Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Spring / Summer

We had spring for a minute there.
It was lovely on Saturday and Sunday.
A "cold front" came through
bringing a nice breeze from the north.

VERY low humidity.
As evidenced by my chapped lips
and static-filled hair.

But also temperatures in the 70's.
The guys enjoyed it.
(I was cold)

But summer is back now.
It's in the 80's today.
The humidity is a little better.
My lips are still a little dry
and my hair was a little wacky this morning
but I just came in from a break
sitting in my truck
and it felt pretty wonderful.

Kyle picked me a handful of posies
for Mothers Day.
We don't really "do" ____ Day.
(Mother, Father, whatever...)
We kind of do birthdays.

This year Kyle will be gone by his birthday.
I can't believe he is going to be 25!
Neither can he!

I might not have anything to do this evening.
I'm not sure.
I'll probably wash eggs.
If I can find some cartons to put them in.
I ordered some from Amazon,
but they are coming on a slow boat from China.
(Won't be here until NEXT week!)
Good grief.
Obviously NOT Prime eligible.
I'm so spoiled.

Tomorrow I have a quick checkup at the doctor
at 3:00 and then I'll run home to make
dinner since we are having the Elders over.
I'm thinking BBQd ribs in the pressure cooker.
Or pizza.

Ok, enough rambling.
Just wanted "everyone" to know I'm still live.

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