Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Kyle left this morning
to head back up to the ranch.
He had to stop and get a couple
of 55 gallon drums full of diesel fuel.
And then he was on his way.

This is a typical morning situation for us...

Excuse me!
They are drinking my swimming pool!

I did some laundry,
made a batch of chicken cakes
(like salmon cakes, but with chicken...)
enough for my dinner tonight and
lunch for Rod tomorrow.
And the next day.
And possibly the next day.
It made a LOT.

I still need to make the dipping sauce.
But I tasted one and it was pretty good!

I also made a batch of "Happy Bites".
They are super healthy,
but they taste like really tart strawberry
and coconut mixed together in a little
yummy bite.

And I put more drops in Beau's eye.
I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but he
seems to have accepted that I'm not 
trying to hurt him.
Helps that he gets a bunch of little
bites of bacon bits, then the drops,
then a bunch more little bites of bacon bits.

He goes back to the vet on Thursday.
Hopefully it's just the dry eye,
which will be inconvenient
(drops - three times a day for the rest of his life)
but better than some of the other
possible diagnosis they were kicking around.

Yesterday he was running around like
a goof-ball. Dashing in to get a bacon,
but dashing away again to avoid
getting caught and getting drops.
We were in the kitchen, with slippery
tile floors.
I think he slipped and pulled a muscle.
He seemed fine until time to go to bed.
And then he had developed a serious limp.
I thought his foot went to sleep!

This morning he was still limping a little,
but over the day it got better and better.
This evening he is perfect.
And trying to get me to play.
Better go throw his toy.

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