Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Kitchen Stuff

Rod went back to work today
and Kyle went to work at the city farm.
(He now has OUR farm, Linda's city farm,
and in 2 weeks he'll be living at Linda's ranch...)
Not confusing at all...

This morning I got up and went out
to feed all the animals and then
came in the house and did a 15 minute workout.
(Day 2 in a row!)
Then I gathered up all the garbage from
the kitchen and garage and took the
can out to the street for pick-up.

Once I was done, Kyle and I headed over
to the feed store in his truck.
When he moves I'll have to arrange to 
switch vehicles with Rod now and again
(or I can use the Trooper, as long as I
don't need a round roll of hay...).

We picked up a beautiful smelling round roll.
Smells like fresh cut hay and is nice and green.
But it was TINY!
Half the size of the rolls we have been getting.
I also got the rest of the horse feed to last
us 2 weeks.
They are getting OLD and need supplements
to keep them healthy and keep weight on them.

I filled 3 metal garbage cans with feed.
(Rice bran, texture sweet feed and alfalfa cubes...)
Then Kyle hooked up to his big trailer
and headed off to the steel place to get more
steel for his house and then over to Linda's
to do some work over there.

While he was gone, I fired up my counter top
electric griddle (I LOVE that thing!) and made
a giant batch of on plan pancakes.
I ate three of them for breakfast (brunch)
and saved the other 6 for breakfasts for the 
rest of the week.

Then it was back outside to re-mow the grass.
I mowed the front and middle yards yesterday,
then Kyle came behind me and mowed the edges
*I'm not good at it yet and don't get close enough
to the edges... 
He also moved all the vehicles they were using
while working on his house, so he mowed under
where they all were parked.

This morning he took his truck and trailer,
so I got the mower out again and mowed
where those were parked.
Also the dogs were still in the garage in their
crates eating their breakfast, so while they
were gone, I opened up the dog run and
mowed in there as well.

Then it was back into the house to cut up
a watermelon I bought yesterday and
get it chilling in the fridge,
make a batch of "Skinny Chocolate" and
get that in the freezer,
clean up the kitchen and get the dishwasher running,
and then sit for a minute with my
books and figure out what's for dinner.

I'm trying a new meatloaf recipe.
It has caramelized onions and cheese on top
instead of the traditional ketchup.

We have some Vadalia onions in the fridge.
They are kind of like the Walla Walla onions
you guys are familiar with.
Flat and super sweet.
These ones come from Vadalia Georgia.
They are PERFECT cooked on the grill,
but its a pain in the neck to fire up the grill
just for onions.

So this morning I got two of them out,
put them in a little roasting pan with a bunch
of butter and covered them with some heavy
tin foil. Put them in my toaster oven
(I only use my real oven for Thanksgiving
and Christmas turkeys! My toaster oven is
big enough to fit a 9x13 pan! I love it!)

I'm going to see if roasting them in the oven
is a close enough substitute for grilling.
Probably won't be exact, but hopefully good enough.
(And I HATE cooking them on the stove...)

Yesterday I made up a big batch of pea salad,
we had it with country style ribs I boiled on the 
stove and then finished in the air fryer.
It was delicious!
But Kyle was looking for grilled onions to go with...

Now I'm sitting quietly,
watching a couple of videos from the Trim Healthy girls
and getting inspiration for what we are going to have
for dinner tomorrow.
Probably T-Bones on the grill.
We are getting closer to butchering the cows
and I still have several steaks etc in the freezer,
so we'll be eating plenty of beef in the 
upcoming weeks.
*I cut WAY back on cooking beef for a bit there
because I was afraid we would run out...


No pictures today.
They put in another window yesterday,
but the house is all closed up today and I
can't get the back door open by myself.

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