostly uneventful.
Just SLOW.

We followed a house down the highway in
Mississippi for a bit.
He was even slower than we were, so we eventually
had to pass him.
But we made it...

Lots of cotton fields ready for harvest.

We started out early every morning and drove late every evening.
Averaged 14-15 hours each day.
And still took a full extra day!

Lots of beautiful countryside though.

Finally some elevation!
Not a "mountain", but not flat either!

Drove by Hole in the Rock on Friday.

Drove into the clouds on Saturday.


And more snow!

A terrible picture of some fall colors.

We FINALLY made it into Logan at 12:15 pm.
I know it was 12:15, because we went straight to
Enterprise Rental to pick up our car and they
were CLOSED!
They closed at noon.
We missed them by 15 minutes!
And of course they didn't have an emergency number.

We took the truck to the hotel and got checked in,
left our bags etc in the room and drove over to the
new house. Dropped off the truck, and walked back
to the hotel.

Logan River.

It was .68 of a mile so not a terrible walk.

And then after a bit we walked back over again to make sure
somebody got the truck and the keys (since nobody was
responding to our text messages...)
The son was there so we visited for a bit, got some
fresh apples and pears off their trees and walked
back to the hotel again.

Thank goodness for Uber Eats!
We had them deliver food to our hotel each night.
Except for Friday night in Price - they don't have
Uber Eats in Price yet.
And EVERYTHING was closed, so we ended up
walking to a gas station and getting some Hot Pockets
that we heated in our room microwave.

Stay tuned for the rest of the story!
It finally gets better!

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Getting Ready

We are getting ready to head out on
our latest adventure tomorrow.

Today we did another WalMart run,
got Kyle some new boots,
some chords to plug in all the electronics,
some food for Rod so he doesn't starve
while we are gone....
Oh, and some hair dye.
I'm now sporting my winter
"chocolate cherry".

Yesterday we did some house stuff and
then went to the beach.
Last hurrah before we head west to the
land of cold and possibly snow!

Kyle has been cleaning the truck and
getting it ready. It came with a sticker that
said this truck has been thoroughly cleaned and


He went through a LOT of rags getting it clean.
There were still bugs on the windshield!
But it's all clean now, with new windshield wipers,
clean headlights and "less" smoker smell inside.
I imagine we'll run with the windows open
for a good part of tomorrow.

All that's left to do is finish the laundry,
pack, and get a good night's sleep.

Utah HO!