Thursday, August 11, 2011

Food, Glorious Food!

Kyle is getting ready to go.  And, of course, as a growing young man, part of that means making sure he has something to EAT!  He has been slowly accumulating stuff over the last couple of months. 

Beans, corn, fruit, veggies, and the ever present Ramen Noodles.  Jars of spaghetti sauce, pounds of noodles and even more pounds of rice.  Black beans galore. Canned potatoes and carrots... and a really nice cast iron fry pan and dutch oven.  (And a regular pot for the other stuff...)

A nice new sleeping bag for the cold nights (goes down to 30 and he has LOTS of blankets), 2 solar power kits, a fancy new Yamaha generator, a big blue water jug and the world's coolest garden thingie.  It looks a little like those old fertilizer spreader things you walk behind, only it has MORE.  Two hoppers.  A little v-shaped thingie that digs the row, then as you walk there is a plate that turns and depending on what you are planting, at the right time, it drops a single seed, then the other hopper drops a little fertilizer, and the rear wheel covers it all over!  Sheesh!  That will come in SUPER handy since he is planning on a BIG garden.  (Oh and a stick that hangs out to the side and draws a line in the dirt for your NEXT row!)

Oh.  And last week he picked a rose for me from his plant right outside his bedroom window.  What a sweet guy!

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