Saturday, February 29, 2020

Truck Driver

We really got into a nice rhythm yesterday.

I back into the sweet spot,
Kyle loads my bed with 6 scoops
(all the truck can dump... its wet heavy clay/sand)
then I drive through the pasture to a
spot behind Linda's new house and dump it.
(Which requires BACKING to the pile...
I'm learning to back a vehicle using my mirrors! 
Only took 60 years...)

Then drive back to the sweet spot...
make a "tick mark" on my tally sheet
and do it all again.

I did a total of 30 loads yesterday.
Kyle came over with the skid steer and
spread the dirt out after every 10 loads.

Spreading dirt. 

Some of my piles.
And his "cat bird".
This bird followed him, back and forth,
the whole time he was spreading.
Looking for bugs... but no luck since this
is coming from the bottom of the pond.

We moved a LOT of dirt!

There's his little friend again!
Silly bird.

I forgot to take another picture...
but it's WAAAAY bigger now.

I left about 5:30 and Rod took my driver's seat
for another hour and then they called it a day.

He/We are taking the weekend off.
It's going faster than we anticipated
so we aren't going to push quite so hard
next week. Although he still has a TON
of work left to do - 40 more dirt piles to move
that he and Rod piled up on Thursday,
and 80+ trees to move, cut up, load up
and haul off to the dump.

So far, so good...

Thursday, February 27, 2020

New Job

You remember I showed you Kyle's new machine.
He has it leased for a month.

Linda approved his plan to take down 80
trees (which he did in the first day...)
(he still needs to chop them up and
carry them off to the dump, but they
are all down at least...)
and then dig a pond.
It's 80 x 80 x 8' deep
with an interior measurement of 50x50.

He will spread all that dirt on the
low spots on her farm that are
ALWAYS flooding.
That will really help.

Anyhow - that IS a lot of dirt.
So... he digs and I haul it off!

This was the very first scoop...

Inspecting the hole.

Hey, this is kind of fun!

My new office.
Rod came over last night and took
some pictures, but he didn't send them to me yet.

This morning I took Rod to his eye doctor.
His glaucoma pressure was a bit higher than
she liked, so he had a laser procedure
to release some of that pressure.
But although she said he would be ok
to go back to work in about an hour,
be was still kind of fuzzy and
didn't feel like he should really be
working on an airplane when he can't see
the tiny stuff.

But he CAN see well enough to drive
the dump truck.
And naturally he is WAY better (faster)
than I am... so he went to work with Kyle.

Poor Kyle will really miss him tomorrow
when he's got me back in the driver's seat...

The job should take about 100 hours or so.


Meanwhile, my booboo is looking pretty good.
I've been putting Bountiful Balm on it
to help it heal and keeping it wrapped
to keep it clean.
I get the stitches out on Tuesday.
Can't wait!
It's ITCHY!!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Well... if that isn't a riveting title...
I don't know what is!
Draws you right in, doesn't it?
I continue to amaze myself with
my writing skills...



Yesterday Rod had a re-check on his
glaucoma since the last time he was
REALLY tired and actually fell asleep
during the test.
They turned the lights off!
What did they expect?


He stayed awake this time and did
better, but his vision is still non-existent
in the lower left quadrant of his one eye.
They other eye compensates for it
so he sees fine, but when you test each
eye individually, its pretty apparant.

And then his pressure was up in that eye as well.
And was up a little last check as well.

It's been 10 years since his last laser treatment.
So his Dr. suggested we repeat the laser
and get ahead of this rather than chase it later.

So Thursday morning at 8:30 he is going
in for another laser treatment to release
some of the pressure in his eye.
She said since it worked well the first time,
it generally works almost as well the second.
And then the next time it will likely require
surgery - but this should hold that off for awhile.
Years, maybe.

Prayers would be appreciated!


"Stubby" greedily ate all his breakfast this morning.
(He dribbles, so I feed him on a paper towel bib...)
(Stubby is a good uni-sex name since we have
no idea of his gender at this point. We are going
with male, just because...)

Monday, February 24, 2020

Bottle Babies

There are actually TWO bottle babies.

Baby #1.
Turns out Rod hasn't been a big fan of
my "Q-tip" but is too sweet to tell me so.
Pearl (of the Trim Healthy Mamas) has waist
length BLACK hair, but now that she is nearing
50, she thought she should go with a softer color.
So she did, and cut a couple of inches off.
I thought it looked gorgeous, and she shared 
the brand of healthy hair color she used,
so I checked them out.

And then I showed it to Rod.
And he TOTALLY encouraged me to go for it.


Since I'm still not supposed to be using my arm,
I asked HIM (and Kyle in the peanut gallery)
to color my hair for me.

They got creative.

And then it was time to wait.....

I like it!
And more importantly, HE likes it!

Nobody at church even mentioned it.


Bottle Baby #2.....

On Saturday while the guys were finishing
putting the wire fencing on the new garden
the dogs found a couple of baby rabbits.
One didn't survive.
The other they snatched from the jaws of death
and put into the rabbit hutch.
The plan was to put it back where Mom could
find it that night, but we forgot.

We headed to Tractor Supply for a little bottle
and some kitten milk replacer.
We figure this little guy (gal?) is about 18 days 
old, which is how old they usually are when they
start leaving the nest and exploring...

Ignore my wrinkly face and focus on the cute
little bunny refusing the bottle.
After about 15 minutes he suddenly started
sucking for all he was worth!

And then he immediately fell sound asleep.

I got him out this morning for a repeat performance.
Without most of the struggling and trying to escape.
In fact when I opened the hutch, he ran right
into my hand. I think he might be lonely.
And chilly.

He fought the nipple for about 10 minutes
and then suddenly ate his fill
and back to sleep.

He/She is old enough to start eating solid food
so I'm going to pick up some pellet today
and put it out for him.
Still needs to nurse for a couple more weeks,
but by then he should be super tame.

We are going to keep this one and add some
more for our new breeding program.
We'll just pick up a couple of little ones
next month when Tractor Supply has them
on sale for Easter.
(Unless we can find a local breeder before then...)

We now have TWO bottle babies!

Saturday, February 22, 2020


We had so much fun last Friday
at the rodeo, we decided to

We very nearly froze to death.
Well... the Florida version of
froze to death.
But it was COLD!

Even the animals were feeling it.
The horses were feisty.
The bulls were RANK.
The calves were skittish.
And the cowboys ... they were just cold.

So the animals won this one.
There were only TWO scored rides
on the bulls, one of the first guys
out rode and scored a 59 with the option
of a re-ride.
So he took the re-ride and bucked off
at about 2.5 seconds.

Turns out he would have come in SECOND
if he had kept his 59!
What a bummer!!!

We like to sit on the end above the stock chutes.
We like to watch the cowboys handling the
calves and laugh at how its like herding cats.
(And know that we've been there and will
probably be there again...)

Bareback was awesome. Lots of good rides.
They were the most successful of the evening.
Even the barrel racers were off their game.
Nearly ever rider had a barrel down.
One even knocked all 3.
Poor lady.

But although many cowboys went home
without a paycheck, it was still a fun
evening with lots of great action.

This picture was before the rodeo started.
It was sold out, but this early there wasn't anybody there.
These were the children of the Quadrille Team,
just getting started in "horseback square dancing".
They did a great job.
And then the senior team performed later
in the evening and we got to see 
"how it's REALLY done..."

A fun evening all around.
And Rod's car has a great heater
(and heated seats)
so we thawed out and all was well.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Kyle's New "Toy"

Linda has been working with a guy
who has been taking down some
trees on her city farm.
He sort of did it half way
and then he vanished.

So finally they decided that Kyle
should do it instead.
But that means he needed to
lease a giant piece of equipment.

They delivered it to the farm this morning.
But he can't drive it yet.
Because he needs a $1,000,000 insurance policy.
And those are a little harder to come by
than you might think.

We HOPE we have it sewed up.
But we are waiting on that all important phone call.

He's excited to get started!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I Got a Boo Boo

Several months ago I went to the Dermatologist.
I had a dot that I wondered about.

He said it was nothing.
But there was ANOTHER dot next to it
that he was a little suspicious of.
And yup, the biopsy came back
squamous cell carcinoma.

But Derms out here in the Sunshine State
are rare as hen's teeth so they are BUSY.

The soonest I could get back in was Feb 18.

And yesterday that day finally came.

But it's just a DOT.
So I wasn't nervous or anything.

Yeah, whatever.

After like 25 injections to numb a huge
area on my arm, they moved me to
the surgical suite.

And then after more prep we got down
to business.

He opened my arm (no pain, but you CAN feel
EVERYTHING... and since I butcher my own
animals I had a very vivid picture in my mind
of what was going on...) and then he said
"Hmmm, this is a BIG cancer..."

Well, thanks!
You could have kept that comment 
to yourself...

An hour later I was finally done.

The incision is about 4 inches, vertically on my arm.
Yesterday the only thing that bothered me was
the vet wrap. It is pretty stiff and was pinching
my elbow and kind of making me crazy.

But I faithfully sat on my couch with my little
lunch box ice pack and a tea towel
(held together with a chip clip... hahahaha)
and it never hurt.

This morning I (carefully) fed the animals
and then got dressed to go into the Town Hall.
By the time I got there, it was kind of achy.
And since I'm not allowed to bend over,
workout, or lift anything for 2 weeks,
there wasn't much I could do there today.
I could type, but honestly, that didn't sound
like something my arm wanted to do.
So I visited for a bit and then came home again.

I'm counting the hours (48) until I can
take the wrap off.
And then I'll probably put another one on, but
I'll pad it with some gauze first... (grin)
I have some pretty RED vet wrap.
And maybe some green, and yellow...
I have a bunch of rolls out in the barn.
I'm gonna rock all the colors!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

New Garden

Kyle has really missed our garden.
We had one, and then turned it into the
chicken yard.
And then we took down the fence and
opened it up for cow pasture.

But he still misses the garden.

So last week he tore up the back yard
with his Cat, then rented a tiller
for a day and did a bunch of work.

Getting the posts started.

Can't decide if our yard is a parking lot
or a construction zone...

The men are working hard!
Luckily there is a nice breeze and its only
in the mid 70's today.
Not too hot to fence.

A couple of hours later and the posts are nearly all in the ground.

These guys KNOW how to fence!

It's a pretty big garden.
But we won't have any trouble filling it up.
There are only 4 raised rows...
They are putting field fence and then maybe a
row of chicken wire to keep the wild rabbits out.
We'll see...


The orange tree is in bloom
and smells AWESOME!
There were a bunch of bees out doing their job.

It's just a little guy,
but give it a couple of years...

The peach tree has peaches!

Even the loquat has a hand full of loquats!
There would be a couple more, but I let
the cows in the yard a couple of weeks
ago and they thought it looked tasty.
They have been banished.

Thursday, February 13, 2020


Kyle is home and the weather is BEAUTIFUL!
I was anticipating days and days at the beach.

But then he reminded me that I am
working at the Town every day this week.
(The receptionist had surgery Tuesday...)

I've been extremely busy.
Trying to get everything done in the
mornings before I head into the office.

And then exhausted in the evening.
Working is hard work!

But we HAVE made two trips to the beach.
Just in the late afternoon...

It's always windy...

We were both feeling good and walked and walked and walked.
We made it 3.48 miles! (round trip)
So I took a picture of the distinct tree to mark
our new record.
My hips were SORE the next day!

I met him down there again last night after work.
The beach was COVERED with baby
Man-o-War jellyfish.

They are pretty, but you had to keep your
eyes open so you didn't step on one.

We only stayed for about 45 minutes
but got in a nice walk and chat.

And now...
I've got to quickly eat my breakfast
and get ready to head to the Town.

But I needed to check in.....

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Kyle's Home

Kyle is home.

Along with all his stuff.

Luckily he isn't much of a collector
of stuff... because even this minimal
amount is quite a bit...

His couch and TV shelf are out in the tack room.

We will find places for all of it
until it moves to his next adventure.

But I'm not in a hurry.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Toasty Toes

I had a good class this weekend.
We ended up with 12 students,
which is a good size.

But I was TIRED by the time 
yesterday was finished.

This morning I actually slept until
8:30! Which is unusual in a hotel bed...
and then it was up,
walk across the parking lot to my
favorite little Mel's Diner for some
breakfast and then drive to
Rural King to pick up my feed order.

They still didn't have any beet pulp pellets.
Darn it.
Maybe next week.....

And then it was, turn on the Kindle to
read the last of the Harry Potter books
to me as I drove across the state.

When I got home, I unloaded the feed
that I DID get into their barrels out
in the barn and then went inside to
open the mail.

I got a present from Mom!!!!

It's chilly in my house tonight,
so I'm VERY EXCITED to have 
some brand new Toasty Toes!

Thanks Mom!!!!!