Monday, May 28, 2018

Freedom Reigns

Happy Memorial Day!

While everyone is celebrating 
our Troops and the Freedoms
they fought for...

We are creating a catch pen and
chute for the cows.
(But with a thought for those who
sacrificed for us as we work...)

This is the new cow chute.
It is currently open on the front
end - into the sand pasture behind
the barn. But will eventually lead
to the trailer heading to, well,
"freezer camp".

Leading to the chute will be this
fancy "catch pen".

The gate in the middle swings closed a bit
at a time and eventually it pushes
them right into the chute.

Slick as a whistle!

Kyle has become the master of the
chainsaw - who needs to carry the
wood up to the house to the table saw?

The guys started it over the weekend
while I was out of town.
Thankfully Sub Tropical Storm Alberto
decided to swing out into the Gulf a little
more. We have overcast skies (so it's less
hot than it could be - and there is a nice
breeze to keep it more comfortable).

Rod did his research (as usual)
and checked out a bunch of pre-made
systems. They ran about $1900.

These guys are masters of building their
own AND making it better AND
saving us a bunch of money.

The animals are keeping an eye on
all the construction activity.
But mostly they are grateful to be
in the "green yard". They have been
locked out for a couple of weeks
while we rotate pastures.

And Beau is never far away...
Meanwhile, I'm on lemonade duty.
And now I'm supposed to be in the
house making lunch.

Better get to it!

Happy Memorial Day!!!!
And Thank You to all those who
have served and are serving.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Last Day & MORE Cow Fun & Games

This is my last day working at the Town.

It's been fun.
And fills that little void
that misses vacuuming.
You know.
You go into a room with carpet
and leave with nice little
vacuum marks showing 
you were there!

It was a mess.

And now it's all neat and tidy
and orderly.
And the Town Clerk
is SO much happier.

So much so that today I went back
into the fire safe and redid all the
books back there as well.


we had some little visitors to our
farm yesterday.
I ran over to the local feed store
in the morning before work so I 
could get some feed for the horses.
Since we can't feed the fermented stuff
to them. (The cows can eat anything...)

When I got back to the house,
there was an entire family of
Sand Hill Cranes in my driveway.

I'm pretty sure that's Dad
with the kiddos.
Mom was on the other side
out of the picture.

I opened the gate and drove through
and when I got out to go close
the gate, they followed me on in!

They wandered around for a bit,
and then when Kyle opened the gate
again, they walked back out.
Silly birds!

And then...

Last night Rod didn't have to work,
the 3 of us were out back,
having just fed our animals,
I went into the house to check
on the Country Style Pork Ribs
I had in the pressure cooker,
and the guys walked to the back
to check on the new grass.
(Kyle spread 100# of seed on Thursday
and its rained every day since.
It's coming up nicely!)

Glanced over next door and noticed
the cows were out.
And while they watched,
they all lazily hopped over the
"new" fence Brock put in yesterday.
Into the neighbor's back yard.

So they wandered over to see if
they could round them up and put
them back into their pasture.

Naturally, it turned into a "thing".
The cows ran up his fence line and
into his front yard.
The neighbor came out VERY angry
and had words with Kyle.
While I grabbed a bucket of feed
and went out the front to try
to get them to follow me back home.

They were doing so well!
And then another neighbor showed up
WITHOUT a bucket of feed
and freaked them out and off they
ran - back into the back of the property
again, where they split into smaller groups
and forced us to chase them back and forth
for... about an hour.
(And it was quite warm as well...)

By the time we got them close to
the hole in the fence so we could
run them back in, the hogs showed
up and decided they wanted to come
OUT the hole in the fence and have
some of my grain.

Rod really had his hands full keeping
the hogs from getting OUT
while trying to get the cows IN.

But we succeeded.

If only that were the end of the story.

We went through the hole only to find
all the cows were now happily in the
middle of the farm garden,
munching the tops off the vegetables.

Good grief.
(Meanwhile, when we called Brock,
he said he was just sitting down to his
birthday dinner...)

Kyle and I dashed back to our house
and he loaded up a giant round roll
of hay onto his tractor, hoping they
would follow the hay into the secure
front pasture.

Put the hay in the pasture, but the cows
decided the vegetables were better.
So Kyle got on our 4-wheeler and
herded them - yelling and zooming around
(*and tearing up the grass a bit... oops!)
and FINALLY got all of them in the pasture
(and Rod again did a masterful job of
keeping the goats and donkey from getting
OUT while the cows were getting IN.)

Meanwhile it was FULL DARK.

We still had to go back to our place
and get one of our extra corral panels
and wire it up to the fence in the front
of the property. There has been a large 
hole in that fence for... a year?

It was 9:30.
I went to Chick Fil-A and got
us all a chicken sandwich.
Put the ribs back in the fridge
(they are all cooked, but need
some BBQ sauce cooked onto
them in the air fryer, and some
vegetables, and some salad,
and I was DONE.)

Such is the life on a farm.
Never a dull moment!
It's fun.
And we love it.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Good Gravy

Good Ness!!!!
(As Kyle would say...)

This past weekend I was teaching in West Palm.
I had 2 other instructors "visiting",
learning how to use the new eRoster system.
Thank goodness!

When I got ready to begin class,
I switched my iPad over from
"register the students" mode to
"power point - teach the class" mode.
That generally means I tap an icon
and my iPad automatically connects
to my Apple TV and projects up on
my giant white board at the front of the room.

Only this time it didn't.

And I, being the NON-techy member of
the family, had NO idea what to do!
But luckily Carlos is a Tech Expert!
I handed it to him and he messed with it
for fifteen minutes until he got it to
at least connect - but looks like it will
never happen automatically again.


But at least it works.
It was a rocky start to class,
but we got through it.

The rest of the day went well,
until lunch time.
My Subway app was broken.
Which meant we had to go and 
actually ORDER.

First world problems.

Sunday started out well.
We decided not to mess with the Subway
app and just drove over and went inside.
Where they were SLAMMED.
But I work in a food desert,
so it's Subway or nothing.
(Well, McDonalds... but whatever...)

By the time we got out of there,
and dealt with all the other crazy
people driving in South Florida in 
the RAIN,
we walked into the classroom
ON THE DOT of 1:50.
Which is when class begins.

I walked in the room and said
"Hi!  Class is officially underway!"
And then fortunately I had two instructors
who could go around the room and
collect QR codes and signatures from
each of the students.
(A process you have to go through
at the beginning of each session.)

When class ended (it went well...
we had 24 students - a large class,
but lots of fun!)
we still had to do all the other iPad
nonsense to report the student's hours.

Because it looked like the entire class
was late, we had to put an explanation
note on EACH one. (Thank goodness
for copy / paste!)

But when we tried to finalize it,
we got an error code, 
it said the roster was locked,
and we would have to fix it later.


By then it was nearly 7:30 and we had
been at it for 12 hours.
We were TIRED!

One of the instructors lives 50 miles
north, right on my way home,
so rather than make her husband
pack up their 3 little girls and drive
down to pick her up, I just took her home.
But first I ran to the bathroom.

Where I dropped my phone in the toilet.
(don't ask)

So NOW I have no working phone.

I DID manage to get it to connect
to my car so I could use my map
feature (or I'd still be driving around
Port St. Lucie trying to find the highway.)
and listen to music.
But it couldn't hear me,
so I couldn't phone / text anyone.
I NEEDED some Piano Guys.


Which means I was up and out of the
house by 8:30 this morning,
heading to Sprint.

They sold me a new phone (upgrade)
since mine was never going to get
any better.

We got it all hooked up,
all my information transferred over,
and I headed out of there about 11:00.

I was headed to Town Hall,
but first I tried to connect it to my
car so I could listen to my book on tape
on the drive.

It refused to connect.
So instead of Town Hall,
I headed to the dealership to have Jim
fix it for me.
We messed with it for 30 minutes
(and had a nice visit)
and gave up.

Back to Sprint.
Where after much trial and error,
and You Tube-ing (is that a word?)
and then Googling,
it turns out the LG V30 does NOT
connect with Android Auto.

That would have been nice to know
2+ hours ago.

The salesman was really helpful,
we ended up bringing his manager out
to the car - he drives an Audi (basically
the same car as a VW)
and he has a Samsung.
His phone connected right up.

So back into the store to swap the LG
for a Samsung.  That was an adventure.

An hour later, I got to FINALLY eat
something. My reward for dealing with
phone issues is the Steak 'N Shake next
door. They have a really yummy little
jalapeno burger that I love, but I never
get it because I'm never in that part of town.

While eating, I decided to text Jim and
update him. But it wouldn't send.
I looked around for why 
and it turns out the phone wasn't 
activated yet.

Back next door to Sprint.
Ken messed with.
Finally it said it was done.

Back out to my car.
Where I discovered it STILL
wouldn't let me make a phone call.

Back into the store.
More messing around.
We texted each other.
We phoned each other.
We confirmed it worked.

I left.
I phoned Jim.
We talked.
I called my boss to talk about the
new eRoster and some issues.
Meanwhile I drove to Town Hall.
I got there at 2:00.
I worked until 4:00.

I came home.
Rod texted he was trying to call
but my phone went direct to voice mail.
I had Kyle stand next to me and phone me.
It went direct to voice mail.

I still had my salesman's number in my phone.
I called him at home.
I told him I was returning the phone.

He texted me.
I think I fixed it.
He called me.
Rod called me.
Kyle called me.

I'm going to bed.


(Oh yeah, the adventure continues,
turns out the corn in our feed got wet
at the mill and now all our feed
smells like... whiskey?
I really AM going to bed.
And Kyle and I are driving to the
feed mill tomorrow to swap it out.)

Friday, May 18, 2018

Feast or Famine

Seems like suddenly life has hit the FAST lane.

On Tuesday, when Kyle had a migraine,
I took him to the store with me,
and then we stopped by the Town Hall
so I could drop off my latest typing
project and the invoice.

While there, Debby (Town Clerk)
told me Dorothy, secty
is going to be out starting Wednesday
and running through the following
Wednesday. Would I be interested
in covering for her???

Sounded like fun.
They had a "small project"
I could do while I was there...
Dorothy only works part time
and Deb said she know I have a lot
of stuff going on, I could pick my
own hours. Mostly they just needed
somebody to answer the phones
so they didn't have to keep
interrupting what they were doing.

I said Sure!

Wed. morning bright and early,
ok, 10:30 (hahaha) I showed up
at Town Hall.  (Hey! I have stuff 
to DO in the mornings...)

Deb showed me how to use the
phones and left me to it.

They have two bookshelves there in
the front office (first thing citizens see
when they visit) that looks like a mish mash
of three ring binders.

Deb is a little OCD and really likes
things to be uniform, neat, tidy and 
easy for everyone to use.

We ordered a bunch more white binders,
I made up a master so all the spines look
the same, and made a front cover sheet
for all of them.

(Terrible picture... the town logo is 
under that glare...)

It looks a TON better now!

I worked on that all day Wed,
but ran out of books after only two shelves.
Deb gave me some typing
to do for her. (She said she would pay
both hourly to have me in the office
AND my regular "per page" rate for any
typing she had me do...)

The new books came in after lunch,
so it was back to the books.

This morning I took all the books off the
shelves and rearranged them giving us
an extra shelf to store more items.
And then I did some more typing.

I'm going back again next week for
a couple of days.
Nobody is quite sure when Dorothy is
coming back, maybe Wednesday?
Maybe Thursday?
We'll see.

I finished the first shelf.
I have another box of books and
a full bookshelf left to work on.
And there is ALWAYS more typing.

I'm having FUN.
And it's temporary.

(I'm typing this from my hotel bed,
while watching the finale of
Master Chef Junior.)

I'm training another instructor this
weekend on the new eRoster system...
Hopefully it all goes smoothly.
Normally they have an instructor do a
class with a mentor (what I did in Miami)
and then run a class on their own,
and THEN move on to training another
instructor. But we skipped the middle step.
I was sure I could do it.
Hope I was right!
(Looking at my bracelet with the 
engraved words "What If You Could?")

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

So You Want to Raise Cows???

Get a couple of cows, they said.
It will be fun, they said.

And then you come home from the store
and see THIS!


I just had to laugh.

Poor Kyle, though.
He started the morning with an ocular migraine.
He has been doing lots of reading lately
and I think his eyes were just tired.

Once he put his book down, 
it switched to a regular headache
and then, since he hadn't eaten anything,
it progressed to a regular migraine.

When we got home from getting him
some milk (and some other stuff...)
I found the cow.

Surprisingly, dealing with the whole thing
actually got rid of his headache!
(Or maybe it was the handful of various pills...)

First we tried luring them over to the
willow trees and pulling down branches
for them to eat. They LOVE willow!

But the little black cow is super skittish
and every time Kyle would reach for her
she would freak out and run away.

So then we brought them into the barn.
Closed all the stall doors except
for Andy's stall and they tromped
right on in like they had been living there.
(They've never been in the barn before...)

Kyle got the brown cow to let him pet her,
(we call him Dr. Doolittle)
and she would even let him lean on her to
reach over and pet the black cow,
but every time he grabbed a hold of the tire,
she would freak out.
A 12 x 12 stall with two untamed cows
probably isn't the safest place to be.

And we weren't getting anywhere.

Next he got his tractor and brought up
the old chute he got from work.
It's homemade from rebar and not 
particularly well built, has a head catch,
but that doesn't help because we need to get
the tire OVER her head...

He put it in the alley of the barn - crosswise -
and put the forks of the tractor on top and
added a little weight to keep her from
just knocking the whole thing over and
breaking a leg (or neck or what have you...)

Unfortunately there is a piece of steel at the bottom
of Andy's stall door, so the door to the chute
couldn't open - we ended up scootching it to the right,
up against the stall on the other side of the alley,
and then you open Andy's door one direction
and the chute door opens the other, 
making an escape-proof "alley" into the chute.
We also closed the barn gate for extra safety.

We opened the stall door and let the brown cow out.

She was happy to be out on the grass, 
but kept coming over to check on her friend.

Then we loaded the black cow and her
necklace into the chute.
It just BARELY fit.

She wasn't super happy about it.
She can really BELLOW!

There is a ladder built into the front section,
made a good place for Kyle to hang out.
He straddled the chute and tried to lift
the tire off her head.
It was pretty sketchy.
She kept raising her head and thrashing
it about, pinning his foot, or his arm,
or trying to unseat him...

Finally succeeded in getting ONE horn out,
but then either the other horn or her nose
was in the way and we couldn't figure it out.

We were contemplating calling Linda's
large animal vet (she sent me her number)
and having her come over and tranquilize
her so we could cut it off...
but then we got the idea to put a rope through
it to stabilize the tire.

That helped a little,
but not enough.
I was standing at the front of the chute,
holding the rope tight.

Then we added a 2nd rope,
which I was also holding tight,
so no more pictures...

That was better, but still not enough.
So Kyle got down next to her and added
a THIRD rope so the tire really couldn't
move and then we started popping
her on the nose to try to get her
to back out.

She hollered.
Kyle tapped.
I reached in with my toe and
popped her on the nose.
And Kyle nearly lost his hand.
Kyle tapped some more.
She hollered some more.

And then, after two and a half hours...


She had to back out of the chute
and wasn't happy about that...
but she finally figured it out and we
let them graze on the lawn for a bit
(until they got too close to my peach tree...)

They are happily back in their pasture.
And all the tires are locked up in a trailer.

On to the NEXT adventure!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Oops, a Blessing, and Kinda Bragging....

So last week while I was in Miami,
we were talking about the continuing education
requirements for the license we hold.

Since I was mostly BORED,
I thought it might be a nice idea to
check "My Profile" on the state's
website and verify that my CEs are
in fact due this November.

I was kind of surprised to find there 
was a giant RED notice that my
email address appeared to be wrong.

Correct... we closed that email last
October when I retired and we changed
internet providers at the house.

Generally that causes a $250.00 fine.
No fine.

And then my eyes scrolled down to a
line that said I had one unread message.

On my way to clicking on that,
my eyes scrolled past the area that
shows my current licenses held.
It said,
No licenses on file.


I've been licensed since the 90's!

Clicked on the message which said
this is a reminder that your license
will expire on 4/16/18 if you do not
get an appointment (job).

It was 5/6/18.
Missed it!

Strange they didn't bother to send me a LETTER.

Naturally panic ensued.
Luckily the lady I was visiting has a
very calm and level head.

We went out to dinner together that night.
She loves Red Lobster, and I had one in 
the parking lot next to my hotel...

On my way there, I was listening to Pandora
The Piano Guys channel.
Big surprise, right?
Just as I pulled into the parking lot,
still with that panicked feeling in my stomach,
Danny's Song by Anne Murray came on.
And out jumped the words,
"Everything is Gonna Be All Right!"

I love it when our amazing Heavenly Father
shows His love (and his sense of humor)
to give us those little messages we SO need
in one particular moment in a method we
are mostly likely to hear.
(This is the 2nd time I've gotten a direct
answer through music on the radio in a vehicle!)

(And thanks to that message, the feeling
immediately went away and instead of
laying WIDE AWAKE all night stressing,
I slept like a BABY...)


Fast forward to when I got home.
I researched,
talked to the folks at the State,
got finger printed,
and on Friday I sat for my State Exam.
(I took a practice test in the morning
and pulled a respectable 94%.)

Full of confidence (but STARVING)
I sat for my exam.
There were THREE questions that I marked
to go back and look at again,
but remembering "Collette's Law of Test Taking"
I chose not to change my answers.

The proctor was QUITE surprised!
She said she had worked there for the past
four years and had NEVER given out
a 100% score before!
She wanted to know my secret.

(They are SUPER strict about cheating,
I had to take off my jacket to prove
there was nothing written on my arms,
turn out the pockets on my jeans,
pat down my legs,
luckily my hair was pulled up so she
could see my ears, but I still had
to turn around so she could see the 
BACKS of my ears looking for blue tooth

I told her my secret was teaching the class
every month for the past 18 years.

"Nope", she said. 
"That's not it.
I've tested lots of instructors before."

I just smiled and shook my head.

I'm all legal again.

(Disclaimer - it is PERFECTLY legal in our
state to teach the class without a license.
The license is only necessary if you SELL
insurance - AND only if you are paid
by commission... But I feel silly teaching
a class on passing an exam for a license
that I don't currently hold.)

And now I have more insight into what
my students can expect when they go to test.

(Things have changed a little since I
last passed this test... 30 years ago!)

Friday, May 11, 2018


Maybe its because we own a graphics company
but I'm very aware of graphics I see on
the backs of vehicles on the road.

Sometime you just can't read them at all.

Sometimes they are pretty funny!

Sometimes they don't make any sense.

Years ago I followed a guy whose
graphics were advertising


I actually followed him into a 
parking lot and offered to fix
it for him for free.
Cuz what does that say about
you and your company???
(His friend did it for him and they
had already put tinting over it,
so it would be a THING to fix it...)
Poor guy.

Today on my way home from 
running some errands,
there was a guy in the next lane
over whose graphic said

got mack?


What on earth does that mean?

And then I smiled.
Cuz I've got "Mack".
That's my darling's middle name.

I don't know what the graphic meant...
but it made me grin.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Story Worth - What is the farthest you have ever traveled?

Since I don't have a passport,
my days of traveling far and wide
are probably over.
(And I travel plenty here in the
State of Florida
for various schools...
and sometimes around the country
to visit my family!)

But back in the day,
when we still wrote on stone tablets,
you didn't require a passport
to see the world.

Rod and I went to Jamaica!

It was a FUN trip!

It was our 5 year anniversary.
(For our 1 year anniversary
we took a cruise called 
"The Cruise to Nowhere")
That wasn't nearly as far.

Back then, you could gamble as soon
as the ship hit international waters.
So they had these cruises that just went
across the international border and
parked out there so folks could gamble.

However, there happened to be a shuttle
launch scheduled for that day - so they
went to somewhere we could see the launch
and parked (ok anchored) there instead.

The BIG attraction to a cruise
(if you don't gamble, of course)
is the FOOD!
But since Kennedy Space Center
and Port Canaveral are literally
next-door neighbors,
they had to clear the area long before
launch window opens.
Which meant we had to go out
EARLY in the morning.
Generally you leave mid-morning,
lunch and dinner are on the ship.
FANCY, lavish, yummy food.

But we got Breakfast and Lunch.
By the time we got back on dry land,
we were STARVING!
Hit the local Taco Bell at the first 
town (Titusville) we came to.

It was still a fun day though!

But Jamaica!
Now THAT was fun!

We drove to Ft. Lauderdale
(or Miami?) and caught a flight
to Montego Bay Airport.
SCARY STUFF that right there.
The runway isn't very long and it
looks like you are heading INTO the ocean.

Then we caught a bus to our hotel.
It was the week before "season"
so lots of places were closed,
but the up-side was that there was almost
nobody on the island.
Beaches were empty.
Restaurants were nearly empty.
Everything was still cheap,
before the giant rate hikes for "season".

We rented a couple of bicycles and
tootled all over our part of the island
for several days, enjoying the beautiful
beaches and lovely snorkeling.
All alone.

We had budgeted $30 Jamaican 
for each day's expenses.
But found we could eat for MUCH
cheaper than that each day.

Which meant we got to take a TAXI
and go out to dinner to a famous
sunset spot / restaurant
(Bob's Cafe or something... lol)
and have LOBSTER!

The sunset was lovely.
Warm water lobster isn't as good as
cold water (Maine) lobster,
but it was still delicious.
And the company was outstanding.

On our final morning,
Rod and I both looked at each other
and said "I'm ready to go home."
One day less and we would have been
sad to leave. One day more and we
would have been bored out of our minds.

It was perfect.

And a terrific way to celebrate the first
FIVE years of marriage together.

(Yes, that was THIRTY-TWO years ago...
see note about re: stone tablets...)

Monday, May 7, 2018

Story Worth - What were your favorite toys as a child?

What were your favorite toys as a child?

I remember getting Chatty Cathy
from Santa. And the challenge
poor Mom and Dad had explaining
WHY Santa left her BOX in the
kitchen next to the fridge (where
the box of powdered milk usually sat...)

I loved my Chatty Cathy.
Pull her string (in her back) and she
would say all sorts of things.
She was a fun doll.

And I loved my Francie doll.
Skipper was Barbie's little sister.
Francie was her cousin.
Grandma Hanna made her a bunch
of really nice clothes
and Aunt Karen tole painted an old
round topped lunch box for me to
keep her and her clothes in.

Mom had some ceramic horse statues
that were just the right size for
Francie to ride on...
we had many great imaginary rides
across the countryside together.

I also LOVED Janie Sander's
little playhouse in her backyard.
Before she moved, we spent
hours and hours and hours
playing in that little playhouse
and avoiding Reef, her giant
Newfoundland dog.
He was SIX FEET TALL on his 
hind legs and although he loved
his little girls, 
we were terrified he would eat us.

My favorite "toys" though, would have
to be my library books.
A new one every couple of days
from the school library and the book mobile.
I was always a voracious reader.
Still am today...

(I've finished TWO books so far this weekend...)
(I'm "in" class, but you gotta do SOMETHING
to keep your brain engaged...)

There were lots and lots of toys.
I remember spending hours setting
up the little plastic doll house furniture
Mom used to have from her childhood.
(I think they were her's...)
We didn't have a doll house, so we
just had an "open concept" house
LONG before it was popular on Fixer Upper.

Roller skates in the basement.
Swing set in the backyard.
The little brown shed made a great playhouse.
Hopscotch on the front sidewalk...

And although not a "toy",
we certainly  all "played"
the piano for at least 30 minutes
EVERY day.

Sunday, May 6, 2018



It's a beautiful flower.
We have a gorgeous,
HUGE plant in the front
of our house.
Kyle hates it.

I remember taking this picture.
I remembered I took it in February,
because that's when the bush flowers.
(The bougainvillea flowers all year...)
So I went searching through my photos.
Sure enough, I took this picture
February 23, 2015!!!!


(That had nothing to do with anything...)

The school I'm at this weekend
has really beautiful landscaping
and one of the things they have
are some beautiful bougainvillea!

They have multiple courtyards,
each one has 4 of these bougenvillea
... stands...?
(I've been doing insurance all day,
my brain is basically mush...)

I thought they were really beautiful
and also pretty useful.
It has benches (and could also have
a picnic table or whatever....)
But you get the beauty of the tree
as well as the shade.

I like the idea...

I took some pictures so I could remember.
Maybe someday...
(It would look REALLY good in our back yard...)

Friday, May 4, 2018

South Miami

Here I am...
in South Miami.
For five days.

When I check into my hotel room,
I never unpack.
I live out of my duffel bag.

But this time,
since I'm going to be living here...
it seems like forever...
I went ahead and unpacked.

When Soni came to visit,
she unpacked.
I laughed at her.

So, Soni, I unpacked.

It's a nice hotel.
With a Red Lobster and McDonald's
right there in the parking lot.
I'm set!

I'm learning how to use the new
technology for how to get my students
registered without paper.
(Except it turns out I need paper...)

We take care of that for the first
10 minutes of the class.
Then for the final 10 minutes we call roll
and do a little paperwork.
That's all I'm here to learn.
Which means I get to then spend 10 hours
in the middle listening to her teach
the same stuff I teach and have been teaching
for the last 18 years.
Except I LOVE watching other teachers!
This particular teacher is a kindergarten teacher
in her "day job"... which makes her pretty entertaining
to watch.

I have my computer open and am
jotting down notes of fun stuff she
does that I might want to incorporate
into my class.

There's a lot that I know I'll never
do - it's just not my style.
But it's still fun to see how other
people do the same thing.


(I also downloaded a couple of books
to my Kindle... lol)

Bet you're jealous!
My life is SO EXCITING!