Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Santa Clause

We FINALLY had time to decorate
our tree last night.

It's been sitting, 
all pretty
and fragrant
and naked
for several days.

But last night Rod put the lights on
and then we put on the decorations
(*crazy puppy)
and garland.

We bought a REALLY bushy one.
Couldn't put very many ornaments
on it anyways.

It looks really pretty!

And while we were decorating,
Kyle was flipping through channels
and found The Santa Clause
(and The Santa Clause 2)
They were on different channels.
So every time there was a commercial
he switched to the other one.
It was a little confusing.

But Tim Allen is HYSTERICAL!
We laughed and laughed and laughed!

Still haven't seen White Christmas
or Its A Wonderful Life yet
so it's not officially the Christmas Season,
but we're working on it.


rktucson said...

We have a girls in our house (sorry Walt) so the Christmas movie around here is "The Holiday" with Jack Black. It's great! We watched it while decorating our tree. The boys get to watch the movie about "don't shoot your eye out!" and the pink bunny suit! It's THEIR fav!!!

Collette said...

I don't think I've EVER seen The Holiday! Might have to see if it's on Hulu/Netflix/Amazon Prime... I watched It's A Wonderful Life in my hotel room last weekend, so I'm feeling better about things... lol