Wednesday, November 15, 2023

SOOOO Much Stuff Going On

It has been a whirlwind.
We are home.

But most everything is in Kansas.

Amazon has been making a LOT of deliveries.

We are learning what we can do without.
And what we probably could, but don't want to.

I think we are nearly there.

On Sunday some friends invited us for
breakfast for dinner after church.
And when we got there, they had
prepared a big ol' pile of
kitchen essentials - pots and pans,
silverware and dishes,
measuring spoons and cups,
a potato peeler (I didn't even think about
that one - and wouldn't until Thursday
when we NEEDED one!)
and a cookie sheet!

What good friends!

They were a military family and moved a 
gazillion times, and although they arrived
safely at their new home,
NONE of their stuff showed up,
usually for about 3 months.
So they learned to travel with the essentials,
and when they got there, there was usually
a "lending closet" put together by the
other military wives.

So, now Beth keeps her OWN lending closet.

We have been so blessed!

So anyway.
The past week (or is it two???) has been
a blur of getting back into the swing of things.
Monday morning I taught a zoom class.
Then spent the afternoon cooking, cleaning,
and something else, I don't remember.
Oh yah, I had to run all over town to
get insulin and pay some bills for a 
sister in the ward.
And then go visit with her for a hour or so.

Tuesday I spent the morning catching up
on all the paperwork, and then
over to Staples and Dollar Tree.
Kyle and I are taking the emotional resilience
course through the church and my manual
was falling apart. (Class hasn't even
STARTED yet... really poor job of binding...)
Anyhow, I took my book over and had
them put a spiral binding on it.
Also tried to get my teaching manual copied
so I could give a copy to the lady who
is taking over my Tampa class,
but they wouldn't do it.
It's copywritten.

And then back home to make dinner,
and then Kyle and I headed over to the church
for our first class (by way of the grocery
store where we picked up some cookies to share...)

It was a really good first class.
Only 8 people in the group - just
about the right size.

This morning I had a "mini" presidency
meeting (just me and my 1st counselor - 
the others work and I don't have time later
in the week to get together.)
Got some good things accomplished.

Then home to get Kyle - we headed BACK
over to Staples to drop off HIS book,
then to Barnes and Nobles to look for books,
calendars, and journals.
Then to Sams for more essentials
(toilet paper and paper towels mostly).
It has been overcast, chilly and raining all day
(and all day yesterday too...)
Perfect soup weather,
so we stopped at the grocery store to get some
velveeta for some broc cheese soup.
While we were there, Staples called that his
book was ready, so BACK to Staples,
and then next door to Dollar Tree to get 3 mugs
so we can have some of the hot chocolate 
I bought at Sams.
(I found a quart jar of freeze dried mini
marshmallows in a closet! SCORE!)

Home to make some soup,
some biscuits and some roasted potatoes.

I'm going to head off to bed early,
because I need to be on the road by 6:30
in the morning - need to run over to Orlando
for our annual teacher training meeting.
Then home.

Friday I'm teaching the morning zoom
and then hopping in the truck and heading
down to West Palm Beach to teach a one-day
class and do their final exams, so that won't
end until 9:30.
Sunday morning I'll get up and drive
back home again to be here for church at noon
where I "hope" to be released!
(Talked to the Bishop today and no promises,
but he's working on it...)

And in the middle of all that I have talked
with about 400 people on the phone,
solved a million problems,
counseled with a gazillion sisters,
and given a big dose of hard love where needed.
Self Reliance People!
I can't solve all your problems!
I'm beat.

I'm going to go have a big ol' bowl of soup
and then I'm off to an early bed.

There is MORE to tell, but I'll have to share
more tomorrow.
Or ... the next time I'm in front of my computer.

But, I'm still here!