Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rod comes home for Christmas

 YEA!  Rod is HOME for Christmas!  We knew he would get here eventually... but it was touch and go for a little bit there...  

He had lots of fun surprising everybody.  As he was pulling into Cocoa, he called his brother, Tim at the shop and while they were talking on the phone, he pulled in, parked and tooted the horn.  (ok, I guess semi's don't "toot", right?)  The phone went dead and his brother came running out.  They were happy to see each other and catch up on all the latest news.

Then he headed to the house - called Jim and said he would be there around 5 or 6.  What he didn't say was he meant 5 or 6 MINUTES!  LOL  Jim decided to go visit a friend, but as he was pulling onto the road, some idiot in a semi parked right in front of him!  Dork.  Then he looked up and realized it was his Dad!  Another fun surprise!

Next he headed to my office.  I had been waiting for him for about 3 hours and perked up every time I heard the office door open.  I finally got tired of waiting and was busy working.  Had a big pile of checks to total so was running the adding machine.  When I got to the end of the pile, I glanced up and there he was!  I nearly had a heart attack!!!  (My roommate thought it was hysterical...)  

Unfortunately, by the time Kyle got home, he was expecting his Dad - but the other day he got him good, so it was fair.  I was talking to Rod on the phone on the way home, but when I got to the house said I needed to hang up so I could call the boys to bring the dogs inside so I could open the gate.  He said, "Oh, let ME!"  He phoned Kyle and asked him to open the gate for him.  Kyle came flying out of the garage - only to find ME sitting there.  He was so bummed!  

Anyhow - here's a picture of his pretty truck, parked in  our side yard.  He got it all detailed before heading home.  It got pretty dirty running through the slush and snow up north!

Rod's 2008 Freightliner Columbia
fresh after getting a bath from his 8100 mile December trips,
 through out the northern snow belt
On his trip home he was lucky enough to get to spend some time with some other members of his family.  Got to stop in Jackson, TN and visit his cousins Sandy and Anita.  Got to take the two beautiful women out for lunch.  They had a great visit.  

Sandy and Anita joined Rod for lunch in Jackson, Tennessee on his trip
going to Mobile, Alabama.

Sandy and Anita
He also got to stop in Memphis, TN and visit his Dad's brother and sister-in-law.  Uncle Charlie, Aunt Jane, their daughter Leah and her daughter Lauren continued that tradition of good southern hospitality.  It's so great to have family who are happy to welcome him into their homes!  One of these days he hopes to visit everybody!  

Uncle Charlie, Leah, Rod, and Aunt Jane
at their house in Memphis, Tennessee

Uncle Charlie, Aunt Jane, Lauren, and Leah
at their house in Memphis, Tennessee
Rod waiting for a load in sunny Southern California.

Parked at a truck stop in Superior, Montana after an all night drive through the blowing snow.
We are SO grateful to have him home safely.  He got lucky and doesn't have to return to work until 01-01-11!  

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