Friday, January 29, 2016


The phone rings.
The number is "unknown".
I notice it's from Texas.
I answer.
The recorded message says 
(insert ominous voice)

"The IRS has been trying to locate you.
This is your final notice.
The IRS is filing a lawsuit against you.
Call this number immediately."


So I called.
The call didn't go through.
I called again.

A man with a foreign accent answered
and was clearly reading unfamiliar
words from a script.

"This is the IRS.  Can I help you?"

I hung up.

The next day the phone rings.
The number is "unknown".
I notice it's from Washington D.C.
I answer.
The recorded message says...

"The IRS has been trying to locate you.
This is your final notice.
The IRS is filing a lawsuit against you.
Call this number immediately."

I am unimpressed with the "final notice".
For the second time. directs me to a website
to report the phishing.
So I do.

Not surprisingly I haven't heard anything since.

It wasn't a displaced Nigerian Prince.
But still.

I feel special.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

30 Years????

Ok, I know that Challenger
was a long time ago.

I was at work at E. F. Hutton.
And when I mention that, my younger
students don't cock an ear,
they say "WHO?"

We were in a glass building with huge floor
to ceiling windows.
The manager had a corner office
with these giant windows.
So we were all mushed into his office
to watch the shuttle launch.

Normally we go outside to watch.
But it was COLD that morning.

I was standing next to a new broker
who had just moved down to Florida
from New York, so this was his
first launch.

When the explosion occurred he said
"Wow!  That's BEAUTIFUL!  How
come it doesn't look like that when
they show it on TV?"

So many of my friends, family members,
co-workers, clients, etc worked on
the shuttle program.

It was devastating to our community.

We will always remember those pioneers
who, just like in days of old, head
out to the unknown to expand our horizons.
Sometimes they come back with stories
of wonder and awe.

And sometimes they don't come back.

They are missed.
And we honor their memories.

Shine on Challenger.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Stormy Weather

Storms come in lots of forms.

The worst sort of storm of all is the
emotional / spiritual storm when
there is GREAT loss.

Rod's uncle Ronnie passed away suddenly
Friday night.  He and his wife came down to
attend George's funeral last year and I got
an opportunity to sit with Ronnie for 
about an hour and chat with him.
Turns out we had LOTS in common.

His wife, Anita, had just recently retired.
They got to spend a couple of months
enjoying lots of time together.

He was such a loving man.
Within an hour or so of his death being
announced on Facebook, there were 
hundreds of condolences.
He touched so many lives and impacted
many many people for good.

He will be greatly missed!


And then there is the regular storms.
Those up north of us had to deal with feet of snow!

We even logged some snow in north Florida!

In our neck of the woods, it was cold.
(The rule is, there has to be a "3" in the 
temperature before it's officially cold.
Otherwise it's "chilly".)

We had some really stiff winds which dropped
the temperature to the point where Rod had to
put blankets on the horses.
(They don't "need" their blankets, but they are all
seniors, so we like to spoil them a little.)
They actually LIKE their blankets.

Rod got up on Saturday morning to see
the results of the winds.

Notice the fence.
On the right side of the picture it's sort of leaning.
In the center all the way to the left,
it's FLAT on the ground.

Moon Pie was innocently standing in her pasture
wondering what just happened.
CJ is happily munching on the cow's hay.
(Probably Andy is too, but just not in the picture)

And Sir Loin is on the other side of the back fence
eating the horse's grass.

The horses are in with the cows.
The cows are in with the horses.

Kyle was at work all day
so Rod had to put the fence back up
the best he could.
The posts all broke off at the ground.
So he sort of propped them up and
restrung the barbed wire.
A trip to Tractor Supply to buy 18 new posts
to replace the broken ones...

It took most of the day.

When he was done with the fence building
and all his Farmer MacGregor's chores,
he headed to the house
to take a nice hot shower.

And discovered we have no water.

Turns out one of the pipes on the house pump
had broken.  Kyle went out to the shed and got
some cleaner and glue and fixed the pipe
while Rod got some water from our food storage
to prime the pump.

Fixed and pressure back on.

Three minutes later it blew apart again.

The glue seemed to be old,
so Rod headed to WalMart to get some
new glue while Kyle re-cleaned the pipe.

They glued it again and then read the tube.
If the temperature is below 40, you 
have to let it cure for at least 6 hours.


Sunday morning about 6:00 Rod went out
and re-primed the pump and it seems to be holding.

Such excitement.
(I was out of town and missed it all...)

Today he is off work so he and Kyle can rebuild
the fence for real.  Scott has been living with us
during the week and I imagine he will be out there too.

And our hearts and prayers will be with
our family in Tennessee saying their final goodbyes
to Uncle Ronnie.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

House Calls

My employer just notified me to start watching
for payments for house calls!

House calls???

We're doing House Calls now???
(That's awesome, by the way)
(Except we are charging $410!)

Which of course, caused my mind 
to wander back to when we used
to be the recipients of house calls.

I remember Dr. Medlicot's house call.
(phonetic spelling)

I was sick.
In Mom & Dad's bed.
He came to see me in the evening.

The End.


I also remember being sick 
at the same time Rozann was sick.

We were in our bed.
Playing paper dolls.

She was sicker than me.
Mom came in to check on us
and made some comment 
(which I can't remember for the life of me)
that made it clear Rozann was sicker.

I was jealous.

I stabbed (ok, stabbed is probably
too strong a word... poked?  Remembering
I'm a little skinny wimpy under 10 year old kid)

I poked her in the center of the top of her head
with my grown up pointy scissors.

It didn't turn out well.

Aren't you glad I'm opening mail and letting 
my mind wander this morning???


Friday, January 15, 2016

It's Official

We had a really nice meeting last night
at the new Vero Beach Chapel.
BEAUTIFUL building.

The new high council and presidency
got together for the first time to
set everyone apart
and get their
first assignments.

There was a really strong spirit
there that testified that this is
the group of people the Lord
wants to lead this area at this time.

Meet our new High Councilman.

Isn't he handsome?

The blessing he received was really special
and unique to him and what he is going
to need to meet this challenge.

He gets to start off conducting the
Regional Conference down in the
Fort Pierce building.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Big News

Saturday was a big, exciting day.

I was teaching school out of town in West Palm.
There was a "special" Stake Conference.
Rod was attending the Saturday evening Priesthood Session.

He sent me a text saying our rather large 
Cocoa Stake was being split and a new
Vero Beach Stake was being formed.

Then he texted me and said he had been
tapped on the shoulder and invited to the
Stake President's office.

Then he texted me and asked if I was
available by phone at 7 pm.


Insert all sorts of angst and wondering
and reasons why I COULDN'T be
available by phone at 7...  lol


At 7 I called Rod.
He said the Bishop wanted to speak to me.
He handed the Bishop the phone
and left the room.

Our Bishop asked if I could support Rod
in a calling as a High Council Member in
the new Vero Beach Stake.
He basically said this is the call and 
honestly, I have little idea what the call
will actually entail.
I will be released as Bishop and have accepted
the calling of new Stake President.
So I'm kind of having a hard time putting
cohesive thoughts together right now.

(I love our Bishop / Stake President!)

Of course I said I would support him in any way possible.

Then he called Rod back in and extended the call to him.

Lots of people are walking around in a daze today.

I am SO proud of the growth Rod has achieved and
am so looking forward to the man he is becoming.

I am sure he would appreciate your prayers
as his horizons are expanding.

(The Bishop mentioned he understood Rod wasn't
really comfortable speaking in meetings and 
was confident with the help of the Lord we 
wouldn't need to take him out of the meetings
on a stretcher.
To which Rod replied TAKE ME OUT???
You're going to need to TAKE ME IN on a stretcher!)

Prayers are appreciated!


Tuesday, January 5, 2016


It's been a busy week
and it's only Tuesday!

it was a busy day yesterday.

After a full day at the office I needed to
attend a Town Council meeting at Town Hall.
My monthly committee meeting starts at 6:00.
I thought their meetings started at 7:00.
I was wrong.
They don't get started until 7:30.
Which was ok.
Gave me an opportunity to chat with the
town treasurer.  We've been used to walk
in the woods together.
But then we both got super busy.

And I got to chat with our new Town Administrator.
I'm REALLY impressed with him!

My committee started working on getting an 
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) restroom
at our trail head FIVE years ago.
(Well, actually six and a half...)
It took five years to win a grant for the $.

We FINALLY did everything right and won the grant.
Then we started getting the silly thing built.
(And it's actually delivered completely built - basically
a plug-and-play thing...)
But we had to do all the site prep.

It has been a year and a half.
We are STILL at the "on paper" stage.
(We are just a committee - no power to make decisions
or spend any money... we can only make recommendations)

The new Town Administrator was hired
the first of November.
He spent the first couple of weeks learning
about our little rural town.
Then he got down to business.

We had a three hour on-site meeting with all the
subs and committees and Pizza Hut.  (lol)
Then he took that information back to his office.

Yesterday he handed me a spread sheet with
a complete job timeline.
Starting today there is SOMETHING scheduled
every week.
The building is being delivered the first week
in March with final inspection the first week in April.

Somebody with a construction / management background
who knows how to communicate with the trades
and isn't afraid to stand his ground and get things done.

Last night's meeting went until 11:00.
*And I thought OUR meetings were long!
But I learned a LOT about our little town,
the people who are running it (we have a 50% new
town council and a new-ish fire chief) and a 
Mayor who was the Mayor 30 years ago!
(and has been mayor 4 or 5 times in the middle)
And a bunch of "good ol' boys" whose response is
typically "that's the way we do it here".

That's the way we used to do it here.
And if it still works, we'll keep doing it that way.
But if it doesn't work or if it's not necessary
for the good of the town,
that's gone.

I'm not a big government person.
I'm a Canadian Libertarian.
(Is there any such thing?)
But I believe in using your resources responsibly.
I don't care that we've always done it this way
because it's your brother in law and he 
needs the business.
If he isn't getting the job done (see above)
then find somebody who can.

I also chatted with our new Fire Chief.
He's running a "combo" department.
3 part time paid lieutenants and the rest 
are volunteers.
When he was hired, he did an inventory and found
no bunker gear (the clothes fire fighters wear) newer
than 15 years!
And we are sending people into fires in that!
He immediately started filing for grants and 
pounding the pavement for every dime he could find
and our entire department has decent equipment.
Not the latest and greatest
but SAFE.
His ENTIRE volunteer department showed up last night.
Every one of them wearing a "uniform" and a SERIOUS
case of PRIDE in their department.
As a previous volunteer fireman, I was so impressed by them!
(Chief said that for the first time EVER, we have a WAITING LIST
for people who want to be volunteers!  That means unpaid, AND you
have to have a Fire II training / rating which means weeks and weeks
of Monday night meetings before you even qualify to work for free!)

Our town has always been awesome.
But I see GREAT things on the horizon! 

Monday, January 4, 2016


Yes, I'm late.

It was Soni's birthday on Saturday.

Yup, she knows how to have fun!

We got a chance to go out this summer
as a family (minus Jim & Sabrina)
(SOMEBODY had to stay home and
feed the animals and sell all the V.W's)

It is always so much fun to spend 
time with Soni and her family!

Can you believe this is the ONLY photo
I took of them the whole time????

(In my defense my phone broke at the beginning
of the trip and just started working again
at the end... so I missed a LOT of
photo opportunities this trip.)

But let's be honest.
We have established I'm terrible at remembering
to take pictures.


Back to Sondra.

She is still as awesome as ever.
Her neck is giving her fits.
But she stays happy and upbeat.
She loves being a Grandma.
She has 2 totally awesome granddaughters.

She has a bunch of patients who adore her.

And a family who would walk through fire for her.

We all think she is pretty amazing.