Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Look what we found Thursday night!

Kyle LOVED driving his big truck over the road.
He LOVED seeing this beautiful country.
*and he got to see some of the best parts...

But he HATED driving his big truck in the city.
A gazillion cars all going a gazillion miles an hour
switching lanes without signalling,
diving in front of his truck and then slamming
on the brakes to make an exit,
blocking him from making HIS exit,
signs and more signs and more signs

It was too much for him.

We are disappointed it didn't turn out to 
be a job he loved.
But we are SUPER proud of him for
listening to the promptings he was receiving
LOUD and OFTEN that this was 
dangerous not only for him, 
but for the others he was sharing the road with.

Congratulations Kyle on making the best
possible decision for YOUR life.

We love you!

What's next?
He doesn't know for sure - 
but really - who does?
(and meanwhile his previous employer is 
BEYOND thrilled that he is back...)

Whatever it is, I know it will be awesome.
Because HE is.

1 comment:

Rozann said...

Welcome home Kyle. Hope you find something that you DO enjoy and that you do super well (we know you will!) I'm sure your mom is happy to have you home too! :)