Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Welcome to FALL!

Of course,
here in Florida,
the only thing falling

Kind of hard to tell,

We call this Liquid Sunshine.
It's POURING rain,
but the sun is shining.
(If you look close you can see the shadows...)

Fall brings shorter days,
cooler temperatures
(84 instead of 92)
and pumpkin spice EVERYTHING.

Because the days are shorter,
I now get to bring you

Over the Indian River.

Pretty, isn't it?

If I EVER see a colored leaf,
I'll be sure to take a picture.

(palm trees don't have leaves)

Thursday, September 18, 2014


I washed eggs last night.
The girls might be finished with their
fall moult.
I got an extra 10 eggs yesterday.

Fingers Crossed!

(They have been slacking lately...)
We generally get 60 eggs a day.
Lately we've been running around 40.

I found another colored egg!

We are now getting 1 green
and 1 OLIVE!
It's a dark olive (when wet)
and quite pretty!

Anxious to see what colors the other
10 are going to give us...

We are planning to "harvest" more rabbits tonight.
We have 3 more males and one
useless female.

And then next week I want to do another
4+ females.  We have WAAAAAY
too many.
I'd like to keep 3 breeders and Bob.

But we'll see.

All is well.
Kyle is hoping to get on the road in two weeks.
He is getting anxious to move.
(He has been anxious to move for about 2 years.)
But now the time is getting short.

I'm just anxious.


Make it a good Thursday!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Funday Monday

I guess I was busy.
Just realized I didn't blog AT ALL last week.

But I'm here this morning.
(ok, technically it's afternoon...)

I taught the first weekend class of a
LONG marathon run.
I will be teaching every weekend
from now until Thanksgiving.
(unless something changes)

Class was GREAT - 9 students
and a re-train of a good friend of
mine who is coming back to the
teaching fold...)

I've been teaching at my new school
for about 4 months.
And we still don't have a locking cabinet
for all my junk.
There IS an older cabinet that belongs
to the school,
but it's full of random stuff
and it doesn't lock.

The guy who owns the office has promised
to empty it out and fix the lock.
For 4 months.

Sunday Rod was coming into town to
visit with his Dad, so Saturday night
I went to WalMart and bought a hasp
and a padlock.
On his way to visit Pops, Rod stopped
by and fixed my cabinet!!!

He showed up while we were at lunch,
so his noise wouldn't disturb us.
So thoughtful.
And he left me a present.

He made a sticker like this one for the back
window of my big black truck last year
for our 32nd anniversary.
Cute, eh?

It was pretty big!
(the students did too...)
Unfortunately, I had to erase it to finish the chapter.

What a guy.

On Monday, I took the day off to recharge from
the weekend of teaching/training.
Rod and I decided to start the day with a ride.

It was pretty hot, but PRETTY!
The trails are very overgrown.
This is what happens when we don't
get out there regularly.
I plan to get back out there and trim
this week.

The horses were both goofy.
They haven't been off the property
all summer long and forgot
everything they ever knew.


Rod has a TERRIBLE time getting CJ
to stand still while he tries to take pictures.

He did get a good picture of HIS view.
I love pictures with horse ears in them.

And then he got SNEAKY!

He just held his phone up over his head
and shot a picture going down the trail
behind him!
And it worked!!!
(Yup, Andy is SLOW...)

We enjoyed the ride.
Then Rod had a bunch of chores
he needed to do.
And I had a bunch of errands to run.
So we each went about our day.

Unfortunately, after running the
plumbers' snake 75' through the pipes,
making a trip into town to rent a
professional one,
nearly killing Kyle
(ladders, roofs, heavy machinery - not a good mix)
(thank goodness for the neighbor's tractor!)
they discovered they have no idea what is wrong.


And about that time, it was time to go get
the missionaries.  We had them over for dinner
last Monday.  As always, at the end of the meal
they asked if there was anything they could do to
help us out.
As always, we declined saying we had a good
handle on everything, except we need to butcher
some rabbits and get them in the freezer.

They immediately jumped on that and said they
would love to help out!

So we made arrangements,
and yesterday was the day.

We planned to butcher as many of the males
as we had time for (we have 7 or 8 males)
Ended up with 4 done.

The young men learned all about the process.
From shooting (they had to just watch since
they aren't allowed to handle firearms)
to hanging in the tree,
to skinning,

It went better than I expected.
I was surprised which one butchered
and which one declined.
Which one ATE rabbit
and which one tasted, but opted for chicken.

All in all, it was a fun, entertaining, and
enlightening experience.
They both agreed its a skill they may need
in the future, and both said they COULD
do it if they needed to, now that they know how.
But neither are rushing out to start
a meat rabbit herd.

(everything on our property comes in herds...)
(We have herds 'o birds, herds of dogs,
herds of rabbits, and of course, a herd of horses.)
(and don't forget a HERD of buffaloes)

All in all, a good day off.
(And there are 2+ rabbits resting in the fridge
ready for the freezer...)  We will "do" the
rest of them Thursday evening.
4 seems to be my limit.
At that point my hands start to ache.

Hope YOU had a great Monday!
(We took pictures, well, the GUYS took pictures)
(I didn't)
(And don't normally put those on my blog anyway...)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Green Eggs, No Ham

On February 28, 12 little girl chicks were hatched.
The next day they were stuffed into a box
and mailed to me.

The little yellow puff balls were Jumbo Cornish.
The majority of whom are already eaten.
Although there are still some in the freezer.

The little dark babies with stripes are Easter Eggers.

I have been very IMpatiently waiting for them to start laying.

And this week, ONE of them finally decided to start.

Aren't they cute???  They are kinda tiny
but definitely GREEN.
(My adult Easter Egger, Bunny, lays blue eggs,
but has been "on strike" for a month or so now...)

So, I'm anxiously awaiting the rest joining the fun.
Their eggs can range anywhere from light pink to blue,
green, or even brown.

One of my little black silkies started laying this week too.
Really funny torpedo shaped, almost white.
Didn't realize it was her until last night.
She was YELLING her head off when
I went in the coop to collect eggs.
There, on the floor behind the shavings bin
was that weird shaped egg, still warm.
Must be her's.
(Nobody else was in the coop...)
(They had all flown the coop...)
(Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)

I know.

So anyhow...  the girls are finally
growing up.
About time!!!!!