Monday, October 10, 2016


Monday, Star Date Oct 10
Columbus Day
Canadian Thanksgiving
Moving day 2

Day 1 ended with Mom, Dad and Rod
making it to Lethbridge to spend
the night, and with me making it to
Butte to spend the night with Aunt Karen.

I don't know much about th
Peeps, so I'll just update you on me.
'Cuz it's all about me, right?

Karen met me at the airport
and we went to her house
for a nice visit.
She took me out for a wonderful dinner
at a super cool old factory called
Cassagranda.  She had yummy salmon
and I ate the most delicious Thai chicken!
Then a drive around Butte to see some of
the old buildings in town they are
fixing up.  Great town!

We were both tired so after another chat
we went to bed were instantly asleep.
I slept like a rock in her sweet little
guest room.  Guess I needed it!

This morning the northern contingent woke
to snow on the vehicles, but powered through
and made it to and through the border.
There has been snow the whole way
so they have stopped in Shelby
to get fuel, maybe some cocoa and 
take a look at the radar

Meanwhile, Karen and I are enjoying a 
beautiful blue sky and a banana.

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